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Everything posted by KarateK

  1. Extreme light contact in class and gradings(prevents you punching your best friend in the nose during grading supposedly - whoops!). Strikes to side of head, chest/stomach area. Kicks higher than the belt. For us its more about the blocks and defence than attack.
  2. Stop it - had my initial appt last week - feeling scared now x
  3. Was watching Bruce Willis' Friends episode yesterday - he doesnt change much as an actor does he? Cant help but love him tho!
  4. I would take the opportunity when he takes you home to do it your way - theres no point coming up with elaborate stories of gf's etc if you are not normally the type of person who lies. Depending on your relationship with him I think you will know the best way to let him down gently.
  5. Well you started it by not knowing who Riggs and Murtagh were!!
  6. Well if you had of leant me S2 Lost I might have said I would let you borrow Lethal Weapon - but no chance now!!!!!
  7. Kickboxer is one of those films that should never have produced sequels - the problem with Jean Claude is that you can watch one film with him in and think he is great - but you could not possible have a Jean Claude night and see different sides to his characters. He is too one dimensional. Give me Riggs and Murtagh, Rocky or John McClane anyday.
  8. Apparently so - cant wait. I kind of liked 4 actually with Samuel Jackson - the guy from Jeepers Creepers film (Justin Long) is going to be in it too. Not a famous actor as such - a bit of a teen movie guy.
  9. I don't have an untucking problem - its more a case of my gi gaping open at the front v - always wear a vest top underneath just in case!!
  10. Not sure if this constitutes a martial arts film? But anyway McClane is back - fighting a computer virus?? I love Die Hard, cant wait for Bruce Willis to don the white vest and "yippe ky yey!!!" his way to more death and destruction (although am not sure thats EXACTLY how you spell it!!)
  11. Oh I know exactly what to make of her!!
  12. Has fight three been aired in the US yet? Dont tell me the outcome but who is competing?
  13. Am going to quote that under every picture of me on the website!! Cheers
  14. Ooo actually we have Camelot theme park
  15. Don't beat yourself up - we all have our bad days - you have to learn to push through those mental barriers that are preventing you from achieving your goal. Now before you say that sounds like a lot of self-help nonsense, I recently went through something similar under pressure - you either go forward from it or backwards. Make sure its not the latter x
  16. Cant help but be human though! Its instinct to look
  17. See I probably never use them which is why I dont know what they are!
  18. Well its got me here, what else do you need?
  19. You should have had your belt on too, or your sparring mits
  20. Arent they your stomach muscles?
  21. I agree with Anonymous one - I think it sounds like an issue in need of medical advice (wheres ninjanurse when you need her LOL). If you train and do serious damage you know you will regret it in the long run. Do as you are told and go to the docs.
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