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Everything posted by KickChick

  1. You say "ugly" ??? Well check this out! http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/gbhair1.html
  2. Why oh Why the "WB" .... Another "cheesy" teen series .... http://www.blacksashonline.com/
  3. You're welcome... let us know how you do!
  4. .... actually I've saved on heating bills this winter with the number of boards that I have broken! Makes good kindling for the fireplace!!!
  5. I'm guessing you mean those "groady" pit marks that remain on your gi no matter how much you wash it. Try "spot cleaning" with a liquid spot remover .... apply and rub area together and let stand for awhile before you wash. You can always add bleach to the wash if your gi is totally white and you have no patches, screenprint or colored piping along neckline. (that will fade with bleaching) Also dishwasher detergent works real good for perspiration stains as well as ground in dirt (like football/baseball pants) Stick just the underarm areas in a bowl with a cup of "Cascade" or whatever brand of dishwasher detergent... and let soak overnite. Yeah.... I'm a martial art Mom too!
  6. Another approach that our school is trying to in order to "save" future black belts from quitting.... is allowing brown belts that are coming up for black belt testing to be included in the black belt only classes. It is also good preparation for their black belt test. As black belts we are to exemplify the "black belt attitude" and by our actions convey to these up-and-coming black belt students the importance of black belt training and what it exactly involves. They get to see exactly what is learned at this level. ie....sparring techniques, forms, advanced techniques Of course, many of these students are younger and quite intimidated when it comes to "sparring" with us .... but so far I believe this approach is really working well. When sparring many of the younger students I tend to motion with my fist hitting my chest protector to come at me with what they got while calling out combos for them, talking thru the sparring match. I am there primarily to show them where there weakness lies (their open targets). So far we've had 3 or 4 students taking advantage of the opportunity of training along side the black belts of our school.... and it has reminded us Black Belts to keep that "attitude".
  7. I believe it would be a belt tip that designates the beginning of the 6 month period ... and your certificate(diploma) would be withheld (although it is already is because as a practising black belt student, your bb certificate is hung on the dojo wall. When you leave you are entitled to bring it home. I'm with ramy on that one. Ranks cannot be revoked in our organization and thank goodness for that one....!!! I've left on more than one ocassion (I do have 3 children ) I personally do not agree with that at all.
  8. So although your school's roots are in Chung Do Kwan you perform the WTF Tae Geuk series of hyungs.... whereas my school (also Chung Do Kwan) teaches the Chang Hon (ITF) hyungs. Testing requirements differ with each school .... for instance http://www.usu.edu/taekwond/testing/test.html Check with your school ....I am sure your instructor would give you the necessary requirements and would find your eagerness to learn commendable.
  9. I personally prefer to do straight legged raises front and side as pictured in Kurzs's book and on site http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/article.php?id=256 .... (keeping standing leg knee locked and kicking leg straight lifting to the side kicking out stretched hand (as in a side kicking) with foot/toes pointing forward (as in pic).... and then also doing back kicks as pictured. But if you prefer to doing the high side kicks stretching as Kurz descibes .... yes, you are correct (leaning forward but really it is tilting your pelvis forward as you raise your leg sideways that you want to focus on).... When I stretch out the TKD classes I usually have them perform the dynamic stretches as I described. I have them do 2 sets of 10. The first 10 done nice and easy and gradual and the next set increasing height with each kick.
  10. Our school has had its share..... although we have quite a large black belt student base. I don't want to "stereotype" the BB quitter, but more often than not it is the younger student who reaches pre teen age. How often do I hear some parents say.... "I don't want him/her to quit until they get their blackbelt, they've come so far"....Unfortunately most don't quite "get it" that earning your black belt is only just the beginning. I am sure it does happen to many "older" students who feel they cannot go on training due to other responsibilities that arise forcing them to quit .... (more often than not they are physical conditions or career responsibilities) Our TKD union is soon requiring our students to remain training for a minimum of 6 months after earning their black belt. How this is going to be done is uncertain at this point .... but what I would like to know from all of you is..... How prevalent is the "black belt quitter" in your school? Does your school have these same requirements when achieving black belt rank?
