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Everything posted by KarateK

  1. Mines starting to fill up with bookmarks for xmas presents
  2. Good luck
  3. Noooooo how can they let Ecko go that way? I love him almost as much as Sawyer - he is such an interesting and scary character. How did it happen?
  4. Wow - didnt realise that, going to have to go re-watch it. How is it possible I didnt notice that?
  5. Has anyone seen a program called Martial Law? I dont know what the actor is called but he plays a character called Samo - OH MY GOD are his fights funny - proper Jackie Chan cartoon fights. Simply amazing!! Bruce Lee - Fighter Jet Li - Actor
  6. Welcome
  7. Welcome
  8. Does anyone else find that their bookmarks are full of MA links? x
  9. Hi guys - just a quickie. Have got my first physio session in the morning and my surgeon told me that I may be able to put off having reconstructive surgery on my cruciate ligament by strenghtening my hamstring? Does this sound plausable to you know it alls? x
  10. Unfortunately as we only allow light contact sweep kicks are not permitted during sparring. We generally have to practise against the pads. I know what you mean though Kez it hurt me too. I guess its like anything - practise make perfect. Plus dont focus too much on getting this sweep in during your grading - you may miss vital points not doing something simple that you are good at?
  11. Heres a tip for all women MA practioners (sorry is that sexist??). Do not get a pedicure done - last time I did I went bottom over head trying to do a mawashegeri against my sparring partner. Possibly amusing for anyone watching...not so for me on the floor!! Orion you will soon bounce back - am sure of it. And if anything knowing you your determination to succeed will push you through. Keep at it
  12. 2 island thing?? I read an article in cosmo this month - Jack was 1st sexiest male..... Sawyer 14th!!!!!!! Not possible. Anyway I really dont know what I will do regarding watching S3, I dont have sky at home so may have to rely on friends to download it for me. Gutted
  13. Its not all that popular a show here in the UK - was pushed back to one of the secondary channels and shown later than last year. Its a shame as I felt it was more real this year without the showbiz side that came with Sly.
  14. Silly thing - right pair arent we!!!!
  15. You will be fine, no worries
  16. http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=28685 Jiffy, Richard - Have torn my cruciate ligament - may need reconstructive surgery on it. Sorry to hijack bushido_man x
  17. Sohan thats disgusting - have just eaten lunch!!!!!
  18. It was actually my choice in my situation to regrade. I was told to return at 4th kyu and just train with some of the lower grades until I had regained my level of skill. Probably part of my reason for retraining was to prove to my senior grades that I was not just returning for an easy ride (our clubs are part run by my mum). I know several people who have come back into the club, welcomed at their previous rank.
  19. You are in the almost exact same position I was in 12 months ago. I got to purple 4th kyu when I was 11, last year at 23 I decided to return. I graded back from white (no double grades) and went through everything my fellow students did. I found it extremely beneficial to me especially now I remember all kata and combinations where a lot of my fellow 5th kyu karateka are stumbling. My next grade is back to 4th kyu where I started, however due to injury this has to be postponed. I hope you find your way - these guys are always up for a bit of advice giving so feel free!!
  20. Hey Brian, as you know I have had my fair share of injuries this year so believe me I know how frustrated you are x I am going to make you feel better now - I will quite possibly be out of action for up to 6 months, so it could be worse hun!!!!! Have a lazy one, only get back into it when you know for sure you are up to it. I brought the second injury on myself by getting back into training too soon, now look where I am. At the end of the day you have to look out for yourself short term to benefit the long term. Take care and REST!!!!
  21. Welcome
  22. Welcome
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