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Everything posted by KickChick

  1. Read while stretching! I am not insinuating here .... but you might come away with some "basic" knowledge from this book and its an easy read http://www.wileyeurope.com/cda/product/0,,0764553585,00.html
  2. nah, ... actually I call that an old martial arts wives tale! The concerns of "bulking up" and of loosing flexibility and speed are quickly disappearing. In reality, only genetically predisposed people,( both male and female,) possess the physiology to get pro body builder proportions. But in all actuality what they will achieve.... is increased strength and endurance, as well as increased speed and flexibility. Perfect opportunity for you BKJ to "learn" how to lift and to use correct forum which is the key in weight training safety! You'll achieve some self confidence and also the added benefit of target some of that body fat many young teenage boys have at your age.
  3. Just remember .... it is absolutely normale to be nervous ...(to a degree) Just don't let it devour you! Practice constantly.. and when you are not physically practicing, practice visually. I know I am not alone in this. I run through my test as if I were playing a video in my mind.... except I choose as to how well I am doing in it and my version of an ending. It works! I also run through all my forms this way too ... (usually in my sleep,....) works like counting sheep
  4. It's not a matter of which one is better. Martial arts styles are categorized as either a hard or soft style. Hardstyle martial arts are direct and powerful approach to the martial arts. ... focusing on powerful kicks and strikes. whereas...other martial arts take a "softer" approach . This doesn't mean they are ineffective by no means. It simply implies the application of martial arts technique in a more evasive and less direct manner. T'ai Chi is an example of a soft approach to training. Many martial artists cross train in with both hard and soft styles. An Aikido stylist is a good example of this since they stress evasive movement and the re-direction of an opponent's force, however, a strike may be applied if needed. Also soft martial art tend to stress the spiritual and physical health of its practitioners
  5. ... and we are glad to have you a part of it!
  6. eh.. I just do what I gots to do... wink at the higher ranking judge and smile pretty ... then grab my trophy and I'm outta there....! Just kidding really .... Some tournies do differ .... experience goes along way!!!
  7. .... basically I think what Azure was asking was as far as visualization goes is it correct to "imagine the attackers at the exact positions where kata movements lead, and during executionkeep in mind that there is always an attacker behind."... I do believe there is no question as far as that.......
  8. um.... suggest you click the link ... it tells all!
  9. As you can see by our class curriculum calendar .... we sometimes devote a major part of a class to a certain instruction. But as of this month all classes (white belt to brown) will include forms and sparring. http://www.aitkd.com/2/calendarcurriculum.htm
  10. "Page cannot be displayed" ... congrats anyhow!
  11. You're welcome... I am glad we were able to help you out! Remember, you may not be able to equal the dexterity and strength that you have on your dominant side....but that doesn't mean you neglect to train that side.
  12. Hey... haven't I chatted with you on AIM hongkongfooi .... Yeah, it never worked in the past. Me and Tobias used to cover an hour a week in there and no one would ever show up. Best to just go in there and have members check when they sign on to see if anyone is in there! Maybe post a message like "Hey I'm in chat... come on in" .... (seems to work with other forums)
  13. well, you never know what you are really interested in until you go and check out the schools and what they offer.... hey you never know. Hope I was some help at least!
  14. Hey Jack!! Could possibly be an inflammation of the tendons near two of the muscles that help to move the thumb o from the rest of the hand. This injury is quite common with repetitive movements of the hand. Whether those fingertip push ups are the culprit or not or whether it is this condition... is hard to say. Maybe try not to do them for awhile and see.
  15. this Joe Lewis is the greatest fighter in the history of Karate..... 10th deg. Black Belt, Grandmaster !!! http://www.joelewiskarate.com/joe/index.htm More info on seminars here..... http://www.joelewiskarate.com/appearances/
  16. I believe it depends on the amount of forms that you required to perform. As a 2nd deg. bb I am up to 14 forms. (5 of which are bb forms only) Usually in my classes (bb class -advanced) we concentrate on just our forms) When we get together twice a month with regular adult class (all belts) we will go over all forms. It is basically the responsibility of the student to practice their kata/forms outside of class if they feel they aren't spending enough class time on them. I suppose you can spend too much time on kata/forms in class also!
  17. I have inside connections with the YMCA .... (as you know I am a fitness professional so I've had training in that area also ) Visit this website http://www.YMCAUSA.org and go to Programs and then down to Aquatics. (BTW .... the user name is ymca and the password is 9622)
  18. How about CMAA which teaches Kajukenbo, Filipino arts, Aikido, Savate, and other types of styles located in San Diego?? http://www.combativemartialartsacademy.com/ Or for more ecclectic martial arts including Kenpo Karate, White Tiger Tai Chi, kickboxing and Daito Ryu Aiki Jujitsu try Parker Linekins at http://www.parkerlinekin.com/ Or more traditional Chinese MA combined program of Tai Chi Chuan, weapons, Northern and Southern Shaolin Kung Fu and Chung Moo http://www.eightmartialarts.com http://www.martialartscity.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi .... or just go through the yellow pages of phone book!
  19. We always train both sides equally at our school (TKD) but more often than not, our dominant side emerges and so we need to train differently when we see that we favor this side more. If you are ever in a real self-defense situation, you probably won't be able to choose which leg to kick with or which hand to punch, so both must be equally strong. You must focus on training your weaker side first and force yourself to use that side when sparring. Switching your stance when sparring can also help keep you focus on making your techniques sharp.
  20. When performing kata , you should always visualize the opponent. There are times though when certain forms (kata) I do, put me in a meditative state .... When I perform my forms (kata) I visualize the movements and apply them as if it were a combat situation but I also visualize what the end result of these movements are doing to a visualized opponent.
  21. Those two drills are classic drills to work on targeting your speed on your own..... I personally like to work with a partner with speed drills. For this drill you may need protective gear (helmet & gloves) One person works on developing offensive speed as the other hones his defensive speed. To perform the drill, you face off in matching stances at a distance of about six-to-12 inches further than arm's reach. Each person holds their lead hand below waist level. The objective of the offensive fighter is to execute a backhand strike to their opponent's temple. The defensive fighter, then attempts to deflect the blow by raising their lead hand. The offensive fighter try to sense his opponent's weaknesses by looking at muscle tension, breathing patterns, and movements. Both partners should try to maintain the basic speed qualities of relaxation, economy of motion, etc. To add to the degree of difficulty, the offensive fighter can attempt to strike from a longer range.
  22. Welcome to KF ... for selfish reasons only I do hope you pick Tae Kwon Do !!!
  23. Sorry I haven't had a chance to welcome you! Welcome to KF and to our part of the country... (argh!!! I'd move back if I were you!) But seriously though, I hope you and your family are adjusting well.... there is sunlight as the end of the snow tunnel....
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