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Everything posted by Shane

  1. Like everyone else is saying #1 GET OUT OF THE WAY I know that you can get out of the way of everything and for sure you can block everything but if you have to block it, use both arms so the hit is not directly on one arm (like delta1 said) you also need to train like this, if you train tip tap sparring and go against a normal muay thai fighter whos training is way more intense then guess what, you getting hurt out there, you need to condition your body for these blocks. Your forarms and shins need to be well conditioned before getting into a real full contact match and heck your whole body needs to be conditioned and it comes with intense training and sparring. I mean be safe but keep it as real as you can good topic
  2. I cant really say which is better, I will tell you I'm not familar with those styles, but a lot of it comes down to a good school with a good instructor who is open minded. not the name of style
  3. I have no clue how to figure that one out.
  4. Shotokan was developed after the first Karate Kid film, its techniques are based on Danielsons movements and the teaching methods of Mr. Miyagi. The realistic fighting techniques viewed in the Karate Kid films is the basics of Shotokan. Not really Any Shotokan artists out there that can answer this question?
  5. If a technique use to work on the battlefield then your going to find it in several styles. Its only common sense that your going to see similaritys in some of the martial arts and for many reasons, but one of the main reasons for seeing similar techniques is because most likely it was effective on the battlefield. Ofcourse it not only the techniques that you might see a connection with.
  6. This is just one of those things that is so hard to train for. The best thing is intense training especially your sparring matches. Learn to control it the best you can during this training, if you find yourself one of those people who get angry from it, then thats the first thing you need to fix. Anger can get you hurt, to where having a little bit if fear works for you. Hard topic to explain in writting but good luck.
  7. I agree with the statement dont try to box a boxer. I have sparred guys who are great boxers, and I have pretty good hand skills but did not even want to slug it out if you know what I mean, so I used more low level leg attacks to enter, then delivering my strikes and out with another kick. Use your front kick almost like a jab to keep them at bay. Thigh Kicks are wonderful especially when they cant defend against them hahaha
  8. I only have 3 to 15 seconds to end a real fight, so I dont have time for your technique. If I go over 15 seconds I will be kicked out of my temple
  9. tommarker You train in a dojo with no ceiling? INTENSE
  10. No of course they should not do martial arts if the lord had wanted them to do martial arts he would have issued them black belts at birth. Just joking here, I dont see any reason why not it is everyones right to be able to defend themselves!!!!!!
  11. I forgot one! Our kids love this drill GROUND DRILLS Start them off running in place, then yell to the FRONT everyone should drop to the front, then yell UP, everyone is up, then yell to the BACK and you get the point mix these up a bit and then what I like to do is call each student up to yell out a few commands, it builds their confident level as far as being infront of a group and make them yell it. It works great for our class
  12. Yes the young kids tend to let their minds wonder hahahaha During some of the simple stretches/exercises tell them how hard it is, and in their response you should get a few telling you how easy it is for them and then the other can comment on it also. Its actually become a pretty funny joke in our kids class during the stretches. The relay races is a great Idea, I have them fetch gloves from one side of the training area and bring them back to the other side while being timed. Only the first & second place winners are announced and when asked who got last you just tell them it does not matter who got last now lets do this or that etc.
  13. ummm sound pretty good, I dont think it will affect your training that much especially if your really going to be having some chicked with it. You need that meat to keep going (atleast I do)
  14. I exactly what your talking about, but I have never seen this color for sale anywhere. I have seen some old Bill Wallace fights where opponents are wearing the yellow gear and it really catches the eyes. sorry I could not help
  15. I checked the site out but they still have not posted the info about CKD. I'll check back later to read up on. Thanks for the site
  16. go to https://www.superfoots.com there you will find they have a large selection of videos.
  17. Depending on the school ofcourse You will be surprised at how quickly your skills advance while training Muay Thai. Like I said up top it all depends on the schools, but you will find that your spending more time training on on your actual fighting techniques than other areas that some martial arts focus more on. Just two days ago I had a new student in my class, he said to me that he really liked the class because we cut straight to the point. So I hope you find a good Muay Thai class that trains like that. Have Fun and expect to get into good shape, be very sore at first and have bruised shins while starting off
  18. I thought mantisboxer was leading this seminar
  19. I didnt know that he was a house guest of Mr. Parker thanks for the info
  20. Your going to want something thats well rounded meaning that teaches you all aspects of a self defense situation. Look into some mixed martial art schools, jujitsu schools, BJJ schools. Your going to want to know how to get down and dirty if you have to, but you also need to remember that your using this as part of your job so you want to be able to handle these people with the minimum amount of force to get the job done. Make sure that the school you find focuses a lot on stand up techniques as well as the ground. Trust me you need to know ground techniques but if you can get the job done standing up then thats even better, especially in your line of work where they probably have friends with them and there is abviously other people around so you dont want to end up on the ground. good luck
  21. Dont let them get you for that, you might think its something little but copyrights laws are there for a reason
  22. I agree it all depends on the schools, and training methods but I have not seen many TKD schools that train very realistic and like someone else said thats due to the fact that they are training for more sport now. Anyways I dont agree with it but thats only me.
  23. First it is just so fun for me, and then of course your getting your body in good shape (while having fun), and the self defense benifits are a major plus. Italian guy pretty much said it all
  24. YOU ALL CRAZY I had my Black Belt at age 6, and then did not set foot in a dojo for 20 years, and now I have my own school. Just Kidding Okay so a belt is a symbal of rank, but now days became more to a lot of us and is looked at different by the public. So a lot of responsibilities come with holding the black belt rank. I agree with children in the martial arts, I agree with children in the belt system, but I do not agree with children in an identical belt system as adults. Due to the fact that if I have a 20 year old and a 6 year old, most of the time the 20 year old will grasp the concept behind the techniques and the techniuqes themselves a lot quicker than the 6 year old. I have seen some schools or even systems for that matter that have different requirements for children and then only offer a low black belt rank until the reach a certian age, normally 16. I like that method
  25. What is this world coming to when you cant even beat a child without having some paper write up an article on you and show the world. Lets remember that there are some pretty bad schools out there with instructors who should not even be allowed around children. I have seen a lot of schools go off of the negative aspects of each students training, I find you get better results by going off of the positive. I'm not even going to get into explaining it but for those of you who use this method as an instructor or who has an instructor that uses it YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
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