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Everything posted by Jiggy9

  1. Both have totally different styles, but literally the traditional styles Jackie uses arent much use in street fights now adays...sure his looks better on t.v, But Bruce Lee's are more effective...and for that simple reason bruce would kick jackie's ass.... See, jackie isnt as innovative as bruce, bruce wouldve seen most jackie had to offer and known the counters...but bruce mad new ish...and Jackie wouldnt manage....
  2. thanks for the warm welcome everyone!
  3. Just thought of some more stuff for you - conserve youre energy in a fight dont put all youre energy in every single move, defense and attack. Especially defences, you dont need to smack youre opponents arm outta of the way, its often better to divert , for 3 reasons...you dont hurt yourself, you dont waste energy, and most importantly when sparring, you leave the opponents arm out of position - creating an oppening for you. - Enjoy it mental state is important like i said...if you go in with the idea that you have to do anything to win, you will definately lose. You should be relaxed and know that you are there to give it youre best and learn from youre mistakes. Itz just an oppurtunity for you to practice what youve been learning against someone set on defeating you. You wont be intimidated or crack under pressure...just Enjoy the experience.. and you'll do better. Okay thats it from me...unless i feel like posting more =)
  4. lol..again lastly Look for weaknesses in youre opponents stance...You see, in karate the stances are developed for balance and sturdiness....how are you supposed to deliver blows effectively and powerfully if youre body is not balanced? take for example one standing in zenkusudachi...(howeva thats spelt)...if you try push him from the front, its very very tough, but if you push him from the side, he'll fall very easily. If you take this concept forward, in a fight when you attack someone head on - it will be tough, you attack them from an angle, you'll find you'll be much more successful. To do this you gotta move, thats what using youre space is all about. Move, but move with a purpose. Also, dont allow someone else to use the same concept against you....stay light on youre feet but have you weight evenly distributed so that if sumone trips one leg you can still stand on the other...
  5. Sorry another thing I often find, that people tend to find with a confined outlook on the fight. They feel limited by the techniques they use and the circumstances. I found that i would always be running out of techniques to score on the opponent, untill i realised that my techniques are just tools to reach the end product of victory. Im free to do absolutely anything i want as long as it's not dangerous... This new realisation freed my mind....and led me to unending levels of creativity with my moves and flexibility towards my fight. I managed to win tournaments i wouldnt even be in the top 3 of...for example the U.A.E national championships...Because the fighters have most likely seen everything you have to offer because every damned person does the same old thing. It wont work - the classic miagiri turning into jodan mawashigiri....everyone does it.... So i would suggest that you select a few techniques that are different.... for example when normally one gets a miagiri kick towards them, they respond by a giyacku suki...taking a step backwards. If you take a step forwards and towards the side of the opponent you will defend the kick and end up to his side/back, with his entire rib section and back open to you and youre attacks. Things like this will create much greater success...and give you oppurtunities to finish it all in 1 move in a real fight...(especially if you end up behind them)
  6. Sorry another thing I often find, that people tend to find with a confined outlook on the fight. They feel limited by the techniques they use and the circumstances. I found that i would always be running out of techniques to score on the opponent, untill i realised that my techniques are just tools to reach the end product of victory. Im free to do absolutely anything i want as long as it's not dangerous... This new realisation freed my mind....and led me to unending levels of creativity with my moves and flexibility towards my fight. I managed to win tournaments i wouldnt even be in the top 3 of...for example the U.A.E national championships...Because the fighters have most likely seen everything you have to offer because every damned person does the same old thing. It wont work - the classic miagiri turning into jodan mawashigiri....everyone does it.... So i would suggest that you select a few techniques that are different.... for example when normally one gets a miagiri kick towards them, they respond by a giyacku suki...taking a step backwards. If you take a step forwards and towards the side of the opponent you will defend the kick and end up to his side/back, with his entire rib section and back open to you and youre attacks. Things like this will create much greater success...and give you oppurtunities to finish it all in 1 move in a real fight...(especially if you end up behind them)
  7. Id just like to highlight the importance of a good kya....I used to train in a club with the czhech international champion, and he'd always emphasise the importance of a good kya especially in amateur competion or real street fighting. The main reasons he would say included : If the referee doesnt quite see the technique he is more liable to award you the points anyhow if you have an over confident kya. It helps psyche out youre opponent, in a fight mental state is everything, and if youre opponent is slightly weary of you, you have gained a massive advantage, loud kya's emphasise youre confidence in youre own ability and performance to them making them more nervous.
  8. I've been using Nunchaku for a while now, and if you happen to have them around when you need them, they are very very useful. The intimadation factor is much greater than that of grabbing a bo like stick, and thus gives you a much greater psychological advantage. In addition it is a very versatile weapon, with uses from strikes to defences and chokes, so on. I've read a few of demura's books, and its true. They are very good - especially if you have experience in forms of karate - as he shows the relationship between the empty hand techniques and nunchaku techniques very effectively. However, i've never found a decent website - the closest i've got is Alex Levitas' nunchaku site - but itz in russian and the english section is still to be translated !
  9. Hey guys, Im brand new here - n looking forward to hearing everyonez outlook on life n martial arts! I've been into martial arts for almost 8 years now, and I do karate and indulged in Jeet Kune Do, Judo, Wing Tsun and Tai Chi. Anyways, Pz
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