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Everything posted by 1kickKO

  1. Good luck and heal fast.
  2. So have you found a style that suits him yet? C'mon ya gotta fill us in on this kind of stuff.
  3. I dunno about judo taking jujitsu...judo does more throws than grappling.
  4. Wow that's insane.
  5. Go to tkdtutor.com and check out the other videos...funny as this one.
  6. Ahhh I wanna see that movie..how good is it
  7. Yeah everybody has heard something different...but everybody knows about karate that's for sure.
  8. Well since my nick was changed I guess I'll tell ya about my new one...1kickKO...pretty self-explanatory. 1 kick, you're down. (yes this includes a good kick to the gonads...hey it works doesn't it?)
  9. The only time I like adrenaline is when I have to run...hahahaha.
  10. Technique does beat power...I didn't mean to say it's all about strength, what I mean is compared to jujitsu, you need more strength..it is "wrestling" where ya have to wrestle your opponent for control...but in jujitsu the moves focus more on fluidity, transitioning, and balance for moves. If you can put all these together, you'll be one heck of a ground fighter.
  11. I love this ad...it does seem to be British, ahh but it's so funny..I found tons of funny stuff like this at tkdtutor.com.
  12. IF you can get a good edged one...that's awesome, but those things are hard to find.
  13. So many kung-fu styles out there...so hard to keep track of..haha
  14. Peeps ya have to promise to get pictures for us that aren't going..I wanna see 'em..
  15. Or you could just spar naked...but I don't think your training partners would enjoy that too much.
  16. Haha that's good, I can't stand "pounders"..people who try to use brute power when sparring me...I love to get those guys with speed.
  17. Yeah It's hard to tell...modern fighters have adapted to modern times, which is much more brutal than ancient times...so who knows...it's honestly hard to say.
  18. The writer of Alice & wonderland was constantly on opium...he also hints to that with the caterpillar smoking it...ummm...don't ask me why I just told you all that...my day is boring.
  19. Doesn't sound like a very good instructor, there's no other places to take TKD?
  20. Hmm...his cheek bone? I'm guessing a punch?
  21. Many people are the same exact way..what can I say, it's fun.
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