Geez! I don't even have that many pairs of shoes! 16 years, you pick up a few gis. I have a total of 2.5 Tokaido (One Black Top, gave away the pants, two white uniforms) 2 Trimmed 14 oz Pro Force (one's almost done), 1 14 oz Black Pro Force, 1 12 oz Black Uniform. I've given away: Two 12 oz White Pro Force, 1 Trimmed Century Top I've killed: 3 Pro Force White Uniforms, 2 Pro Force Black Uniforms, all 12 oz. So in 16 years: 15 uniforms. That's why I'm poor. John I was actually lol'ng when I read this. i know exactly what you mean!! i don't mind when a gi slowly shrinks, or threads pull here and there, but on the whole itputs up a good fight. but it drives me crazy when a gi'll last me like 1 month, then the shoulder starts to rip, or one washing causes such a ridiculous shrinkage. That's why I only buy heavyweight uniforms. Never had a problem with my Tokaido. The 14oz HW from pro-force hold up better than the 12 oz as well.