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Everything posted by KickChick

  1. There is a global health alert out now..... the World Health Org is warning travellers to avoid Hong Kong and the southern Chinese province of Guangdong. So what is SARS??? (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) It is the name being used to describe the serious disease with pneumonia-like symptoms that first emerged in southern China last year but has since gone on to cause deaths in Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand and Canada. Cases (including three in Britain) have been confirmed in many other countries, mostly among people who had travelled to affected areas of Asia. There is no vaccine or cure! Antibiotics and antiviral treatments have been used to combat the symptoms, but until the cause is determined, investigation on specific treatments cannot begin. The theory is that it is caused by a coronavirus, often the cause of the common cold, which can spread quickly but for which there is no cure. "The family of viruses was first identified in chicken in 1937 and can cause serious illness in a range of animals including cows, pigs, rats, cats and dogs. SARS might therefore turn out to be a zoonosis - an animal disease that threatens humans, too. Traces of paramyxovirus, of the same family of viruses found in measles and mumps, have also been reported by some laboratories. Some scientists speculate that the two viruses have been working together, others that the paramyxovirus is occurring as the result of secondary, unrelated, infections." How many people have been infected? ...About 2300 so far, with nearly 80 deaths - a fatality rate of between 3% and 4%. 6 deaths in Canada... none so far in US
  2. Chicks like guys that do Tae kwon do!
  3. What would we do without http://www.carbonecho.com ??? .... I guess we are going to find out! Since I've been using that site in the past years it has gone down for over a week in order to do major maintenance, but unfortunately the site has "died a painful death"..... I will try to find out more for you! http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/fk/madamy.gif
  4. OK I sent over some info on the Warrior Diet to you ... but in all honesty, I really don't think that particular diet is realistic for you at this time. I will do SaiFightsMS one better on that suggestion of hers .... I have this nifty little item calle the Diet Coach (I suppose you can also get PDA software that will do almost the same thing if you have one). Now everyone here knows I hate the word DIET or what it means ... but I use this to track what I eat.... protein, carbs, fats and total calories. http://www.swankliving.com/ I love this nutritional calculator!! not pricey either!!
  5. Well I guess I am in agreement with two other people so far ... definitely "both"
  6. http://www.computerpannen.com/cwm/ups/icis/ices_rofl.gif ... I'm still wondering what those Okinawans were smoking!!
  7. http://www.ronlim.com/martialmast.gif http://www.ronlim.com/martial.html As seen in Inside Kung-Fu, Snap! Online and the New York Daily News ..... Here you'll get reviews of Hong Kong/Taiwan/mainland China-produced kung fu and action films from all erasHere they are analyzed for quality and quantity of martial arts content....styles are defined and distinguished between flashy fight stuntwork, and "the real stuff". :up:
  8. Jet Li and Donnie Yen in "Hero" Winter 2003 http://www.miramax.com/hero/
  9. Came across this clip today from Dave Chappelles comedy show ... the REAL GTA3 http://www.tuvok3of11.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/gta4real.mpg
  10. Besides the 'obvious' here..... Was anyone on the receiving end of a practical joke today?? C'mon SHARE!!
  11. ... yeah, I'm a little confused too! .... this "peep" along with many other TKD "peeps" here do kick and actually use our hands
  12. That is one of my favorite combos to work on the wavemaster. Actually we have "kick goal" at our school to see just how many front-round combos one can do without landing. It goes like this... Left foot forward, Front kick off back leg(right) throwing an immediate roundhouse off front leg (left) and an immediate front with back leg again.... and if you're "up" to it another roundhouse off front!
