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Everything posted by Jiggy9

  1. Yes Im sure the government legislators took all that into account ...
  2. Thanks for the info
  3. I also believe there was a good post on cramps by Kickchick, which is definately worth reading if you get alot of cramps.
  4. Yes I do understand what you mean...but likewise I have seen alot of very young TKD black belts...
  5. It would suprise them if you dont overuse it.
  6. Are we supposed to write our current location or where we are from?
  7. As far as I know, It's similar to TKD. Just out of curiousity, why does it matter?
  8. Hello
  9. Exactly Piastre, I did consider saying :'if energy lasts forever then do we in one form or another?'.... But about the constant matter, I think what is more definitive is constant energy, as Im sure youve seen anti matter and matter (such as positrons and electrons) colliding to form energy; and ofcourse vice versa. Btw Zak..It's courageous
  10. You live in the US.... Why dont you just sue him for all he's got? Dont you guys do that all the time over there?
  11. Can be very painful... I know of a person who had severe bleeding at the back of his head after being hit with a single blow of a belt.
  12. Can be very painful... I know of a person who had severe bleeding at the back of his head after being hit with a single blow of a belt.
  13. I've disliked him ever since he backed out of the Kyoto treaty! To think, you'd expect the US to be in the forefront in something as important as Conserving the World for the next generations... Though without question Mr.Bush has shown great spirit and determination.
  14. You guys are going to make me cry! I havent seen the movie yet and I cant get my hands on the book!!! man.....
  15. Thats a great point Piastre, about man being unable to cope with ceasing to exist... But..Energy lasts forever ; so says science. Yet all matter originated and consists of energy; maybe you could even argue that we are energy. If we are made of energy, and energy lasts forever....do we?
  16. Ah yes, Joe's infamous history of Grandfathers!
  17. Thanks Guys, yea It is definately going to be tough, but hey...
  18. I quite like my leading leg, and tend to use it successfully is fights. It is undoubtedly a valuable asset; being able to kick effectively with both the rear and leading leg gives one much more choice in techniques and combos, and as a result it gives me personally much more flexibility in my fighting style. It opens up new dimensions in terms of distancing and positioning, and a good leading leg kick reaches the opponent much faster then the rear one. As people have already said it can help you create unpredictability. I also like this kick because you can link it to other techniques quickly easily, for example front leg sweep into a side kick or reverse roundhouse.
  19. Oh yea, reflexes, endurance, speed, strength, balance and so much more improves dramatically...
  20. Oh yea, reflexes, endurance, speed, strength, balance and so much more improves dramatically...
  21. Hey KSN Doug, you are right I am looking for basically anything with weapons training involved...As for the middle eastern arts, believe it or not - you'd never find a place to learn them here. I dont know why, but In this country in particular many aspects of the arab heritage is kept away from non locals. For example..you can't buy land here unless you are a local. Sai - I do mean both really [ This Message was edited by: Jiggy9 on 2002-01-11 05:08 ]
  22. I think the Girl bathroom thing is a universal fear!
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