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Everything posted by 1kickKO

  1. I bruised my heel too (I am a skateboarder, I definitely know about heel bruising..haha) just recently and they do take forever to heal. The only thing you can do is wait it out, and get some padded insoles or gel insoles to prevent from hurting them further.
  2. I would look into a real instrucotr, as there will be many flaws in your techniques if you try and learn from a book..but if you insist on learning from a book, at least get a video..but if you can find an instructor, get one;)
  3. 3/4 sleeve...traditional japanese cut, same with my pant legs, 3/4.
  4. I have the same thing and I have a heavyweight gi, but of course it stays in place more htan a lightweight..but my lightweight did good as well, it moved all the time, it's totally normal. Try tying those knots TIGHT.
  5. ...You've got those "singing fish" plaques all around the dojo
  6. Hmm...I don't know much about supplements..I do drink though a power shake and it does contain extremely good stuff in it, 1 glass of it will replace a daily multivitamin...and full of energy. It works..it's called "powershake"..maybe check on that? As for the supplements, you could just google that...
  7. Right on the dot, or else they just believe the mumbo jumbo and want to learn to take down a 647 lbs man in 3 seconds.
  8. Unless ya stepped outside and got nailed by a car then walked away then a vicious dog down the road attacked you and you were lifeflighted then your helicopter crashed....but maybe that'd be something for real tv...then you wouldn't have that much time, but until then..we do...
  9. If you're fighting, and you get a sensory overload, what will happen? You will either stop, or you won't think clearly..not the best thing to have happen while in a conflict.
  10. It's awesome to watch, but I don't think its great for the streets at all.
  11. Hey, I'm just wondering how many people really know this kata...I can never seem to find anybdy that knows this kata well..I learned it at karate camp and found it to be one of the funnest katas out there.
  12. Yeah but XMA is definitely not the best thing to learn for self defense.
  13. You could also just punch somebody in the nose as hard as you can..that always hurts...trust me.
  14. Tell me how that movie is.
  15. ALL the gadgets from 007 would be fun to play with
  16. Such as XMA- my biggest MA pet peeve.
  17. How's the weather in Sweden?
  18. Hmm...sounds pretty interesting...a good watch?
  19. Whatever you do make it fun for him...got any word of what's been happening lately with him and your style?
  20. Hahaha...yeah, it happens man.
  21. Yeah, the lizard can also drive, he probably squished those drunk frogs.
  22. Anybody practice any other type of jujitsu but BJJ?
  23. Time people, time will make strong legs.
  24. Actually I wish I had started sooner too.
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