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Everything posted by TJS

  1. umm..dosent ROTR stand for rumble on the rock...not rage on the river?
  2. Yea judo or sambo would definetly be the next best thing.
  3. Hapkido wouldent be very ideal for a wrestler wanting to learn to use the guard. Judo can have good grappling but most schools here in the US will focus on takedowns/thorws and pins...something that he will already have from wrestling.
  4. do a cartwheel you can also underhok both their legs then clasp your hands together and pass that way..alot depends on gi or no gi...there are tons of passes if you can grab the pants legs.
  5. the first thing you should worry about it posture, the second is making sure our arms and neck are safe. after that there are really a millions ways to pass the gaurd. Are you having trouble getting the closed gaurd open?
  6. long story short ..you will learn KM alot faster in most cases.
  7. The focus of judo is on throws but there is grappling with pins and some submissions.
  8. find out the instructors rank and who they are ranked under. as long as they dont have a mail order belt or something you shoudl be fine. make sure the have plenty of free rolling also.
  9. start with Gi. there is alot of debate but i think it helps you establish good fundementals
  10. Boxing and Thai boxing have both transitioned much better and been succesful in early and current nhb fighting than WC. (now here comes the people to talk about how that dosent matter because you cant bite and scratch, etc)
  11. I still havent made up my mind on the grappling blueprint thing..it does have alot of wisdom behind it but i have heard it very general...not sure it if would help me.
  12. My disagreement with what you said about liddel is concerning his striking. you are saying that he's a good striker because his kenpo came from a guy who's known for training in a boxing fashion. I say it's not his kenpo, but the fact that he trained and competed in muay thai. Royce, as far as I know, has had nor more than a few months of boxing training - literally. Definitely not enough to no longer not consider him a pure bjj guy. Several of the other gracies cross train, but he does not. Although Royce is about as close to a pure BJJ stlyist as they come these days he has crosstrained a bit. On top of the striking, One of his standup trainers named nono is also a hapkido blackbelt and runs a school in Cali. Royce has worked with him on various aspects of standup and clinch entries. I also wouldent be suprised if he had slipped a little wrestling in there at some point.
  13. Depends there are guys that arent even blue belts that win on an ameature level. Most of the top guys in the pro world ar atleast purple belt level. Depends on if you have any other training also.
  14. good luck its always fun to branch out, what style of jiu jitsu is it?
  15. who knows there will always be new techniques added from varous stlyes. we are starting to see more high kicks and fancier TKDish kicks.
  16. To add to my first post i'll say this. Most people are going ot have an opinion on this and they have been stated. But your best bet is to try it out for yourself. Find an ameature MMA event and enter it. that will give you an idea of where you are and what to expect.
  17. Balance, coordination, strenght, endurance ,agility, and a strong base are a few things that would benefiit a martial artist. you dont think having excelent balance and being able to avoid takedowns and scramble back to your feet could possibly be useful in a street fight?
  18. Chokes and ankle locks would be my best advice.
  19. although It has influences from wrestling and sambo it is primarily based on Judo. Well, sambo was derived from judo and wrestling really, and was created around the same time, so bjj didn't obtain influence from sambo, but, yes... judo was bjj's base. While judo focuses heavily on takedowns, bjj poured its attention to groundwork. In that regards, they're both really just specializations of the same system. The only leg attack taught to helio was the straight ankle lock. In later generations family members like Rolls and Rickson trained and competed in sambo and picked up some stuff.
  20. Yes, wrestling is one of the best bases you can have wether you are a grappler or a striker. If you wana stand you will be hard to take down, and if you wana go to the ground you will have the takedowns to put people there.
  21. My city has a ton of TKD and karate schools, a few kenpo, boxing, muay thai, quite a bit of BJJ, then there is hapkido, Kook sool won, aikido, tang soo do, kung foo, wing chun etc..
  22. He is a puple belt in BJJ and is supposed to have some nice leg locks. I understand why people underrate his grappling though. The only time he is on the ground is when he is gassed and getting pounded..so obviously his ground game looks like it sucks. If he isint gassed he just gets up.
  23. although It has influences from wrestling and sambo it is primarily based on Judo.
  24. proabably very diffrent syles..I dont know a whoel lot about Isshin ryu but I do know there are very few stlyes that are similar to bjj.
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