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Everything posted by KickChick
One more month to go until we set sail!!! Cruising to Western Carib ) Key West, Belize, Cozumel, and Progreso Meridia. I'll be teaching morning classes on the upper deck!! I'll be sure to post pics!!
Listen this all was started by me... let me try and end it here. My initital post was not to complain just a suggestion and to voice my opinion. That "sour grapes" remark was totally uncalled for.... that to me is "argumentative". ... as BlueDragon posted I won't have any hard feelings either if I'm voted off
Cheers & Welcome!! http://www.jamezbrown.com/mysmilies/otn/party/beerchug.gif
Congrats Gehrig ...I am sure you will see that 3000 mark in no time
How is breaking most important to you
KickChick replied to SaiFightsMS's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
Very well said... thanks for that post.... and hey where have you been??? -
... with all due respect , no it is not. (post quantity has never been an issue with me.... its "quality" not "quantity" hence my "sour grapes") I was just pointing out that the length of time for this challenge was unduly to "some" of us. Yes, ME .... and I believe a few others who agree. With regards to quizes and other challenges that are due in 4 days or so.... that is viable. It is not measured by continuous "play". When I say I submitted most challenges they were for the prior Survivor games not this.... and since I am involved in this one I cannot I submit challenge suggestions. TGISunday!!! ... with all that said I will say no more and be a good girl
ok roll your eyes! Seems the hole lot is against me ! ...expected! ... and Sai not 4 days worth of "individual " posting... I can see you can handle that ... but we cannot measure up to you! Give us the same challenges ... (oh let me see... who thought up most of those??? oh it was me!!!) Hope there are better challenges coming!
I believe this challenge should have been for 2 days..... This is Day 3 ... the beginning of the weekend!!! I don't know about the rest of the Survivor gang, but I do have a life outside of KF.... Most of you know how I post, why I post, what topics I usually post to and so on. I understand this is a game.... but it is no longer fun. I post primarily to offer advice and information. Rarely do you see me making posts that I have made in the past few day. (Altough some actually are good quality ... not just a one liners!) I see that it is boosting KF's post count ... and maybe that is all it is really doing at this point. 'Cept for those getting new belts.... for me it is pointless now. The final Survivor challenge should have been to test ones's knowledge ... (as in the previous Survivor games) ((am I actually agreeing with Tobias AGAIN!!)) this is merely a measure of how much time you can personally spend on the computer logged on to KF. Is that Survival??? In a sense I guess it is but...... We already had a team post count and it did not go over the weekend.... and it wasn't 4 days long! 2 days would have been long enough to tally up some individual posts IMO.... This will most likely be one of my last posts of the weekend. Don't worry I will no longer competition for the rest of you.... (at least not in this particular challenge)....
I don't believe I ever have disagreed with you ... but there is always a first time!! as the song goes..... 'I'm' an "original" baby!.... traditional and proud of it! ....
Now if we can just find a way to make petrol/gasoline from it... wow!!! Would give new meaning to "breathing exhuaust fumes"!!!! http://www.gamers-forums.com/smilies/contrib/edoom/Smoker.gif ... besides having to rely on the middle east
I'm sure Mike has uncovered many facts but I have this in my bookmarks and found these facts interesting http://cannabis.com/untoldstory/hemp_2.shtml Now... I don't claim marijuana to be harmless. I gave my opinion on the "legalization" of it. (rather ballsy of me )
Yeah... you can say that! (the worlds apart).... Well the 2nd site has kickboxing!!!! I teach that! Good mix of classes there! I would lean toward that school myself as if I were to crosstrain, it would be in non-traditional self defense. Now the first school (training hall) is quite traditional! (even more so then what I am accustomed to seeing from what is offered in my area).... I like the virtual dojo ... pretty cool! But most importantly, I like the description of the school :up: http://www.senshinkan.com/ssk%20homepage.htm
I base my vote on this..... Marijuana has been shown to be very beneficial to patients with terminal illnesses. Marijuana is less hazardous than legalized addictive substances like tobacco and alcohol.
This is where alot of controversy lies with the distinction of traditional and modern (practical) martial arts. For it to be practical or modernized it seems it has to be better understood by the student. In the thread Tobias is referring to.... I took exception to the term K-beck which is NOT the traditional name of the (11/12th of the Chang hon forms that were created by Choi Hong Hi. These patterns are known as the "first" Korean forms they are based heavily on the movements of Japanese and Okinawan Karate. But names throughout the years have been "changed" .... and yes (Kae Bek and Gae Bek are one in the same not two different forms) Because of so many styles and schools of TKD... you will find inconsitency in certain terminology and spellings. It is a shame really
I started this poll for those new to martial arts and those wondering if they are too old to start! Let's see what the results are from our members here!
