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Everything posted by TJS

  1. proabably slightly beacuase of balance and coordination improvements.
  2. counter fight....watch Pedro Rizzo fight and you will have your answer.
  3. Is there a diffrence in Kesa-Gatame and Kesa-Katame? I have been able to use quite a wide array of attacks from kesa gatame with a good amount of sucess. and long as you know the escapes and reversals to watch out for you have the arm bar/shoulder lock/arm triangle, reverse leg triangle, etc. Althought I havent rolled with many people above purple so I do have limited experience.
  4. Nothing wrong with it, But It might be a good idea to establisha good base in one then add in the other.
  5. Get UFC hits volume 1 or 2 ..ultimate knockouts if they have it. If not just pick one..some are better than other but most are pretty good.
  6. Well Shamrock Hurt his shoulder in the fight so he will be outf or a little while it looks like.
  7. Renzo and Roylers BJJ theory and Tecnique would get my 1st vote. Mastering Jiu jitsu by Renzo also goes into great detail most aspects of the BJJ game and is a good choice.
  8. yea there was plenty of gnp this time around.
  9. Really? I personally thought UFC 47 was one of the best in a long time. Every single fight except one ended in a Knockot or a submission. There wasant much ground fighting though if thats what you mean..as far as the ref calling standups I Dont remember any.
  10. It definetly looks to be a good card.
  11. 130 a month. But thats for Brrazilian jiu jitsu, boxing, and thai boxing...as many classes as a I want a week.
  12. There is going to be an Old school stlye matchup between Ken shamrock and Kimo. Just a heads up for someone of you who dont keep up with it much Tim sylvia and Frank mir will also be fighting for the heayweight championship along with alot of aother good fights.
  13. they allow elbows in Thailand...it's hard to get them sanctioned in most other places.
  14. Mart-Fhilo and Remy have never fought before...nice try though
  15. Do you fight with a right leg or left leg lead? Either way one of their legs is going to be near impossible to check from a bladed stance If they throw with any speed or intent at all.
  16. Texas..but Im from Austin.
  17. I think thats pretty stupid to edit that word...i guess they dont like people linking videos from that site or something...anyways..the edited word is b u l l s h i d o just cut and inset that with the link in your browser
  18. maybe you didint notice that 4 of the fights were uner K-1 rules....whitch allow punches to the head...
  19. Here is a news story on a martial arts instructur under dillman who claims to teach dim mak and no touch knockout, cool video and he demonstates it on his students...the funny parts is when the reporters take him to a local BJJ club and it dosent work on any of the student there http://www.bullshido.net/modules.php?s=56171c0b2219a5ea30105af6a96a8327&name=Downloads&d_op=getit&lid=80
  20. http://ko.sherdog.com/pictures/k1_053004/k1_01.htm Mart- If you noticed the main event featured one of the top thai boxers in K-1 getting taken to school by a Kyokushin fighter.
  21. For those who dont keep up with the sport fighting much I thought you would like to hear K-1 just held a "Kyokushin vs K-1 " tournament. The Kyokushin Fighters swept the competiton with a 7-0 record beating alot of tought guys. 4 fights were held under K-1rules and 3 were held under kyokushin rules. The main event featued brazilian Kyokushin fighter Francisco fhilo taking on 2003 world GP champion Remy Bonjasky who is a very tough dutch Muay Thai fighter.
  22. Thats not really a rue statement and im not sure what the point of it is. Normal people have survived knife attacks before..people with no training of any kind. On the other hand even if you are trained facing a knife is still one of the most dangerous situations. obviously if you are concerned about street self defense then you should include knife defense training.
  23. Half of the benefits of sparring with punches to the head is learnign to defend against them. I dont doubt that a Kyokushin fighter would be able to punch someone in the head in a real fight. but would they have the recognition/reaction, and defense to defend well against them? thats another question and unless you train for it its going ot be tough.
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