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Everything posted by KarateK

  1. I take it it hasnt been explained how Walt appeared to Shannon, and in turn Sayid? Then again is anything ever really explained on Lost!
  2. Oh yes - don't knock it until you try it
  3. Thanks for trying S:)
  4. BBq chicken and sweetcorn - not very adventurous I know
  5. Try finding ANY shukokai kata!! Talk about mission impossible!
  6. Welcome
  7. What is the truth? Why do the others want those five? Oooooo whats happening where you are up to? The last ep I just watched was the Ecko/Locke ep. Intriguing - I would have been addicted to the screens though, like Big Brother I wouldnt be able to stop watching! Does anyone find out Sawyer and Ana Lucia had that thing?
  8. No we don't really do stuff like that. Its all abou the syllabus. We do special lessons on bunkai, bokens etc but the pre dan assesmments test your ability to teach and follow the syllabus.
  9. Stop it - my faith in you being the gospel is diminishing!!
  10. Is that Sohan admitting he is sometimes wrong?? Say it isnt so!!!!!! x
  11. Glad to have you Jiffy (although not pleased you forgot about me grr)
  12. Didnt like Libby or Ana Lucia so cant say am all that gutted. Hmm do I want to know how Michael gets busted?? YES OF COURSE I DO!!!! Tell me more
  13. Good luck nic!!!!
  14. We call them pre-dan assesments. Basically ours are intensive 4 hour classes which go through entire syllabus in great detail. They are intended to prepare you for your black belt grading. You must attend a minimum of 4 classes between purple (4th kyu) and 1st kyu to be elligible to grade to black. Thats why we have so few black belts at our clubs. We feel it takes a lot of commitment to achieve your dan, taking these assesments also adds to the proof of your commitment. They are absolutely exhausting though!!
  15. Welcome to KF James - you will find that KF is like Pringles - once you pop you cant stop!! How cheesy was that!
  16. What exactly are you trying to say about me Richard??? x
  17. Sorry I lost this whole thread after the thought of Sean Connery as Bond - swoon!
  18. Congratulations xx Am not jealous in the slightest!!!
  19. errmmm Karate (guess why) K (Kirsty) Original eh!!
  20. Ooooo Gheinisch come back soon - Michael just shot Ana Lucia and Hurleys girlfriend - whats that all about?????
  21. Kez you need putting down - you are as bad as me with your injuries, diseases etc etc!
  22. Gazunti
  23. Ahhh see I dont use that word very often
  24. arigato?? my spelling may be off - whats that?
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