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Everything posted by Shane

  1. Fat Donkey if I took you wrong then sorry. Good Post Vito
  2. Fat Donkey must be one of those closed minded traditional folk who I feel sorry for sometimes. But dont worry I get over it fast! And for the record a good instructor inbeds into your head Situational awareness/state of mind training while covering all aspects of training.
  3. The Cane, Blade, Single Stick, Pocket Stick I quess any of these could be chinese hahaha they could be from just about anywhere but those are my favorites
  4. Well if your looking for a good training cane I found that canemasters https://www.canemasters.com has some good ones. They have a few for training purposes that open up the crook of the cane a little to help prevent injury during training. Your looking at canes from $19 - $300 so you did say you were looking for cheap but you might want to check these out. I bought an instructor cane from them and my sister has their standard cane both nice canes. I believe they might offer wholesale also, CaneMasters hand shapes their own canes they are pretty amazing
  5. Kickboxing is sport, BUT I beleive there is a lot that a person can benifit from taking Kickboxing for self defense purposes. Atleast in my program you learn hit and Kick hard you learn to knee and elbow how to fight from the clinch, how to throw an attacker to the ground we even cover open hand strikes and finger jabs in the later levels of the program to make it more realistic for self defense. When I teach a blade kick I teach it in a realistic manner(knee level) and then I show it for sparring purposes we raise it up. Anyways it kind of depends on the program, I would suggest getting out there and looking around.
  6. Well keep us updated but I hope your problem is solved.
  7. Hey I think you have a wonderful Idea. I've heard of another group that teaches Jujitsu at their church and as part of the belt ranking system they have to memorize different parts of the bible and also have a understanding of what they are memorizing. I liked that part of it because they are getting two birds with one stone, martial arts and religion. Anyways that might be an idea, Remember you should always be able to add to a good martial arts system just dont take away from it. GOOD LUCK
  8. Oh a military member I know moving around and trying to find someone who knows what they are talking about is hard. I had to leave my Head Instructor when I joined the Army and I continued training with a few different people but I never really could find someone who could give me something that I had not already recieved from my former Instructor. So with that I knew that I had a great Instructor and now that I'm out of the service and have my own school, I'm able to train with my first instructor again and we discuss martial arts almost everyday over the phone hahahaha. Now I'm getting off topic, anyways I'm glad to hear that you are able to find good training location while moving around
  9. We use an old tire for a few different things. An awsome workout with it to just lay it flat on the ground and get up on it into your fighting stance keeping your hands up and jumping up and down do about 10 to 15 jumps then switch your front leg to the back and your back leg to the front and continue your jumps keep doing this for about 2 minutes and trust me you will feel it in your leg muscles like crazy. Holding it while working kicks is great because its building strength and it throws your balance off a little so you learn to throw that kick from not the most comfortable position in the world if you know what I mean. If you have thai pads work that same combo and have your partner moving around so you can practice some footwork also have your partner throw in a couple extra punching combos inbetween. When your working the jab cross jab, side kick combo after you throw your strikes get back in your fighting stance and set up for a powerful kick. Waisting time with tip tap strikes and kicks is just going to waiste your energy and get you no where. GOOD LUCK
  10. For me the best kicking drills are done with a partner holding thai pads or a leg kick shield, but if your looking for some solo drills I'll tell you one that I like to do using my bag. Its nice and simple but is great for technique speed and power. With heavy bag First set for technique purposes, slow them down focus on technique 10 left thigh level side kicks 10 right thigh level side kicks 10 left rib level side kicks 10 right rib level side kicks 15 left side kicks, come down with right cross, left hook(rotate level of kick 15 jab, cross, jab right side kick (rotate level of kick) Repeat for second set at full force Another good workout holding an old tire above your head while practicing front kicks on the bag (I like having my students do this one after I have destroyed them with mitt drills)
  11. Shorin Ryuu Remind me not to contract with you to build my house okay. Just Kidding Everyone has their own way of thinking and doing things. I can see where your coming from but I also see where others are coming from when it comes to this. You could take a traditional art and get nothing out of it, if you have a bad instructor. You could take a Mixed Art and get everything out of it if you have good instructor. It can work both ways So Im going to say it really doesnt matter that much as long as you have a good instructor that understands all aspects of the techniques that are being taught and is good at passing that knowledge to his/her students. I'm sure a lot of people will agree on this, that a good instructor can make or break it.
