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Everything posted by TJS

  1. I would suggest trying a class. hard to say itf its a good school or not unless you go in and talk to the people and instructors.
  2. there are no ranks or levels in MT..certain schoold might break up the classes in levels or whatever though to seperate advanced and beginer students. Yeah, But some Thai Boxers say this quote, "The belt is in the ring". Right that means they dont have belts given out and the only one you are going to get is the one you win in a ring.
  3. Funny 90% of the TKD guys I have watched or spared with fight in a sideways or bladed stance and will have no defense for leg kicks. It'd good for point sparring not real fighting.
  4. there are no ranks or levels in MT..certain schoold might break up the classes in levels or whatever though to seperate advanced and beginer students.
  5. Kyokushin is tough no doubt about it but here is why alot of people tend to favor MT imo. -Punches to the head -clinch -Ring sucess, there have been alot of good kyokushin guys in K-1 that have done very well but MT usally stays on top. -MT is the standup training style of choice of just about every Top MMA/NHB team out there today...Millitech,Chute boxe, Brazilian top Team, etc... -MT has also seemed to go further and adapt better to mma competitions than kyokushin guys although there have been a few good kyokushin guys.
  6. Both good, Sambo is proabably a little more "combat" oriented than the Modern day Judo most people are used too. Although Sambo is a sport aswell.
  7. I love people who use low blocks in sparring. Makes it twice as easy to punch them in the head. You should block low punches with your elbows or forears so you dont have to drop your gaurd.
  8. Sucks man, hope it turns out ok. That is one of the advantages to grappling though...you can control a fight without really hurting someone.
  9. Good luck. Just work on making him play your game. You know what your best at so work hard on that and Fill in you weaknesses so you can stay in your game.
  10. Not really...Besides a few basic chokes and headlocks Wreslers anre notorious for not being able ot finish their opponets..and if they do so it's usally with strikes from a top position.
  11. He would get submitted unless he had some knowladge of submission. Wreslers and BJJ's have fough all kinds of fights and challenge matches over the last few decades. But when you teach a wresler submission thats when you have a really dangerous fighter.
  12. Definetly..he is a pioneer in martial arts.
  13. Delta- Basically If your feet ar hooked together between his legs all he has to do it take one leg and run it aross your feet then hook it under his other leg like a triangle..from there when he presses down with his leg he can break your ankle. Thats how Relson Gracie showed it anyways.
  14. The tapes are pretty good but they work alot better if you have alteast had a few lessons. Try to make a seminar or intro class in you area if they offer any. But They could atleast get you started on the right foot if you plan on taking it up in the future.
  15. Boxing will make you tough. You will learn how to take a good hit and return an even better one. Boxing is goodon it's own but would be even better if you suplemented it with wresling/judo/ BJJ. I would strongly suggest you join the wresling team since it's free and will be great conditioning and held you control the position of a fight. meaning you can take people down if you want and avoid the takedown also.
  16. Wow what a wake up call, Now that I know that i will follow your pace and start training to bite and scratch when i go to class. Any good drill reccomendations for biting and scratching?
  17. thre are several drill's but you need a partner.
  18. There are 2 types of fighters. 1) the people who get hit hard and cower away and cover up. 2) The people who use the pain and anger to hurt their opponet. The first time I speped in the ring I got hit with a hard right hook off the bat and found out i was the second type
  19. diagonal elbow? the only ones i know of are the downard elbow you would use to the back of someones head/neck and the uppercut elbow.
  20. True but sometimes it has to do with the calibur or thai fighters they face and secondly if you look at the results SS guys almost ALWAYS win by points from takedowns and not TKO or KO's...where as the thai fighters usually win by ko.
  21. If I was to make a bet on the outcome alot would depend on what style of Karate it was.
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