  13. Happy April Fool's Day to everyone ... (.... and to think it originated in France, imagine that!!! ) I'm boycotting today!! ...go knit yourself a sweater!http://www.rocketsky.net/~mysmilies/contrib/edoom/cussing.gif http://www.april-fools.us/history-april-fools.htm
  14. http://www.martialartsresource.com/kr-flag1.gif The four bars in the lower left hand corner means: Fire The three bars in the upper left hand corner means: Sky The five bars in the upper right hand corner means: Water The six bars in the lower right hand corner means: Ground *Um & Yang Symbol (Middle): - Red represents: Sun, Noble, & Hard - Blue represents: Soft, Young, & Hope Together, they mean: Universe The imaginary line between red and blue means: Vigorous, Full Of Life to create *The Um-Yang is the Korean word for Yin-Yang of Chinese.http://www.tcwozere.co.uk/~cracks/contrib/geno/ying.gif
  15. I've noticed alot of competitions coming up in the next couple of months. Anyone else here that can offer some more tips that have helped them out in the past?? http://smilies.crowd9.com/contrib/geno/ying.gif
  16. "Competition" .... I believe that is what you mean ... May I suggest you find out whether it is point or knock out..... might help to know beforehand And for some more tips I suggest you get over to the Sport MA forum here.... http://www.karateforums.com/viewforum.php?f=26 ... Some health tips for day of competition are here in a thread I started .... http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=2261
  17. Thanks for clarifying that for monkeygirl ... (too bad that wasn't on the Survivor quiz !) I did see that link before here as someone else just recently asked. That term is Japanese and not Korean I myself prefer "BOO-YAH!!"
  18. You are obviously not ready to instruct in the area of sparring. Stick with what you are capable of teaching for now ... Instead of asking us, maybe you should get some further "instructor training" from the master instructor of the school. Teaching students "how to spar" is taken too lightly by most instructors. Many believe in the that best way to learn to spar is to suit up and just get in there and spar. But to introduce students to sparring using this method can be a mistake. You need to be sure that your students have a sound foundation in sparring basics. Basically students need to learn proper stances, one-two-three step sparring, balance, and footwork & lateral movement.
  19. Welcome Back! http://smilies.jeeptalk.org/contrib/lynx/grngreedy.gif So its not whether you win or lose, or even how you play the game... its how much you can score at the buffet!! http://www.rocketsky.net/~mysmilies/contrib/constrector/eatchicken.gif
  20. There is no real way to learn karate online, it is especially harder to learn karate in this way IMO....If i may suggest, try to look for a school that offers more classes! http://www.ska.org/ http://www.outboundkarate.com/Knowledgecenter.htm http://www.usa-karate.net/student/white/white.html http://www.inecom.com/martialarts/default.asp http://www.karatetips.com/ebooks/ImproveYourKarateImmediatelyWith100KarateTips.asp http://smilies.networkessence.net/s/contrib/fk/princess.gif
  21. Check the Health & Fitness forum .... There are some threads regarding stretching in very beginning that you can read through that will help to gain kick height. "Kick height is the key stretching, strength or both?" http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=4944 "Head High" http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=4368
  22. Oh I think you care... otherwise you wouldn't have designated your degree in your sig I believe we are getting "off topic" now.... When I posted "BB quitters" I was referring to those just receiving their black belt and then quitting.
  23. Hey Krystyn ( ).... I had been wondering where you were!! I'm glad that you are doing better.... and getting back into training. Glad that you came back here for some suport and I will try to help you out in any way I can. I have had constant "chats" with a girl in a completely different situation.... she needed to lose weight and was just starting out in TKD. She was a new member here ... and I believe she is doing very well (I hope she gets back to post on her progress). As for you girl ... you know there are no quick or easy answers or cures to an eating disorder.... and so there are also none to rectify its effects on your physical training. As was mentioned take it slow to begin with, listen to your body. Eat nutritiously (good site http://www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2000/document/contents.htm ... you need your strength! Good luck to you ... you can do it! Glad you made it back and if there is more I can help you with I'll do my best! Email me 360!
  24. Main reason why I don't personally "diet" .... they just don't make sense!!!! Eat sensibly when you are hungry... put the fork down when you're full and exercise!! Now that makes sense!!
  25. huh??? Don;t understand what you're referring to... do you mean 16 hours after last meal of the day until you ingest your next meal (which would be breakfast??)..... http://www.tcwozere.co.uk/~cracks/contrib/constrector/eatchicken.gif
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