lol..again lastly Look for weaknesses in youre opponents stance...You see, in karate the stances are developed for balance and are you supposed to deliver blows effectively and powerfully if youre body is not balanced? take for example one standing in zenkusudachi...(howeva thats spelt)...if you try push him from the front, its very very tough, but if you push him from the side, he'll fall very easily. If you take this concept forward, in a fight when you attack someone head on - it will be tough, you attack them from an angle, you'll find you'll be much more successful. To do this you gotta move, thats what using youre space is all about. Move, but move with a purpose. Also, dont allow someone else to use the same concept against you....stay light on youre feet but have you weight evenly distributed so that if sumone trips one leg you can still stand on the other...