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Everything posted by greenbelt_girl15

  1. Just one so far.The tambo.
  2. Okay so we aren't suppost to ask when our next rank test will be,but I've got a bit of a dilemma. I need surgery on my wrist to remove a ganglian cyst (again!) And my instructor had told me and the other green belts that he was going to try to get some one up here to test us by early spring since he is not a high enough rank to test us any more.Well that was two or three months ago and I'm trying to hold off having my surgery done untill after testing since I'll be out of commision for a month or two. Is it alright to ask my instructor when the heck we are going to be tested so I can plan when to has my surgery done? Or should I just wait for him?
  3. well, for black belt in cuong nhu the only extra requirement is assistant teaching. In my dojo we start a tiny bit of assistant teaching from around one green stripe.And realy start assistant teaching at green belt, I've even solo taught one time. once you get to first dan first aid and CPR training is required to pass your test. We arn't required to clean, we do it any ways just because
  4. Cuong Nhu-2 1/2 years Karate- 1 1/2 weeks
  5. Of course there are advatages to both boxing and MA, but for so people one will work better than the other.For example I study a vietnamese art that combines soft and hard techniques.I'm 5'4" and weigh 113 pounds and I find that it is way easier for me to get someone to the ground with a soft technique that something like a direct punch.
  6. I suppose that it could be argued that way, though I do not believe that it is true. Though I realy don't know anything about reiki I don't think that it can be used to heal those who are leppers or blind, and not those who are dead either.All of which Jesus were some of the miricles that Jesus did.
  7. Thanks for the explanation
  8. I've been assisting my instructors whenever they need it realy since I've been at two green stripes.8 months of assistant teaching is required before I can attain my black belt. Every now and then I get to teach class by myself or with another greenbelt, usualy when our instructors are out of town.
  9. $35 a year for two 1.5 hour classes a week.But the cost of our dojo is covered by our hospitals' nutrision and exersize accociation. looks like I'm pretty lucky.
  10. Right now I'm on Pinan Godan which corresponds with greenbelt two brown stripes. The order of our belts is: White, one green stripe,two green stripes, green, one brown stripe, two brown stripes, brown,one black, two black, black, ect...
  11. Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is Reiki?
  12. My greenbelt is looking fairly worn down, but only because it was my instructors before she gave it to me. That always makes it special.
  13. One we do for general strength, have a partner get on you back and slowly move through forward stances across the room holding 10-15 sec between steps.
  14. If I think about it and slow it down I can do it
  15. here's a good cardio game that we use. have the kids play tag and when they get tagged have them do ten push-ups before they can start running again.
  16. Does anyone have some good tricep exersizes? This realy seems to be a weak muscle group, espesialy with women and I would like to start strengthening them more.
  17. Thanks for the advice every one.It looks like only the son will be coming to classes now because the dad is working during class time.So I guess the problem is eliminated, if he does come back though I certainly have some good advice on what to do. Thanks.
  18. Wow! Looks like I'm the only one with no blackbelts in my dojo. My style is cuong nhu
  19. I've played piano for four years,and I'm woking on the chord harp.
  20. I just had some surgery done on my right wrist and I was wondering what exersizes I can do to maintain/build upper body strength since I can't do my usual push-ups,or anything else that involves my right hand.
  21. I'd been interested in the martial arts for some time and my mom had been thinking about puting me in a class, when some of my friends told me that they had started taking karate classes.I decided to try it out and fell in love with it.Since the only dojo in town is Cuong Nhu I didn't realy have a choice for styles.
  22. well I can't realy teach them at different times though if I cuold that would eliminate the problem. Any other ideas?
  23. I've got a bit of a problem.My sempai asked me to teach two new students over the summer,a father and his ten year old son.But it seems that everytime we're training and I am correcting the son on something the dad pipes in with his own advice,witch sometimes isn't very good. So how do I tell him that I'm the teacher and I'll do the teaching? What makes it worse is the fact that he's an elder in my church.So I can't just say be quiet and let me teach,can I.
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