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Everything posted by TJS

  1. well diffrent stlyes do things diffrently..In judo for example a black belt usually means you have a solid understandin of the basics and setups/combinations etc...not a mastery of them like in BJJ.
  2. If you ever roll with a BJJ black belt you will understand why. I cant really give you a good answer without writing an paper except to say if someone has a BJJ black belt then they have some serious skill. I have seen black belts toy with people who have been practicing for years themselves. On the flipside people have earned a black belt in as little as 3.5 years..but that is the exception rather than the rule. It's not that you cant learn bjj quickly it that you just continue to learn and improve for years.
  3. Cross training is Generally a good thing. From my experience you might want to avoid cross training in two very similar style at the same time..say Karate and Kenpo becuase you might get confused. Generally training in two diffrent stlyes that focus on diffrent aspect is great and can only help you..like Judo and Boxing or karate and BJJ. There are however similar stlye that compliment each other and work well like Judo-BJJ/ Muay thai and boxing. they work great and fill int he weaknesses of the other stlye.
  4. For the most part yes, but there certainly new ways of doing things still evolving and comming out. I bet they werent doing capoiera kicks and strikes back in japan or rome. there are also modern close quarter gun defenses that certainly werent around.
  5. Judo would be my pick personally but try both classes and see whitch one you like more.
  6. If your still in school and your school has wrestling I would start there. If not or on top of that Brazilian jiu jitsu, judo, or sambo would be my advice. what schools are availible to you?
  7. Wanting to fight standing up is not a good reason no to train ground fighting. If you dont want to fight on the ground the best way is to learn how to get on top and/or get back up. unfortunatly alot of styles dont realize that.
  8. Aikido is good especially for law enforement/corrections officers. My only problem would be the people who go in to a class so they can learn how to defend their selves..the problem being as everyone has said it will take a long time.
  9. basic freestyle wrestling and submission wrestling.
  10. True..im just saying there are grapplers who get beat in NHB by another grappler who they could beat in pure grappling. But I also agree it is much more common to see a "striker" get hit by a grappler and knoced down or out becuase they are worried about the takedown..Ie Randelman-cro cop, Leko-ogawa etc.
  11. keep him in your gaurd and dont let him get sidemount.
  12. Not neccessarily true- I've seen many upsets where the better striker was caught with a good punch from a grappler and beaten at his own game, even though the striker is phenominally better. I guess you could call that a lucky punch. In grappling though, no one ever gets a "lucky" submission As far as strikers being more feared, you're making a generalization that grapplers dont strike. They do, they simply do so in a position where you can strike back (on the ground). The most devestating ko's I've seen have happened on the ground. Frank Mir submitted a black belt world champ when he was a purple an NHB setting can certainly change the game. There are proabably alot of sport jiu jitsu grapplers who would get beat in a cage by lower ranked fighters who train specifically for nhb.
  13. Yea, are you in HS ? If not it's real hard ot find a wrestling club..I sure wish there was one around me. In my opinon wrestling is proabably the best base you can have. Teach a wrestler submissions and he can be a terror on the ground because of his balance and takedown abilities. Teach a wrestler to strike and he will be hard to take down. anyways..im rambling..keep it up and good luck.
  14. Beause of the nature of a fight it is easier to close distance and clinch than it is to keep distance and strike. That being said once they clinch the Judoka should be able to seccure a takedown. but there are diffrent types of boxers. Some would be easier to handle than other. If you get in there with a real puncher you may not get more than once chance got get a takedown.
  15. Is that the one Frank shamrock endoreses?
  16. If all else fails stick your arms straight up in the air and fall to the ground like a limp noodle...you can usually get out that way.
  17. Are you taking about a leg traingle choke choke? If so im completly lost.
  18. If you end up on your back and cant sweep him then it's a great option..Triangle and arm bar are your two main weapons and i would much rather choke someonout then break their arm in most street confrontations.. The only thing I would be cautious of is getting picked up and slammed if they are alot stronger than you..although there are ways to prevent that..
  19. what type of JJ, traditional or Brazilian? Both are similar to judo in alot of way but the two usually have diffrent focuses and training meathods so you would have to narrow it down a bit ot get a good answer.
  20. There are actually Tons of videos of street fights in Brazil aswell as no rules challenge matches if you look around.
  21. breaking someones arms or choking them to death dosent end a fight these days? So you would rather not be a good ground fighter If someone larger than you takes you down and end up on top of you? Or are you one of those people who cant be taken down and will never end up in that position? You seem to be uner the impression all jiu jitsu is sport jiu jitsu..I dont even know where to start there but to say there are several stratagies for defending punches fromt the gaurd whil looking for a submission or to get up. Same applies if you are standing..invalid point. lastly you seem to be under the belief anyone trained in BJJ will flop to their back and pull gaurd in a real fight...trust me if i get in a fight and i do decide to take it to the ground im going to be looking to be on top.
  22. I agree 100% popularity dosent mean something is the best in the MA world...alot of people rule things out simply because they havent seen them used..im not one of those people, although we both know there is alot of * out there in the ma community.
  23. Renzo Gracie and Matt serra are both in NY..Renzos is proabably one of the best schools in the country...not sure where it is located though.
  24. TKD has more marketing and media coverage than just about any other MA....I'll tell you how much I trust it..
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