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Everything posted by KarateK

  1. Sometimes its harder to stay friends than cut all ties. I know everyone says they will try to, but it isnt always the best solution. And don't feel like you are kicking him while he is down - it wouldnt be helping him if you stayed with him and werent truly happy. That would only make both of you miserable in the long run. Try to make sure that he doesnt stay with you out of habit for both of your sakes. All the best anyway - I know its a cliche but you will get through this and come out happier on the other side
  2. All the best Patrick and all @ KF - hope 2007 brings everyone happiness and sucess (and lots of pressies from santa!!!)
  3. My small ones never work ie the giving up chocolate, but I do use new year as a sort of mental tool to go over what I want to accomplish this year. Although I am hoping the no bad men thing may work this year
  4. I really shouldnt tempt fate by saying this but so far so good, not had any illnesses (think my knee injuries have more than made up for it this year!) My madame is doing well too, so looking good, sorry to hear about your wife
  5. I cant believe mine is 8 in a couple of weeks - it seems like only yesterday she tore my world upside down by appearing!!!!
  6. Yeah was a really god night Kez - the kids always love it - especially seeing the sensei's all dressed up!!
  7. Oh dear
  8. What a great night we had - its so good to get everyone together outside of the dojo. Some really dressed to impressed and put a lot into their scary monster outfits. One of the young lads who recently attained his 3rd kyu brown belt won the achievement award voted for by all the sensei - I was so chuffed he is such a nice lad and is so enthusiastic about his own training - and in turn is a helpful young sempai. On a lighter note I was quite impressed to have received "most helpful senior" as voted for by the cadets - no bribery went on I promise. Anyway this is a link to the pics of the night - thankfully none of me YET!!!! http://www.shu-ko-kai.co.uk/pictures.htm
  9. I dont think I am treated too differently as I feel I have proved myself against many of the men in the club. I do however sometimes get frustrated with some of the slightly less agressive and committed women in the dojo - I understand they use karat purely as either a workout or self defence and this is all fine (oays the bills) however I worked hard to get the respect i have in the dojo and I wouldnt like to think that men lump all the women in together. On the same note I see some rather weak men also, I dont generalise and say all of the men are weak so I hope the same isnt done to us. Rant over
  10. Start the day at hom with my little one, flying visit to my sisters where my dad will be. Then off to my mums for rest of day. This year my uncle is coming up and spending the day with us with his 2 little boys. Most of our family is spread around - Bermuda, Spain, Bournemouth and Inverness so its not at all often we get together. I usually find xmas a reminder I am the black sheep of the family - with neither me or my little girl getting cards off a lot of my family. But such is life
  11. No more bad men Failing that Im going for world domination this year Cant go for the old give up chocolate - that usually lasts about a day.
  12. Hey sorry for not being around Kez - I know whow much you have been missing him, although am sure two minutes after he is back you will be tearing your hair out again with him Nah really I know its hard, you almost dont want them to have fun and miss you - as horrid as that sounds!!
  13. 24 going on 44 (at least thats how I feel when my 8 year old is around!!) I have the opposite misfortune - have been getting served in pubs etc since I was 13.
  14. Hmm - grading for my 4th kyu coming up Sunday the 17th!!! Arrgghh Now I am about 6 weeks or so out of hospital from the arthroscopy and subsequent discovery I have completely torn my cruciate ligament. Yes I maybe mad but Im going to give it a go. My two katas plus any other lower grade kata as decided on the day. 3 sparring sessions Ushiro-geri and crescent kick against a pad Lunge punch and urachen-uchi against the pad. Then 2 set combinations out of a possible 12 as decided on the day. Sixteen stance comination pre learned. Then 2 pre-learned combinations. I am expecting lower than my normal marks but I will be so chuffed if i get through this!!
  15. Am sure you will be fine, good luck x
  16. I dunno if i like this idea to be honest - its the term theme park i guess - they tend to characterise and could somewhat degrade his memory? Maybe Im just in a pessimistic mood today!!
  17. I am reserving my opinion until i see it - I am feeling the urge to go into a rant about too many sequels - like I say - will reserve judgement.
  18. I'm so resisting the urge to say its age dear
  19. Shiotsuki 1 -6 Pinan Shodan, nidan, sandan, godan, yondan Ananku Matsukazi Jiin Rohi - These are up to 2nd kyu Are all I know - but after that there are an additional 2 each grade you go up
  20. We have a few of us from our club going this year - missed out last year, gonna hire a mini bus between us - should be fun!!
  21. Ive been slacking of late with the old posting - but now have got broadband at home (which I installed all by myself thank you very much) I promise to behave myself and try to post more again - granted mainly on the joke and game threads lol
  22. Am sure he is thinking of you Orion x
  23. I cant believe you guys got through 3 pages without someone saying... "All I want for christmas is my two front teeth"
  24. Rocky’s wife, Adrian, dies before this movie, making him a widower. He reunites with “Little Marie” from the first Rocky movie (he walked her home, ), and plays mentor to her and her son, Steps (short for Stephen). Mason “the Line” Dixon is the reigning boxing champ, but he keeps knocking people out so fast that people think he cannot go the distance with a “real” fighter. Rocky decides he needs to fight again, so he gets a license. A computer simulation shows Rocky being the victor if the two fought at their primes. Dixon’s crew, looking to add drama and attention to Dixon’s career, approach Rocky for the fight; Rocky agrees. The two fight in Las Vegas. Dixon approaches it as a joke exhibition, but Rocky is serious. Rocky is knocked down twice (8-count, then 9-count) in the first round (may have been 2nd round, they went by fast), almost losing to a TKO. Then, Rocky knocks Dixon down for an 8-count. Next round, Dixon does a low hook and hits Rocky’s hip, causing Dixon’s hand to break. In the end, they both go the distance; Dixon and Rocky each earning both the crowd’s and the sport’s respect. Rocky leaves the ring before the winner is announced; he won just by going the distance. Dixon wins the split decision (95/94, 94/95, 95/94). Despite this, the crowd still chants, “Rocky, Rocky, Rocky!” In the epilogue, Rocky is once again standing by Adrian’s gravesite (reoccurring theme of an enduring husband-wife connection). He whispers “Yo Adrian, we did it,” and walks away, fading out of existence.
  25. We are given our black belts pre-embroidered - they have your rank embroidered on one tab, karate in japanese on the other - if you want your name on it you do that seperately. Mainly only the senior sensei's have their names on them though
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