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Everything posted by KarateK

  1. Good luck, hopt to see you around here sooner rather than later x
  2. Nope you certainly wont "pant puller"
  3. Awwwww I like you a little bit
  4. See unlike your unhealthy self we don't have them that often
  5. That I would pay to see
  6. I do like that!!! Maybe not exactly like this forum, but the thing about 1 person posting 6 months later happens a lot!!
  7. As am now a brunette - so am I!!!!!!
  8. We don't really learn them as such, they are not a staple part of our syllabus but they do appear in several kata. We tend to start more advanced moves at 5th kyu blue belt - in their second kata there is a jump and block.
  9. I know we have spoken about this Kez but I have the opposite problem, I tend to go on the offensive all the time, and as our marking system is different to yours (we dont go off points just an overall judge of the fight) I tend to lose points as I am not showing any defence. My point is that we all have our barriers - if you keep dwelling on this you may develop more of a block? Sorry to sound cheesy but practice makes perfect - have a word with your sensei and see if you can get some help x
  10. As a finale we usually have adults v cadets racing against each other doing lunge punch against a pad. Then once the kids have seen that the adults ALWAYS lose we get volunteers up to participate, then a bit of bribery with sweets for the winning team! We do all our basics, get the dan grades to do a kata, then the kids up to show that its not scary like the audience might think. Then around 5 couples do a variety of stick and dagger routines, focus mitts and sparring.
  11. Our main pizza eaterie around here is pizza hut or domino's. Why is it though that the pizza is always ten times better when you eat in at a pizza hut instead of getting a take away? Or is that just me?
  12. I noticed, I just didn't say anything because you intimdate me. BTW congrats on getting 1,000 posts. I intimidate you???? Little old me?
  13. Yeah its not nice to see him losing his faith - is becoming a rather wet character at the moment. And if this island has healing powers why is he still on crutches?
  14. Nobody noticed my 1000 posts And sorry bushido_man its true - generally you are the last postee when I log on x
  15. Noooo, dont want any more women! Am loving the shift in the Michael character though - considering how distant he and Walt were at the beginning he is now literally killing for him. And as much as I am jealous of it, Sawyer's character is becoming more caring - like when Libby dies he consoles Kate, he would never have let Ana Lucia get the upper hand stealing his gun after their rendevous like he did. Loving how the characters are shifting.
  16. Whats with this KarateK formality???? I met him briefly a few years back at an open karate championships held by the SKU - I didnt compete but a few of our dan grades did. Very impressive man.
  17. I personally only know of Sensei Stan Knighton from SKU federation, however I do believe there are several in England. Worth googling I think.
  18. We only use it in kata, not in kumite - although granted our sparring is light contact only. We practise it in focus mitt routines too though.
  19. Wow - Steve Forbes v Acevedo. What a fight, cant wait to see K9 next week. Is Steve Forbes well known in the US? He seems miles ahead of the other "kids" in the series. A tru pro
  20. Now I am usually a sequel fan - however I hope this lives up to expectations - Rocky 5 did almost quash my love of sequels - surely its better to end on a high like Lethal Weapon? It would be awful for people to remember the Rocky series based on this last film if it truly does turn out to be pants.
  21. Welcome
  22. more mind blowing than Sawyer with no top on
  23. No no no, you just cant diss star wars!!
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