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Everything posted by Jiggy9

  1. Lol Euro 2000......ahh You should see my Italian friend every time I mention that to him. It's a good opportunity to learn some Italian swear words.
  2. I hope the match does go ahead - but I dont know If i can wait untill April... Kicker : At a news confrence in New York, just as Lewis was announced and entered, Tyson headed towards him (he looked as if he was waiting for him anyways). A bodygaurd got in the way and was became the target of a Mike Tyson left, just as the body gaurd went flying back a bit Lewis unleashed a right to the back of Tysons head and began a massive fist fight with lots of people getting involved..
  3. I was going to a concert straight from my Karate class, and I happened to have my nunchuks with me in my bag; and as youd expect I got kicked out ! I dont think that has anything to do with what youre asking - but hey! [ This Message was edited by: Jiggy9 on 2002-01-24 01:21 ]
  4. I've also seen alot of people in my Karate dojo who I spar with having quite wide gaurds; wide enough for you to punch straight through.
  5. Apart from everything already mentioned, I like to train in a heavy Gi once in a while; helps build some endurance/strength e.t.c
  6. I dont like cats... they're evil I tell you! [ This Message was edited by: Jiggy9 on 2002-01-23 08:36 ]
  7. Incase you are vege or any other vege's/vegans reading this post, here are some protein sources : "The foods which commonly supply the most protein in a vegan diet are pulses (peas, beans, lentils, soya products), grains (wheat, oats, rice, barley, buckwheat, millet, pasta, bread), nuts (brazils, hazels, almonds, cashews) and seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame)." [ This Message was edited by: Jiggy9 on 2002-01-23 08:33 ]
  8. all with you on that one... Wasnt Tyson bleeding from the head @ the end of that scrap?
  9. I've read this one!
  10. You can sue for practically anything in the US cant you?! I dont understand; If they felt so strongly about not bowing then why did they continue to do the art in the first place? I personally dont think there is any harm in showing respect to anyone or anything, I'd even go as far as saying that often I dont get oppurtunities to show the respect I have for others to them. I also think that the mutul respect and trust martial artists have in one another is something that stands out; it is one of the best things about the arts. It brings about an atmosphere in the dojo that you dont find anywhere else....
  11. I guess you have to realise that within Islam as many other religions there are numerous sects and various interpretations. However, in light of this discussion I spoke to a few of my muslim friends about having beards and so on. They said, that Muslims dont have to keep one; BUT it is a 'Soonat'. This means that the Prophet Muhammed (outta respect - may his soul rest in peace) kept a beard, and so Muslims are encouraged to have beards as well, so as to keep to the Prophets way of life and teachings. Hope this helps - Jig [ This Message was edited by: Jiggy9 on 2002-01-21 06:32 ]
  12. Thats intresting, though I cant say if this is true throughout; but my experience in Wing Tsun training was much more informal then lets say my Karate training. But I've heard that training is v.strict and hard in many places....
  13. "The name Jutte is a combination of the character for the number ten and the character for hand, as in kara-TE. When using ten in this fashion, the Japanese sometimes pronounce the number ten with a ji sound instead of the ju sound. For example, if you do something ten times, the Japanese will say you have done it "jikkai." Also common after using the number ten to count things is a hard consonant - the tte is pronounced with a slight choke on the t's. Jutte/Jitte means Ten Hands. Ten Hands is said to imply that one must have the strength of ten men in Nakayama's Best Karate Volume 7, but there is no logical basis or source material for that loose interpretation. The two words Jitte and Jutte are interchangeable, but if the name of the kata is written with the character for technology instead of ten, then Jutte will mean "Technology Hands" or "Technique Hands." Jutte is a homonym that is comprised of the kanji for technique and the kanji for hand. There is also some speculation that the kata name refers to the jitte weapon that Japanese police often carried 200 years ago. This weapon consisted of a pointed metal rod with a single appendage designed to catch a sword blade if used properly. The motions of the arms in Jutte are said to represent this weapon. In fact the name for this weapon is written as "Ten Hands." The arm postures also known as mountain postures look like this device. They also resemble the character for mountain. Could it be that the name of the kata refers to the jitte weapon, and that it offers clues for fighting as if a human jitte: hooking and pulling away the enemy's weapon? Jutte/Jitte is a kata that could almost be performed using a staff or rod. However, some of the techniques have, of course, been stylized to the point that the motions necessary to continue using the staff throughout the kata are difficult to interpret at present. I have never understood why everyone insisted that this kata was actually a kata designed to be performed with a staff. Other than a couple of suspicious techniques where it seems you are obviously taking away or using a staff, the majority of the techniques are not indicative of staff fighting techniques. " Bits of an article about the Kata...
  14. Jiggy9


    hahaha! - You never know these days Gloi....you never know. [ This Message was edited by: Jiggy9 on 2002-01-20 11:27 ]
  15. Here's another way of looking at it... As Dick Cheney said, "Some of these people have threatened to kill Americans at the first chance they get".... So isn't it a bit dangerous to get near them with a razor??
  16. So if you deny one of human rights, because they denied others of human rights, how are you any better then them? I mean for example; the Taliban dont respect other religous beliefs, but if you dont respect their religous beliefs then arent you just as bad as them? No offence to anyone, but I dont really see the logic. I mean two 'wrongs' dont make a right do they? Why stoop to their level ? Ofcourse thats just my opinion...
  17. Someone should put up a post as a reminder the day of the chat! So forgetfull people like me remember
  18. Lol guys..I do hockey.
  19. http://www.ifroggy.com/karateforums/forums/viewtopic.php?topic=1466&forum=2 Some mixed opinions about the movie over there...
  20. !! I always thought you were a guy Sai! -So sorry!
  21. Hey! I never meant it as a joke...Im really serious. The teams attitude is, as far as im concerned the reason why they are truly the world champs. Oh well..sorry if that post came off the wrong way.
  22. Hockey?!? Lol...out of all things - jeez
  23. Why ever would you want to know anyways Sai?? lol [ This Message was edited by: Jiggy9 on 2002-01-17 13:05 ]
  24. Indeed...Here's a short one : -=-=- Master Itosu was so well trained that his entire body seemed to be invulnerable. Once, as he was about to enter a restautant in Naha's amusment center, a sturdy young man attacked him from the rear, aiming a hearty blow at his side. But the latter, without even turning, hardened the muscles of his stomach so that the blow was glanced off his body, and at the very same instant his right hand grasped the right wrist of his assailant. Still without turning his head, he calmly dragged the man inside the restaurant. There, he ordered the frightened waitresses to bring food and wine. Still holding the man's wrist with his right hand, he took a sip or the wine from the cup that he held in his left hand, then pulled his asailant aaround in front of him and for the first time had a look at him. After a moment, he smiled and said, "I dont know what youre grudge against me could be, but let's have a drink together." You could imagine the young mans asnoishment... -=-=- Who here would behave so kindly with street thugs? After all they may have a v.good reason to steal money from you. But then again, yea right!
  25. I think I know what Angus is talking about .... It's the sort of attitude you used to see in the Australian cricket team. Apart from the fact they've just lost 3 in a row @ home..
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