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Everything posted by TJS

  1. I train BJJ under a Renzo Gracie affiliate school.
  2. Banana peel- Say im mounted..all i would do is kick my left leg out straight, turn twords my left and hook his right leg with my right leg then pull it over achieving half gaurd. As far as backdoor escapes I have used them on blue belts before secessfully. above that it gets hard to use any mount escape with too much sucess
  3. Banana peel, Bridge to butterfly gaurd with sweep, heel hook/foot lock escape, then their is the one where you put your feet in their arm pits and push them off of a high mount. Allthough the ones you mention are the bread and butter escapes I have used all of those others succesfully.
  4. I wouldent reccoment trying to use pressure points on someones face while mounted..your asking to be arm bared. The best escaape in my book is to trap a same side arm and leg then bridge and roll.
  5. to be fair ,eugene jackson and keith hackney are excellent examples of kung fu fighters that can hang with the best of them . correct me if im wrong but hackney always claimed kenpo karate as his style.
  6. you will progress with 1 class a week but it's going ot be pretty slow. 2 would be better if it's possible for you.
  7. your not going to go very far with one stlye of fighting these days.
  8. But the reality is you may get grabbed and thrown down to the ground by a larger person before you ever know a fight is on...especially if were talking about attacks and self defense situations. Yes you should avoid getting grabbed but if it does arise a good Aikidoka should be able to handle themselves. So there are gaurd sweeps, mount/backmout, etc escpapes and reversals in Aikido?
  9. But the reality is you may get grabbed and thrown down to the ground by a larger person before you ever know a fight is on...especially if were talking about attacks and self defense situations.
  10. your mom
  11. posture the best way is to keep looking up before it gets really sunk in...I have a few ways of defending them but i admit im not the best at getting out of them.
  12. Yes It's ok to learn from a blue belt is he is legit. It is not that uncommon in BJJ. but as others suggested maybe ask about his experience and how long he has trained bjj.
  13. Looks go to me. Im not big into Karate but If I were to take karate it would definetly be Kyokushin or one of it's offshoot(whitch that school is) You will proabably be in for some tought training but it will be worth it.
  14. Also I dont doubt your a competent grappler but generally people do not teach Bjj until atleast blue belt.
  15. I have to say I primarily do grappling but i usually prefer watching a good standup fight. I also prefer standup mma fight to K-1 or kickboxing standup.
  16. depends how close your old BJJ school is? It certainly could cause some bad feeling to train at one school and go teach at a competing school nearby.
  17. yep, The core techniques are the same but you should spar with strikes every now and again if you want to keep you self defense techniques sharp.
  18. I prefer Striking at a distance also...but not every situation is the same..If Im fighting someone who has a huge reach advantage and could knock me out witha single blow then that where the things I mentioned come into play. also remember it's easier to close distance and clinch than it is to keep it in strike. Just watch a boxing match.
  19. blue is better than green fords are better than chevys apples are better than oranges ...
  20. -Reaching a clinch greatly reduces your chances of being knocked out by a punch or other strike. Most people do not know how to strike effectivly from the clinch, atleast not with enough force to knock you out. -In the clinch you can dominate you opponet with grappling and various tie ups to a position where as you can strike effectivly while putting your opponet in a position he can neither defend or strike well from. -You also have the option or various chokes or submission hold that could be used to end a fight without throwing a punch. -The option of taking your opponet down with a throw either to follow him there or simply remain standing and throw him depending on the situation. This dosent even take into account the defensive clinch when someone grabs you or attempts to clinch at some point during a fight(as most fights to go to the clinch) Just a few examples of how clinch could be used in a fight, you proabaly dont see the point of using the clinch because you ae not skilled in it. dont knock things simply becuase they are not your meathod. The clinch is an important range of fighting just as striking from a distance ang ground are. I hope it's not one people overlook because most fights end up there alot.
  21. statistics say otherwise. Wrestling isint complete but it is proabably the best base you can have to build off of wether you want to become a standup or ground fighter.
  22. not based on what 95% of traditional martial artist in various Mixed martial arts events... Realize that those techniques only get practiced a certain portion of the time, and that they are made to defuse a takedown attempt by Bubba Joe Bailey, not Royce Gracie. We once had a "street fighter" come in and try to take down an old teacher of mine, and ended up swinging on him like a jungle gym while we tried not to laugh.I agree that there art martial arts and martial art techniques that work well against the avg person but no so much against a trained fighter.
  23. Judo certainly does have takedown defense.
  24. not based on what 95% of traditional martial artist in various Mixed martial arts events...and dont give me some speech about rules because unless the throw or takedown defense relies on biting they had no reason not to do it.
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