  12. I dont think you should have even went up and talked to him, but to answer you question if he attacked you, only after you saying something to him then he would be at fault. Unless ofcourse he could prove that your verbal speach put fear into him. Him being a male and you a female is going to make a bit of a difference and harder for him to try and prove something like that. But in the situation you explained here he would most likely be at fault, even if you said a few threatining statements, unless of course your a complete crazy and went off the wall while talking to him and he feard his life so much that he had to hall of and defend himself hahahahahahahahahha its TRUE
  13. Whats Real Combative Arts Training? Okay Let us know what your opinion is on what is real (true) combative arts training. OKay very brief when I was in the Infantry we trained for combat. We trained with long range weapons, small arms weapons, explosives, beyonets(fixed & non fixed), hand to hand defensive tactics and ofcourse combat tactics to go with each of the above specialized training. So thats a full load of training for warfare, now lets put this into a self-defense training environment non military but covering the same areas. Long Range: Your Kicks, some strikes Short Range: Strikes, some kicks, Knees, elbows Trapping Range:Foot stomps, some strikes, knees, elbows, locks, throws takedowns, chokes Grappling Range:Ground Techniques Weapons defense: training against weapon attacks (several variations) Weapons Training: Training to use weapons To me all of the above needs to be a part of training at a minimum to be a real combative art. I mean anything can happen in a combat (self defense ) situation so you need to be prepared for anything and that means being very well rounded. LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK
  14. Hey everyone I'm wondering what you think of using the regular walking cane as a weapon. I've been training with it for awhile now and I find it very effective and a realistic weapon that is legal to carry. Ofcourse I have my other favorites, the blade, single stick, pocket stick but let me know what you think of the Cane
  15. The Cane, The Blade, Single Escrima Stick & Pocket Stick Those are my 4 favorite
  16. I dont see nothing wrong with mixing it up. I come from a school of Mixed Arts and we also had a traditional class. Both were awsome classes. Now this is my opinion, but I feel that mixing it up makes for a more well rounded individual and I keep reading about how you have to master one art before doing this or that. Well I dont believe that at all I believe you have to master the techniques within the art or style and you can do that in a traditional art or Mixed Martial Art. I actually find it easier to do it in a Mixed Art that does not spend so much time training on forms or one that does not train forms at all due to the fact that you are working the realistic technique over and over in a realistic way rather that working it in the form of a dance for half of the class. Anyways this is my opinion
  17. Maybe he seeks the gift of invisibility
  18. My child do not wash you belt, if you wash it all of your hardwork and dedication will be washed away. Trust me I washed my belt after about 6 years and I forgot everything. Not really but some will tell you that. I will suggest to look for a better quality belt.
  19. for sure check out the forum link posted by sevenstar I will say go check out any local Kickboxing centers that you may have in your area. I know some places use muay thai techniques in their programs. Muay Thai is awsome and it compliments any kickboxing program and thats one reason why we are starting to see muay thai techniques being used in all types of kickboxing facilities.
  20. POLITICS Its hard to get away from them but it is possible. You make a lot of people mad getting away from politics sometimes but it makes it better for you. I myself was lucky and trained in a non political school and now thats how I run mine aways a bit off topic SORRY
  21. The best thing to do is talk to your Instructor about it. The Instuctor can handle the problem in a professional manner, but if you speak with the mother she will automatically take it as disrespectful. so thats what I think you should do
  22. $190 per month and only $30 for friends and family thats crazy Obviously the word got out, so I'm sure most of his non family and friend students got out also
  23. If the problem does not go away then I suggest you go get it checked out just to be on the safe side. Take it easy on it, I have a student with a similar problem right now and I'm focusing her training more on hand techniques, and only a few leg techniques until she heals and if she does not then she's going to the doctors.
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