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Everything posted by greenbelt_girl15

  1. My rooms usualy a mess too.But I know where things are Every now and then I get into a cleaning mode and spend several hours straight just cleaning,but then it takes a few days to figure out where I put all my stuff....
  2. I'm a high-school student, but I have a part time job at a dental clinic.
  3. I thought it was dumb but realy funny at the same time.you just gota laugh at the Rex-kwando scene
  4. I've been a Christian for 12 years and I've been doing some reaserch on Ki lately trying to figure out what I think of it .Is it a real force? Is it okay for Christians to use? What do the Bible say about it? Any input on the subject would be great.
  5. I guess I've never given consideration to this verse in context with the martial arts, but as a Christian martial artist I do not think it is wrong to defend your self against an attack.Even though our dojo is not Christian based we are still taught that if an attacker comes at us we should try talking or yelling at them first then only if the person continues the attack do you use martial arts and even then only to the point when you can escape from the attacker.I see nothing wrong with that.T he biggest issue in the martial arts for me is ki but that's a whole different subject. The article realy make you think. Thanx for posting it. BTW drithen your style sounds realy cool, wish we had a Christian dojo in my town.
  6. wow!You all sound great at push-ups.My best is 25 maby 30 but I have wrist problems that come and go, so part of the time I'm not suposed to do any push-ups at all
  7. Hi James! Welcome to Karate Forums
  8. Thanks for the welcome everyone! KF is awsome!!
  9. we've had the same thing happen in our dojo several times when one of our instrucers have been teaching us a kata and a student qustions them on a point that was taught differently by another instructer.The usual way this is handled is sempai says, You may be right,but for now lets do it my way untill we can check the instuction maual.This seems to work well. Hope this helps you
  10. My name is Royke Eblan and my title is Yor Isuzu of Naproxen
  11. Hi everyone! I'm KR from alaska and I've been practicing the vienamese art of Cuong Nhu for several years.Just wanted to say hello
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