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Everything posted by 1kickKO

  1. And watch out for those "Navajo Indian Native Knife-Fighting Guide" kinda things too..those are just weird...
  2. Adrenaline can also be your worst enemy though, it's good if ya need to run, but if you're fighting it's horrible.
  3. Here's a question: How many people have "dojo-hopped" and ho many dojos did it take till ya found what you were looking for in the MA?
  4. But you'll have that, nothing you can do about it besides not support them.
  5. Fun is a key principle for me, self-defense 2nd, and fitness 3rd .
  6. I agree, then the lizard could steal the frog's beer and go drunken kung fu on the other 2 frogs.
  7. Hmm..for effective kicks just kick them in the nuts and run, if they're a girl...umm...kick them in the nuts too
  8. This has top be one of the oddest posts I've ever written, lol (no offense tuh anybody).
  9. Speaking of aggresive, I had fun at my last tournie. I was fighting this dude, and I swept him and the judges called yame and then he got up and started trying to plow in my stomach (lucky for that ab-doer eh?) and I just stood there and took it, the judges didn't even penalize him, I thought it was b/s but it was all good.
  10. I feel ya on that cold thing, 2 degrees at night here in Southeastern Ohio, but in Canadaland, man it must be freezing, you'd think it was summer here.
  11. If you show up to class with a john deer bandana on and a shotgun for a weapons kata.
  12. Man I feel for those UFC fighters, they take some mad blows to their legs.
  13. Gumbi, I know what ya said...I didn't mean to say that you were talking about no other styles have tournies...and yeah the gracies sparked it but now that they have introduced it into the UFC it's everywhere.haha
  14. So who all is in? I can't make it, but let's get an official count.
  15. Wow that's horrible...yeah that's pretty bad..I hate those types.
  16. Hahaha...well I don't do musical katas but I can't say that I would listen to country music while doing one.
  17. ...If you think kiah is something you do after you drink too much. ...If you wear a camoflauge gi ...If your dojo has monster truck paintings all over the walls instead of certificates ...If you If you swear that Jackie Chan is the name of something you popped the night before class.
  18. Some people just need to be hit once or twice and they'll go away.
  19. Just remember: Shotokan uses deep stances, whenever I fought shotokan fighters, they were easy to sweep because of hteir deep fighting stance (also completely noticeable in shotokan katas...weapons and open hand).
  20. Bloodsport Kickboxer The three ninjas The Karate Kid Rush Hour
  21. My sensei is a man and he is a 10th degree black belt in kaate, 10th degree black belt in jujitsu, and 6th degree black belt in judo, his daughter teaches and she is 6th degree in karate/jujitsu and 2nd in judo I believe, don't quote me on that. Anyways, my point? Nothing really, but I know she kicks some serious butt in jujitsu, and she is tough, and she instructs. So there's one more female instructor to add to the list.
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