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Everything posted by TJS

  1. whitch gracie would that be? there are dozens of them these days Royce is im guessing who you are talking about?
  2. I would think then since pride in Based out of japan ..there might be one or two JJJ master who would step up and get a nice easy $300 thousand dollar pay day and do it... there are plenty of BJJ world champions who have steped up and given it a shot in pride..Until a JJJ practicioner steps up and beats one of them dont expect anyone to take it seriously. we have seen Thai boxers, wrestlers, boxers, BJJ practicioners, Judoka, adn sambo guys make a transition into MMA and do well...I have yet to see a JJJ practicioner do it yet...Not saying it wont happen but i'll remain skeptical until it does.
  3. Depends what your talking about...if your speaking in terms of sport JJ or submission wrestling...pulling gaurd is fine if you are really good on your back...You dont really see any BJJ practicioners pulling gaurd in MMA/NHB these days unless they are vastly superior to their opponet on the ground and are having trouble securing a takedown. most BJJ guys prefer being on top..especially if it's a street or NHB fight.
  4. The rules of judo will give you bad habits not so much the techniques. -Limited time allows you to turtle and wait for a standup insteasd of escaping. -Lack of leg/ankle locks -neck cranks I also wouldent say BJJ standup teaches you bad habit but simply there isint enough of it in alot of school..but what is taught is usually good..just basic.
  5. If your talking about 5 vs 5 at the same time then no I dont think that has ever happened...proabably a few times in the streets of rio but thats about it.
  6. 1)RNC 2)Heel hook/toe hold 3) depends on your body type..some of the gi chokes are a bit complicated..
  7. If your goal is learning how to defend yourself in the street then I would be a wise idea to train in you regual clothes once in a while
  8. If that wasant a Joke then I would suggest you go rent The Ultimate fighting championship 1-4
  9. I would say you could use more wrestling in BJJ then the other way around...not many BJJ moves transfer over to wrestling except a few of the basic takedowns.
  10. More because of their sucess..they werent the only judo/jiu jitsu guys who entered just the only ones who dominated.
  11. right...Rickson might not be the best takeodwn artist but I doubt either of those guys could avoid getting submitted by rickson in his prime. and yes I know who they are and the type of athletes they were.
  12. Judo would be my next choice if there was not a bjj school nearby. Personally I think it's going to be hard to find a good non brazilian JJ school in the US.
  13. the only instance of elbows to the temple causing a Knockout i remember is goodrige on herrera...and herrera was caught in a crucifix. btw get..headgear..elbow pads..mma gloves and a mouthpice and go have fun.
  14. that depends what you mean..someone with one or two jiu jitsu lessons could proabably choke someone out if they got the position. as far as having a game plan and being able to execute it against an opponet int he street...i would say a few months and you will be able to handle someone of relative size.
  15. as a note most o fthese tournaments were shortly after the cretion of judo..as in two years or so..no they were not more experienced then the men who had been doing jiu jitsu for years.
  16. While I feel I could arm bar/choke or sweep the avg joe pretty easily I would still much rather be on top When there are punches involved.
  17. I could take someone down, mainitain knee on belly to strike at will,simply hold them down, break their arm or choke them out and still have 95% of the visibility and mobility I would If I were standing up straight. If someone comes up behind you standing or on the ground you are goingot get clocked...i can back away form knee on belly and move just about as fast as I could if i were standing. as far as broken glass he would be the one on it since the only thing touching the ground on my part would be one of my feet.
  18. Change levels, double leg, mount, strike, they turn, insert hooks, choke, walk away.
  19. 3-4 months and you should start to get the feel for things. you will learn alot before that time but from my experience that when you start to put it together a bit.
  20. A double leg takedown is the easies to learn and most useful in a street fight imo. As far as sweeps you only need 2-3 basic's...scissor sweep, hip heist sweep and elevator would be my pick.
  21. Buck and roll- Make sure they are as low down on your hips as possible.Trap one leg with your foot and trap the same side arm. Bridge your hips up explosivly and turn and roll them over.
  22. Gaurd sweep mount escape double leg takedown attacks from knee on belly Rear naked choke master those 5 and you will have a nice set of grappling "tools" for the street.
  23. tuck your chin and get a hand between theirs...the best way to learn to avoid submissions is by learning them..that way you know exactly what they need to do to finish and can do the opposite.
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