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Everything posted by 1kickKO

  1. Haha you won't get attacked..
  2. Yeah, gotta tell us how you did with that kata..it's a good competition kata. Just remember, use power, and pause at some important movements.
  3. Hahaha, it's always fun to get the better of high ranks soemtimes and see the looks on their faces.
  4. Yeah it's a bit hard to get the hang of, but super fun.
  5. Oh well ya never told me that...couch karatekas are great for my system because htey help keep me in business, they are hte ones who like to watch my videos. Ok ok, I'll take 5 bucks off and throw in a bottle of my kungfurate water.
  6. Welllllllll...ok, I'll take 27 cents off, but I'm taking out taxes, so basically once I give you the 27 cent syou'll owe me back 876 dollars plus interest.
  7. Well it can take you 2 weks and 2099 dollars with my system..so buy it while it's hot.
  8. He's a pretty funny dude then..haha
  9. Of course, kenpo is a great art.
  10. ummm....sure....if you like broken toes and strained/toes..haha every time I walk ya hear "crack, crack, crack" from my toes...it's funny..
  11. Pretty cool how many animal styles are really out there..
  12. You know what sucks? When your feet get cold during winter, you can't feel them, they don't respond, and ya make one wrong twist and ...pop!
  13. I saw a video of a scoropion form..it was awesome.
  14. no idea...I don't do TKD, I just went their for the videos.
  15. Hopefully that'll never happen.
  16. I've been to about 4 now, going to my 5th one this coming saturday..they're just great...an all around learning experience...you meet so many new people and learn so much more stuff..I have went to regular tournies, then I went to nationals, now I'm going to compete at internationals here in June at Rome, Italy and Dublin, Ireland.
  17. Pshh...I became a black belt in 17 minutes.
  18. Nonetheless..fun to watch..it's cool seeing people beat each other to a bloody pulp.
  19. yeah that might not be so great.
  20. I'm wanting to say....saturday..yeah I'm free on saturday. 12:00 at the flagpole.
  21. Actually Ive been watching "Ultimate Fighter"...it's a pretty good show.
  22. Kata is fighting an invisible opponent, sparring is fighting one that's there right now.
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