Martial Arts Search Engine?
KickChick replied to SoulAssassin's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Obviously a "plug" for the forum, but a "search engine" and KF's Search option are two different things. True, you will indeed find info on a number of ma related topics.... but you are going no farther than this site. -
Martial Arts Search Engine?
KickChick replied to SoulAssassin's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Well everyone knows I am a lover of links! ... 'specially martial art links so.... my fav ma search is http://www.budoseek.net/ but also http://www.martialinfo.com is great to find all kinds of info! -
Well, listen .... we all can go back and forth here all year and we would all be right with regards to "stances". I believe what BKJ is looking for is a "basic fighting stance" .... and then again that is taught differently amongst all our styles too. Begin by turning your side to your opponent. Assuming yo are right handed, your right side should be facing forward. Your feet are shoulder width apart with your knees slightly bent. You will want your right hand held in front of you balled into a loose fist held between the eye and the mouth. The arm is in proper position when it runs the same line as the body and the elbow is kept close to the body. Styles will vary as to where to place the left hand. In some the hand is held up around the left cheek, as in a boxer’s stance. In a deeper stance..... ( if executed properly) it’s harder for your opponent to pull you off balance. You will have to make some slight adjustments here...... You take the left leg straightforward the distance of two shoulder widths. The right leg should be straight, and both feet pointed forward (as if stradling a railroad track) with the left knee bent and directly over the heel almost as if there were a steel rod driven through the knee and out the heel. Your hips and shoulders should be square with one another and back is straight. The left arm comes up in front of you. Your fist is closed and just below the eyes held parallel to the left shoulder, back of forearm and fist facing forward. The right arm is held horizontally across the body the right hand held in a fist touching the left elbow.
HAHAHAHA ... well not everything .... (Home Brain Surgery for Dummies, The Snooze Button for Dummies, Walking and Chewing Gum at the Same Time for Dummies, How to deal with KickChick for Dummies )
Because contact is made using the fleshy part of the palm rather than the knuckles the risk of injury to the hand are lessened. The purpose for using this technique is to stop forward momentum. The target areas for the palm heel strike are at the chin (causing head to push back) front upper torso (you can use both hands just below shoulder)....at center of chest may cause shock, unconsciousness,trauma or even death.
If your heel is very painful, you could get a cortisone injection to reduce the inflammation. This, however, is a last resort.
Well give them a call and ask!
You know BKJ I understand that you want to prepare yourself for the big day when you begin your training.... but might I suggest that you just sit tight a bit and WAIT FOR MAY 12th. I do love your enthusiasm but I do believe (and hopefully the rest of the community here will back me up on this) you may be "jumping the gun" a bit. Presently (in order to prepare), read, stretch, exercise/cardio/run, get yourself mentally and emotionally prepared. Seems to me you have too many irons in the fire.... your concentration is all over the place. Wait and see what "Shudokan" is all about and go on from there. In the meantime, keep up the enthusiasm and I do hope you continue to have that as you train further on! Oh and if it's simple hand & forearn conditioning you're after.... get yourself a heavy bag and some mitts. Really that is all you need for now. Iron palm is for the serious martial artist ...for example those involved in Tameshiwari
OK.... first of all, let me say you are going about this (doing push ups) in the correct manner. Which is starting with wall push-ups and then graduating to the easier, conventional push ups and on further to the more advanced style of a push u p, when you feel your upper body becoming stronger. Hmmm.... let's see if you are doing "wall push ups" correctly in the first place. More often then not, when you do happen to do them incorrectly, you tend to feel it more in your back. For wall push-ups you should stand facing a wall ,with your feet shoulder width apart. Stand perfectly straight with your back straight and tummy pulled in. Bend your arms and keep your arms flat a little more than shoulder width apart. Lean into the wall till your upper arms are parallel to the wall. To move away from the wall, straighten your arms and move yourself. Start with a set of eight repetitions and gradually increase it till you are able to easily do three sets, then graduate on to the easy push up version, lying on the floor knees bent and legs crossed behind. You must take care to pull your ab muscles in, towards your spine and ensure that your back does not arch. http://www.bo.uiowa.edu/~fushr/wellness/MTC3/Exercises/overall/Images/wallpush2.jpg