Very nicestory thank you for sharing. Lots of passionate Martial Artists here. Grazie italian_guy.You also must be passionate, welcome to KF, sharing that passion makes it twice as much fun. We have a few things in common, especially with all the styles and systems in your avatar, such as: karate, Wing chun, krav Maga, Kickboxing, Tai chi chuan and JKD. Did you also practiced many styles? Which ones? Some of the style you see in the avatar were practiced for a short time (unfortunately) JKD and KM for a few months, TCC and KB for 1.5 years and goju for 7 years. Starting from next June I should have some more spare time in my busy schedule so I think I will do some cross training either with Tai chi (still yang style same school of my Wing Chun) or back to KM.