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Everything posted by 1kickKO

  1. Is everybody gonna train with everybody else and share their thgouths/philsophies? Where would ya train? A dojo? home?
  2. It's all mental. Keep cool, calm, and collected..and most important of all, HAVE FUN! There's no point if you don't have fun. Remember, sparring is the easiest game in the world if you're having fun with yourself and your opponent.
  3. But it's true..just think how scary it is to know there are people who have probably actually started their own dojos from video training.
  4. Yeah..I'm not a big fan of TKD myself, love the footwork, but I like more street-based styles.
  5. ...you always have to practice your "moves" on your hunting dog scruffy.
  6. but it makes ya smell purrrttttyyyyyy
  7. Tradition does have it's effects on MA's too..people are drawn to that kind of stuff sometimes...depending on the person. Some people like the discipline, etc..
  8. Yep my kiai sounds like "hi" Kev(maybe a little more drawn out though...like "hiiiiiii" .
  9. Adrenaline shuts your mind down...bad for fighting...good for running.
  10. Is the Last Samurai as good as everybody says it is? I still have yet to see it.
  11. So what's the deal..have ya stayed or left the dojo?
  12. Yeah I've had many a armbar put on me, and once put in a good one..impossible to escape.
  13. 1-on-1 does have it's advantages and disadvantages.
  14. We've got time, hit me.
  15. That's right! There's the reason for my name..but hey it works doens't it? Haha just one good kick to the gonads works, unless the guy's really a chick, in which case you shouldn't be fighting them..but that's a whole dif. story.
  16. hahaha
  17. What about the kickboxer movies? Which one does everybody like? Personally it's 1 for me.
  18. Next time ya step inot a ring, bring a voodoo doll that looks like your opponent and start chanting in front of them..they should leave and you'll win by..uhh...I dunno what the technie thing is but you'll win.
  19. Hawkeye..the voices told me to sell a griled cheese sandwich on ebay with a picture of virgin mary on it for 6 million dollars.
  20. No problemo..good luck finding what you're lookin' for.
  21. Good luck to the both of ya.
  22. O Hayo- Good morning Kinnichi wa- Good Afternoon. Koban Wa- Good evening O Yasumi Nasai- Good night
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