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Everything posted by 1kickKO

  1. I agree, you should talk to him and be honest about how you're afraid that it will interfere with his TKD training, but if he insists it won't then go for it, teach hima few forms, don't overload him but teach him 1 or 2.
  2. You could do numerous leg excercises, but liek eveyrbody else said, the best conditioning for your legs is time.
  3. We don't have a monthly fee, we just have a class fee of 5 dollars perr class..then of course our belt testing fees which are $25.00 plus $5.00 for the belt.
  4. Sorry gumbi not to confront ya or anything but there are many different styles other than just BJJ, and they do have many many tournaments...anywho, the only thing that really made BJJ popular was Royce and Renzo in the UFC and Pride. That's about it...other than that all jujitsu is great, and to answer your question jujitsu is believed to date so far back that there are no written records of where it came from, but it is believe that the samurais used it. Jujitsu consists of mostly grappling (ground fighting) and throwing, sweeping, joint locks, chokes, and mounts. It's a great ground art and when you're ona 1-1 fight is great, but if there is more than 1 guy about to fight you, it might not be a good idea to hit the ground...ya might get jumped. I practice traditional jujitsu and we do all of the above and it teaches you self respect, and all the good stuff that comes with any martial art. Good luck in finding a school.
  5. I would normally use a basic ogoshi.
  6. Glad you enjoyed it. Do you do any jujitsu or anything to compliment the throwing art?
  7. Of course! Wrestling is more brute strength when trying to take your opponent down, and BJJ is more on the technical side with armbars, chokes, locks, and throws....much moreso than wrestling. Actually any jujitsu system is good, and both will help you for each other. The only thing is, when you do jujitsu and wrestling, after doing jujitsu for a while, you find htat sometimes being on your back is a good position, and in wrestling if you're on your back you're screwed..haha so many differences, but they will definitely help with each other.
  8. Wow this whole topic has changed from helping somebody with his speed-fighting to whether you should be bouncy or grounded..haha what a fun board.
  9. Ah I see, open huh? Was the atmosphere of the tournament good?
  10. Yeah I agree, I have seen quite a lot of bickering out of all of those people. But it is television, whatcha expect? hahahaha.
  11. I agree, real-world conditioning should be used in most methods today, but unfortanately there are still many of those schools that practically just give out black belts like medicine to old people.
  12. I think it depends on who ya put together. Mas Oyama vs. Tim Sylvia, now who would know? Styles have changed so much over the years, but remember, technique over strength anyday. Now as for my dream match, one of the budweiser frogs vs. the geiko lizard.
  13. Or you could just kick the person in the nuts and run like a mother.
  14. Haha I agree with shorinryu..ya can't expect everybody to have a weapon, but even if so, there ARE weapons martial arts out htere...take the kalis for instance...a phillipino system...very useful and very traditional. How about Krav Maga? The Israeli army uses that for defense on the streets and weaponry.
  15. I wish I could but that would cost waaayyyy too much for me...that's a killer idea though. Maybe one of these days...it could possibly become an annual thing...once a year, that'd be awesome.
  16. I regret....Not studying a few more arts than what I have been, but hey there's still more time for that.
  17. Whoops, I left out great philosophies.
  18. I am definitely happy, great sensei, good assistant instructors, great atmosphere, great syllabus.
  19. Hmm..you should always try and wear safety gear and play it safe. A concussion is something you want to worry about hte least I'm sure.
  20. Nooo..those are electric fans...those could be deadly too..anybody ever take the plastic cover off one of those things and threaten to end somebody's life with it if they didn't give you back your twinkie? Oh..uhh..I mean...
  21. Or you could just chop off both of your feet and sell them for 2 bucks on ebay...hmm, somehow a little voice is telling me this idea won't work out.
  22. So just in curiosity, where do ya get that question from? Are yo trying to decide which nationality to marry or something? Or are there two girls that you like and they are either Japanese or Chinese?
  23. I agree, work on a few techniques to get them down pat, and execute them. It's always better to have 3 or 4 that you know will work than 50-60 that you're not sure about.
  24. Haha what do ya mean?
  25. So any info on talking to your parents about the idea of starting up again? Be sure to let us know what happens!
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