  11. Maybe first we should explain the two methods of "sitting" for those who aren't accustomed to this. The two methods of sitting on the floor are: SEIZA and ZAZEN In seiza, you kneel on the floor with knees one shoulder width apart. Stretch insteps to floor and place right big toe next to left big toe. Sit on heels--back straight, chin slightly tucked in toward chest. Hands are palms up on top of thighs close to the knees, or palms down about mid-thigh. They may also be cradled in the lap with the right held in the left, thumbs just touching at the tips. Elbows are held out to the sides of the body and on the same plane with the hands and nose. To sit in zazen, place left foot on top of right thigh close to the hip as possible. Sole of foot points up. Place right foot on top of left thigh close to hip as possible. Soles of feet point upward. Hands held cradled in lap [with crown of head stretched toward the ceiling. Some seated leg and hip stretches is probably what you need for your obvious lack of inner groin & hip flexibility. Begin with "butterflies" .. Sit erect on the floor and place the soles of your feet together. Grasp the toes with both hands and slowly pull your feet toward your groin. When the heels are as close to the body as they will come, apply downward pressure against the thighs with the forearms. Holding the back straight, bend at the waist and pull the upper body down over the feet as far as you can. Throughout this stretch avoid bouncing as it tend to tighten the muscles rather than loosen them. Now..... a] Sit on the floor with back straight and your feet extended out to the sides as far as possible. Keep the toes pointing to the ceiling. With your hands on the floor at the hip behind your legs, push your body forward against the stretch, pressuring the feet further apart. Bend forward from the waist as far as you can. Rotate at the hip to the side and catch the left elbow inside the left knee. Reach over the top to the left side with the right hand and hold at full extension. The body stays forward facing. [c] Turn the upper body to the left and bend forward over the left leg as far as you can. Keep the back straight throughout. Holding the chin up helps to reduce the curve of the spine. The focus of the stretch should be the hamstrings, not the back. and [c] should be done on both sides, returning frequently to the middle posture in-between as a release. Each extended posture is held for several seconds while breathing naturally.
  12. Well of course try here.... http://www.mma.tv/ Click on Find an Event (alot of fights scheduled for next month in Fla!!! .... "Fast & Fearless" ) Also http://www.sherdog.com/links.htm .... there is a listing of Official Events sites (not FLA specific) but you can search through!
  13. This thread is very similar to one we already have going here with regards to the best weapon for a streetfight http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=3553 ... I'm thinking that is basically a "self defense" situation isn't it?? So with that said I would have to go with Ti-Kwon-Leap's answer which was "The most effective weapon? Can't be banned, confiscated, disarmed, or checked at the door. Won't get you arrested for carrying. Ready at an instant. Carrying a weapon is not a realistic option for most people in modern civilized society." ... esecially in UK for example where it is illegal.
  14. ah! that article is referring to proper body alignment for high sidekicks.... leg raises to the side with knee bent to perform a sidekick while kicking blade of foot wth palm of hand. I find this more of a dynamic stretch for hip flexors rather than for the legs ....
  15. Well what I can do is point you in the direction of the Amateur Atletic Union TKD site which can give you some info on tournament events and there is a section on training tips, explanation of rules & regulations and you can even printout their handbook. http://www.aautaekwondo.org/rules.html Hey and good luck!!
  16. Follow diagrams http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/article.php?id=256 .... You probably need to work up to getting your kness "locked" when performing front and side dynamic kick stretches. Right now try to get leg as straight as possible. I find keeping my abs nice and tight and contracted helps so as you aren't using back muscles and really working the legs!. How high??? Gradually get leg higher with each kick.... Here's more Dynamic stretches you can do....http://www.acc.org.nz/injury-prevention/safe-in-sport-and-recreation/acc-sportsmart/dynamic-stretches/ Any other questions???
  17. Check out this older thread regarding "hip pain" .... http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=4646 .... also in my response in this thread refer to pelvic alignment thread http://www.karateforums.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2318 Hope this helped!
  18. Here are some older threads that dealt with speed training..... Hand Speed http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=6312 Speed Development http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=5188 Drills http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=3661
  19. I see a definite ressurgence in the martial arts.... both for self defense application, and for mental and physical fitness. As far as ma movies.... what???? There are so many "action" martial art movies being released lately!!! Maybe not in the same genre we are accustomed to seeing in the past.
  20. ... the same as the school I attend. Curious to know what organizations and /or unions your school belongs to (?)
  21. In choosing stretches, you should determine the purpose of your stretching. For example, if you 'll be kicking in class say, you need to focus on dynamic flexibility of your hips. To increase your range of motion, you need to do dynamic leg raises in all directions. Dynamic stretches improve dynamic flexibility and static stretching improves your static flexibility... like in doing splits. Kurz does suggest to spend a few minutes in the morning (before breakfast) and do some dynamic stretching. On days you train, you should perform dynamic stretches in the warmup before kicking. You begin slow, and then gradually raise the legs higher, and then you should increase the speed of your movements. This link is by far the best for stretching advice by kurz all in one area.... http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/get_articles.php?cat=Stretching For your after training stretch (as a cool down) check out Miller's article http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/article.php?id=165 Hope this helped .... (I did get your email ... thank you!! )
  22. For more info on Vale Tudo... (in Greece, it's called Pancrase or Pancration, in Japan, it's called shootfighting, and in Brazil, it's called vale tudo. ... ) visit these threads http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=4923 http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=5046
  23. Check out this site http://www.trainforstrength.com/exercises.shtml and go to lower body exercises )
  24. There are several types of forms for which you can practice in Tae Kwon Do.... What "style" of TKD will you be training in? There is TaeGeuk , Palge and the Chang Hon set of hyungs/forms..... Once we have determined this from you, we can direct you to other threads here in the TKD forum where there are diagrams and videos of forms.
  25. Hey Pete .... That was a 6-month hiatus you took!!! Welcome back.... "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. Nelson Mandela (1918 - ), 'A Long Walk to Freedom'"
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