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Everything posted by Shane

  1. Get ahold of a lot of material, rages shirts even sweat pant material can work, just dont go with anything as rough as jean material and cut it into strips then start packing your bag using something like a baseball bat to help pack it. Its going to take a lot of material to fully fill the bag so make sure you start saving it now. I have a few people currently saving all of their left over material from sewing because I'm getting ready to order a few fairtex banana bags (6ft) so thats a lot of material
  2. fairtex has some nice grappling gloves
  3. Check the internet for Juka brand gi's. The company use to be out of Washington and I visited them and got a few good quality uniforms. They have a nice heavy weight gi the Juka Gold, and their judo & jujitsu gis are very nice also and the price is not to bad. hey I just found the site. https://www.juka.com I think they are now located out of California
  4. Thats a interesting Statistic about police officers. I know when I went threw police defensive tactics they taught you just enough to get your butt kicked. And the best part is that once you go threw the short course, it may be another 6 months to a year before you get any review training at all. I know a lot depends on the different departments out there but I know that most dont have their defenisve tactics courses up to a standard that I would like to see.
  5. Some split for poor reasons others for rather good reasons. Maybe a system is lacking and not willing to add. Or maybe someone disagrees with a higher up. You know there are many reasons and like I said some good some bad. Either way I like to see a bit of a mix to make a well rounded program. Or I like seeing the traditional styles adding to better their programs but maintaining a high level of tradition.
  6. I little bit of everything makes for a well rounded fighter Stand up clinch work takedowns grappling strikes, kicks, blocks, elbows, knees, trapping, clinch fighting, throws, takedowns, locks, chokes, grappling, weapons training, weapon defense
  7. I dont smoke, but I do drink on occasion. I took up smoking before, while deployed in the middle east after returning to the United States I found that my running time had droped and I was having a heck of a time on my runs. So I droped that habit fast. I will say that a few of my students that smoke are currently trying to quit. Just the other night I had one tell me that they feel a lot better while working the mitts in our kickboxing class and thats only after being off the smokes for 3 weeks. I never drink during my work week because I need all the energy I can get to run my classes and I cant afford to be run downed at all, but yeah on the weekend Usally a Sat after training I might go home and have a few. Now when I make my own home brew watch out I like to enjoy more than a few of those!!!!!!!!!!
  8. DD, If your hurting you need to take it easy. And slowley get back into the game, but pay close attention to where you were hurting. A small injury can turn into a lifetime pain in the butt if your not careful!
  9. I had to also go with other on this poll, we train different variations for different situations and placement you may find yourself in.
  10. CRAZY, you passed out after hitting your dresser. Funny story!!!!!
  11. I have no clue on that, but you guys sure have an awsome mall up there!!!!! Good Luck trying to change that, You might want to start off asking questions at your city hall.
  12. I wouldnt try to force her to stay with the class, I would try a few different things to keep her interested but I'm sure you probably have already dont that. If she flat out wants to stop it, I would insist on her taking up another activity. I think its very important especially these days to have the our youth involved in positive activities. GOOD LUCK
  13. What is the most common style you find in MCDOJOS in your area? I know in my area I see a lot of TKD schools. There is a few good ones but then you have black belt factorys also! Let us all know.
  14. BEWARE OF THE MCDOJO Yes the black belt manufactures have been working overtime since the MCDOJO's hit the streets.
  15. The world is changing and its great to see the number of females signing up for more realistic training
  16. yeah I read about that! While Iam at the house I practice another method of self defense and thats GUN-FU!!!!! Its swift and effective when used properly.
  17. RULES????????? Watch out a lot of rules build bad habit!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Chokes Rock If you are attacked on the street and Choke your attacker out, get the heck out of there. You dont want to choke them out and then continue your beating process, thats when your looking at trouble. Do what you have to do to defend yourself and ensure that your going home that night and get out of there.
  19. I assume this was his Portland, Oregon seminar. My good friend trains at MKG seattle and he wanted me to head down to that one. I just could not do it with the short notice, but I knew I would be missing out.
  20. Pretty intense post, SevenStar said it best about a lot of it depends on the training methods. Remember the tenchniques that these martial athletes (as you call them) are using are mostly the same techniques as these traditional MA (as you call them) are using. Just trained in a different manner using different methods. Majority of these techniques came from the same place or happenings (battlefield and battlefield training) just now you see the different apporaches to training some intense some not so intense anyways I'm probably getting off topic so lets just say training methods have a lot to do with it.
  21. cool sounds but I could only listen I did not see anything
  22. This topic is a hard one because of the black belt standards out there. Some schools have a high standard and then there are those that have low standard and of course ones inbetween. I mean I knew guys who got black belts after about 300 hours worth of training stretched over about a 3 year period. Heck when I had 3000 hours of training I had not even had my black belt yet. So I really cant answer or give a % of who makes it to black belt overall, and my school is a very young school and we are years from having anyone get a black belt. interesting post
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