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Everything posted by greenbelt_girl15

  1. Thanks for the info dtstiachi.
  2. I also go over scripture.It seems to help with trulely understanding when you just sit down and realy think about it instead of going over large amounts each day.Sometimes I practice deep breathing just sitting there feeling God in and around me.The feeling of true peace.
  3. Way to go dtstiachi!I'm a Christian to so I don't see death as the end but the begining,kinda like a passage way from one place to the next .In John 3:16 it says"For Godso loved the world that he gave his only son,that who ever belives in him will not perish, but have everlasting life" so for those who ask Jesus into their hearts there isn't realy such a thing as being truly dead. I do fear the pain my family will feel after my death, but I don't fear death itself.
  4. I also agree with aefibrid.The mind is truly amazing and even if there is no such thing as Chi healing if a person truly belives it then it will most likely have a positive effect on them.It's the same thing that happens during some drug reserch when all the people reciveing treatment think that their getting the drug but half recive the placebo insted.But if they truly belive that it will heal them the results can often be in their favor.
  5. Some of my meditation is for calming myself, but because I'm a Christian most of my meditation is on scripture because the Bible says to meditate on God's word both day and night.It's a wonderful way to wind down and spend time with God.
  6. I'm 15 and I do spar with my sempai now and then (he's about 50)But I don't do it to prove myself or beat up on him .Most of the time he is telling me to go ahead and hit harder.I realy enjoy sparring with someone who's my senior because it's a great learning experience. My advice is, if these guys are continualy hitting/kicking harder than they are told; Make them do push-ups!Okay so mabe that won't work every time, but some of the people posting have great advice.
  7. Hello!Welcome to Karate Forums!
  8. Hi there! Welcome to Karate forums.
  9. Forgive my ignorance, but what is Zhuan Zhuang exactly?
  10. Thanks for the help everyone.I'm getting there!
  11. Yah, thats realy what it's supposed to do but when I tried it I found that it was very useful for ballence also.
  12. Chaz-I agree with kchenault you better review your scripture.I don't recall such a verse.I'll check it out though I might be wronge.
  13. I was at the Dr. this morning and- even though it's fairly rare for my age - I was diagnosed with the beginings of osteoarthritis .I have it in my wrists and knees. I was wondering how many of you martial artists out there have arthritis and how you deal with it. Are there any excersizes that you prefere for releaving pain and stiffness?
  14. I have the same problem as you SanShou, I finaly stoped doing sit-ups alll togeather and started just crunches. Thanks for the link Ben, this stuff realy helps.
  15. I like drawing.Most of my drawings are done in black and white although I do a bit of work with pastels.I'm good at mechanical things like fighter planes but even when I try as hard as I can I can't do portraits. Unfortunantly I can't figure out how to put any of my drawings on this forum
  16. That's a nice sized boar KUNTA KINTE!
  17. SanShou- Yah, I guess your right about that, but he's still not compleatly turned to the dark side.
  18. My mom teaches me most of the time, but when I'm having trouble with my math we hire a private tutor. For the most part in the USA home-schooled means your parents are teaching you.
  19. Here's a simple balence exercize Begin from a standing position and cross one foot behind the other, then slowly rise up on your tip-toes.(if your doing it right only one foot will be on the ground)hold for a count of ten and then switch feet. Good luck!
  20. In Cuong Nhu it goes like this: White White w/one green stripe White w/two green stripes Green Green w/one brown stripe Green w/two brown stripes Brown Brown w/one black stripe Brown w/two black stripes Black After Black belt you get a red stripe for each Dan rank.
  21. Thanks again for the warm welcome everyone. I'm realy enjoying this forum.
  22. Hi! Welcome to the Forums!
  23. Hi! welcome to KF!
  24. Welcome! Hope you like it here!
  25. Welcome to Karate Forums!
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