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Everything posted by karatekid1975

  1. Congrads! I have won at most tournies by default (age and/or not enough people to compete). So I got a trophy or metal anyways (not proud of those). But this last tourny (and one other out of 6), I did earn it. I competed against BB's. There were 7 or 8 of us, I believe (instead of just three). The two red belts (2nd gups at the time, myself included) beat the BB's. I was so siked for that tourny, and I practiced a lot. So when I got 2nd place (for real), I was floored. I am most proud of this last trophy. Not that trophies are a big deal, but this one is (to me). So I know how you feel. Keep up the good work
  2. As a kid, I liked the karate kid movies (my screen name LOL). I fell in love with MA. But my parents couldn't afford to put me in class (I was like 12 or so). Then I fell in love with music. I played drums for about 8 years off and on. That had my attention for a while. Then I had a job as a campus cop. We did some self defense training, but I felt I needed more. So I hunted for dojangs in my area. I tried one. Mcdojang (except for one person who taught ... now has his own place ... Good luck to you master Kim ). Anyways, I found my TSD dojang, and I was hooked! The rest is history I am still hooked! LOL
  3. I didn't get many injuries sparring. Maybe just jammed toes, one broken finger, and my instep connected with an elbow a couple of times. I got most of my injuries from breaking. Badly pulled hammy, broken hand, and sprained foot (I still have a "knot" in my foot from that). I also tweaked my hip once, but I did that at work (carrying something heavy and twisting the wrong way too fast). It did force me to modify my training, tho.
  4. I own three uniforms for the three days that I train in TKD. And one Judo gi for jujitsu (I train once per week in that). I wash all my uniforms in the wash with Oxy Clean (no bleach) and detergent. I dry my TKD uniforms in the dryer, but not my Judo gi (it'll strink), so I hang dry it. Plus I have one other one someone gave me that I occassionally wear for jujitsu (black traditional mid weight karate gi). I wash and dry with the darks. I still have my TSD uniform as well (I wash it the same as my TKD uniforms). As far as washing your belt ... When I was in TSD, I never washed my belts. I was told not to. But since I have been in TKD, and I have had my red belt for a year, it got pretty dirty at times. So I washed it with the darks and hung it up to dry. It didn't hurt it none, and it's not like I'm "washing my knowledge away." I wouldn't recommend putting the belt in the dryer, though. I'm a nut about being clean. I shower twice per day (on training days and in the summer), and I just can't wear my uniform twice before washing it ... eekkkk. I sweat like a pig. That's the reason I also wash my belt occasionally. It got pretty smelly the first couple of months I had it .... eeewww.
  5. Thanks Jiffy. Maybe that's what it is. I feel a little "quilty" about it, I guess. I wish I can do more in Jujitsu, but it's only once a week. My instructor lives an hour away
  6. In our school, there's a BB from Isshin Ryu. He's good. You can tell he studied elsewhere. But he didn't train for a number of years, but he advanced faster than most (not a BB yet though). He retained most of his technique, which I admire a lot. But he had to learn our curriculum. I was just working with him tonight on our bo form. He will probably pass me in rank, but that's fine with me. We also have a few from different schools that were allowed to wear their BB's. But, like it was said above, they learned our curriculum and tested into our system. For me, if I change styles or schools, I don't mind wearing a white belt (I have an article on the KF article section about this). I wear a white belt in Jujitsu, eventhough in TKD, I'm a 1st gup/kyu. It doesn't bother me. But if I reach BB and move again, and the instructor decides that I wear my BB, it's up to them, not me. My Jujitsu instructor actually doesn't mind what belt I wear. But I choose to wear my white belt, eventhough I did wear my red belt once. But I felt weird about it LOL.
