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Everything posted by Shane

  1. If you enjoy what your doing now and you feel it is realistic towards self defense then I would not venture out for awhile. You really need to build a base foundation before heading out there and adding more. So if you plan on sticking with your current style then stay there for sometime and once you develop your foundation then you should venture out to get more. If your thinking at all about leaving your current school then I would seggust finding a school that trains a well rounded program meaning they cover all aspects, these schools (if good) will build a good foundation for you with stand up, groundwork and everything inbetween! Good Luck
  2. I have never heard of him, but that really means nothing.
  3. Where are you really at? I know you cant have internet access in those parts yet!
  4. We work a lot of ground work, without the ground techniques I feel that your just some what incomplete, due to the fact that so many real fights end up on the ground. And I would not want myself or my students to have to only depend on stand up techniques and stand up grappling. We train to take are oppenent to the ground and finish him while we are still standing, but things dont always go as planned so we work a lot of ground work, sticking to the basics on the ground and learning all of the variations of the basics gives you years worth of training right there hahaha so thats just more to add to your basket of tricks. As far as working it in with a regular stand up curriculum thats easy, first train them seperate until basics are understood for stand up and ground then blending the two together will make sense. My beginners will spend time working different stand up techniques locks chokes etc. and then we will break from that and go to the ground and work ground techniques, as they advance we learn to move from standing techniques to ground techniques and of course they are training takedowns/throws that is part of the stand up training. The hardest thing is not to feed to much information at once. Otherwise your going to get no where with it. My opinion and it works for us
  5. We do specialized topics some by the day, some by the week and some in a 3 month spread. Of course its not just turning out good just because, I have my Instructor who I ask advice all of the time and for his opinions on my training methods or should I say our training methods hahaha. You can tell he has rubbed off on me and I'm very glad that he has given me the abilities to run these classes the way he runs his. As far as it sounding more like muay thai, well you see my instructor was a muay thai instrucotr also but he also mixed his class a bit so we just refer to it as kickboxing but its truley based on the AWSOME techniques of muay thai and Sagawa Kara Fu mixed blend, then the over all class is Jujitsu, San Do Shootfighting techniques and then the stand up from the Muay Thai and Sagawa Kara Fu. Together with the curriculum that is being taught it is a very well rounded program and the students are loving it, one because they get straight to the point and two they are havinging a blast well getting an awsome workout.
  6. I have to agree with some of the others here on this one. Age plays a huge roll, now there is a difference between the age factor and just letting yourself go.
  7. He must really be able to fight, otherwise those celebs that he is picutred with would not have hired him to do bodyguard work.
  8. Shorinryu Sensei pretty much uses the same weight training method that I use.
  9. Musse I'll tell you what, I'll cut off your left testicle while performing a traditional chinese broadsword form and we can split the money. This way we both can still enjoy martial arts, well maybe not you at that exact moment but then we will still get a lot of money. Note: I've never trained with the Chinese Broadsword, but for that amount of money I'll take it up after we collect!
  10. Relax, take it easy I have to agree with relaxing, that was something that took me awhile to do when I first started grappling, but you find out fast that your just waisting a lot of energy by not relaxing! good post
  11. Make sure you remove all of your schools sparring gear prior to placing students in the microwave. Gears not cheap to replace
  12. There has been some great replies to this topic thanks for your input. Keep them coming!!!!!!
  13. I have recently added our Kickboxing program in with our Jujitsu Program. The results have been wonderful. Our class is 1 1/2 hours long we now train about 30 minutes of class on kickboxing techniques. The students really enjoy it and this is for several reasons. One they love the thai pads, two the cardio that comes with some of the kickboxing drills is awsome, three a better sense of striking, kicking, kneeing, elbows, and a different look at clinch fighting. The class runs beautifully, and the two programs totally compliment each other, we are just having wonderful results. What do you think about doing this? Do you currently train at a school thats cover Mixed Arts such as this? Let me know!! Thanks
  14. as for our basic fighting stance, the stance that is taught to all of our students. You place your rear hand about temple level and your elbow in, this way your hand is up to protect your face area and your elbow and forarm take care of the mid section. The Front hand is placed just about chin level so that you can protect your face and it does not effect your vision in anyway, I wont get into knee, feet positions on this one. Anyways the basic stance is learned and strikes are learned to be delivered from this stance. I then allow the student to develop their modified version of this basic stance. Basically letting them find the most comfortable way to hold their stance and still be able to protect themselves.
  15. I'll keep this short and simple It all comes in time!!!!
  16. kbgirl, you canadians are just to hardcore!!!!!!!! I need to get up there and watch some of these sparring matches if you guys are getting bruised knuckles even with gloves hahahaha, thats crazy but I do believe it. Now I have heard rumors that there are some pretty intense schools up in the great white north
  17. Heres one the traditional guys use a lot! DWTMMA down with the mixed martial arts Mixed Martial Artists would have some also but they are to busy training!
  18. I dont know of any in that area but the best thing to do is search for some dojo directorys online
  19. I was just thinking about this topic again and it just gets me.
  20. You must learn both, learn the technique and then go from there
  21. sorry cant say that I am
  22. Start searching those search engines
  23. I think my morals could allow me to lie about it for that price
  24. What Oz. Gloves do you spar with? What does your school use? We conduct most of our sparring with 14oz. sparring gloves. We spar pretty intense, we are not going 100% full force but we keep it real. We use to train 16Oz. but I find that they are just to big and bulky and the 14Oz gloves still give a lot of protection for you and your oppenent. Let us know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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