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Everything posted by TJS

  1. So you feel the average joe who goes to a san soo class two times a week is going to beat a pressional NHB fighter?
  2. Just so we are clear you feel the avergae San Soo practicioner is better prepared for a fight in the street than someone actively training, sparring, and conditioning themselves for a mma fight?
  3. BJJ 2-3 times a week boxing/Thai Boxing 2-3 times a week Cardio/lifting twice a week. want to do some more judo training aswell. hoping to fight mma in the not too distant future. im not mentally deranged or anything. I dont get in fight but im not afraid of gettig hit and I know what it takes to win.
  4. find a brazilian jiu jitsu or judo school.
  5. why would you block such a low kick when you can just move out of they way. One reason would be becuase if I block your low kick I can hit you in the chin with a right hand and knock you out or counter back with a kick to you base leg while you still recoiling. nothin wrong with moving out of the way but if you can counter effectivly you can do more damage.
  6. Main diffrences are that Pride allows kicks/stomps and knees to a downed opponet..but no elbows to the head. UFC allows Elbows to the head but no knees/kicks to the head of a downed opponet. K-1 mma is like pride...unless your talking about kickboxing.
  7. Kyokushin will make you tough as nails standing BJJ will make you a shark in the clinch and on the ground. me personally I would choose BJJ but you cant go wrong either way.
  8. Prices sound reasonable, Everybody gets tapped out alo in the begining and no one is going to look down on you for it..the only way you can go is up from there.
  9. Judo or brazilian jitsu. Aikido can be useful as well but i think it's best to have a base in one of the first two i mentiond Krav maga, kali, escrima etc could also be very useful for several aspects including weapons training.
  10. Sprawl, and get underhooks or a front headlock.
  11. If you want to be good at grappling then yes you shoudl do BJJ... Is there anything better? Escrima is better than BJJ at knife fighting, Muay thai is better than BJJ with kicks, Judo and wrestling have better takedown then BJJ..Depends on what you are looking for? Are there any styles that are better on the groung? proabably not.
  12. I would think if Shamrock was to do a work he would talk it up as much as possible to hype up franklin when he wins. What it looked like to me was shamrock was sitting up expecting Franklin to go for a submission(leglock) when he started eating punches.
  13. Who said I didn't practice against resisting opponents? I've pulled off many of these throws So you have pulled of a throw where you broke someones arm during the throw? Since you said . either you are not doing it full speed against a reisiting opponet or you are modifying the throw.
  14. Treebranch-I dont doubt the throws work or are effective, I do think it's going to be hard to be good at them if you never practice them against live or resisting opponets.
  15. well I guess that cuts down on your practice time... I take it you have never actually done these throws?
  16. Most people who use takedowns want to follow you to the ground so they can pin, submitt, or Ground and pound you. Although there is a chance of hurting people with throws(especially on a hard surface) there is also a good chance of them getting right back up in a scramble if you dont end up on top of them...especially when talking about other fighers.
  17. Glad you like it, I wana start taking judo again but the closest school is like a 45 min drive.
  18. Randy couture, Kimura or one of the other judo legends, or Rickson Gracie.
  19. I will say it is pretty easy to get injuried by ankle locks. I have personally had my ankle cracked by a Toe hold and have heard way too many horror stories about heel hooks to even want to roll with them..the only time i do is when im rolling with some of the mma fighters.
  20. well rounded standup..mostly street self defense oriented...I would do KM if you are more intrested in self defense and MT if you want it more for sport.
  21. I think most schools allow everything but heelhooks in training, mine does. As far as tournaments most of the ones i have seen allow straight footlocks for white belt, foot lock-kneebar for blue, and foot lock, knee bar and toe hold for purple and up.
  22. My guess is most JJJ schools will focus very little on leg locks, although they are taught. You best bet for learning leg lock swould be sambo or bjj.
  23. Goju_boi-Are you In Austin by any chance? What BJJ school did you check out?
  24. Definetly one of the best, THE best on the ground in my opinion especially as far as working from your back. Each style has a part of grappling it specializes at though. Judo has the most effective throws and takedowns with excellent top control and balance. Sambo has the focus on leg locks wrestling has the best No gi takedowns and proabably the best takedown defense. Aikido has aspects whitch would be excelent for law enforcement etc. Just my opinions.
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