  7. I agree with srv. When I first started MA, I wasn't flexible at all. I couldn't even touch my toes. It took two and a half years for me to do even a split, and that was one side (right leg out) and I still can't do a side split (it's just the way my hips are built) after 5 years of training. But I can still kick people in the head. Splits don't matter when I spar. It's all technique for me. If I turn my hip over at the right moment, I can kick people in the head, but I can't do a full split (specially after the hip injury). But it still doesn't stop me. I almost knocked someone out with a kick to the head. Just be patient. It will come
  8. That's another one I forgot, Mr. Mike. I love to cook. I cook a lot of Asian stuff, though.
  9. Thanks Mr. Mike That's the type of "opinion" I was looking for. Nicely put, too.
  10. My dojang does too (dojo). I am flexible, to a point (can kick anyone 6' and smaller in the head), but big deal. Once you get to that point, it's not fun anymore. Do what works, dude. I don't mean to be a party pooper, but do what works.
  11. Hey all. I need help. I do TKD and jujitsu. I put this here, because I am feeling that I like Jujitsu more. Anyways, I've done kicking arts all my MA life. But I have found that I have fallin in love with Jujitsu (traditional). I am so close to BB in TKD, and I'm just a white belt in Jujitsu, but its enough to know that I love it more. I don't think I will quit TKD, but I got into MA for self defense, and Jujitsu is all about that. I found "my art." The one that fits me. I knew this a long time ago, but I didn't wanna say anything. But now, I'm looking for opinions. So let it rip folks Let me have it.
  12. I do have a partner. My honey and me do both arts together. So we work together often. If you don't, I would speak to your instructor, or do what you said. Visualize yourself doing the techniques.
  13. Ah, I forgot that. If I'm not training or working, my favorite passtime is sleeping. You can find me napping in the sun in the summer, or napping on the couch during a weekend day.
  14. I agree with P.A.L. Karate is usually (in some styles) about low kicking. I do a kicking art (TKD), and most of us can kick high. But My kicks have gotten lower because of injuries and such (specially my left leg ... bad hip). But it doesn't stop me. I could never get my side kick up there anyways. So, I concentrate on proper technique rather than height now. Try working on proper technique for now. Even if you don't get your kicks higher, it really doesn't matter as long as you can do them, do them properly, and effectively.
  15. I heard that before. Well, I do watch Fuel TV on Direct TV (skate boarding, snowboarding, wake boarding, shurfing, ect kinda channel).
  16. I call my instructor in TKD Master K, just out of respect. But he perfers "Mr." In Jujitsu, I call my instructor Sensei, again, out of respect. But I don't think he really minds what you call him, except late for dinner LOL. Sorry Sensei, I had to poke fun at ya Don't hurt me .....
  17. LOL. I heard Bristol Mountain is suffering too Bad year for ski mountains At least, in NY, anyways.
  18. In winter, not much. So I may go to Swain with ya
  19. John's right. I do TKD AND Jujitsu (traditional). And I agree that they compliment each other well. But, like everyone said here, be prepared to be the noobie. The two styles are simlar in some ways, but VERY different in others (I'm just a white belt in Jujitsu myself).
  20. LOL John. Yea, it happens hehehehehe. My most embarrasing thing that happened was during sparring. I think I posted this somewhere on here. But here goes. Almost lost my pants and my butt decided to make an appearance. I just yanked my pants up and kept going, hoping no one noticed. But my instructor noticed and said, "You CAN stop to fix your "equipment," ya know."
  21. Yes, they are I also heard the chest protector is gone too (I hope ... I hate them). Anyways, I have done point fighting, but not for tournies. I like the rules, kinda (the hand contact to the head). But I like the TKD full contact. If they would mix the two I may compete. BUT the reason I don't (in sparring) is because of biased judging. I seen it way too many times. Geng, I'm not sure about the "contact" or control thing in point fighting (like I said, I never competed in it, but watched many matches). It seems to me that the control is important. It also looked like you should make a clean shot (not hitting an arm, ect) to a scoring area with control. In TKD, trembling shock scores. But we don't stop when we score.
  22. For our association, we compete on saturdays, usually. But there has been a few sundays thrown in there. When I was in TSD, we had both saturday and/or sunday tournies. Neither really bother me.
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