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Everything posted by KickChick

  1. Thank you so much John (I had a feeling you would know!!...ITF and all ) ... the Black Belt Series is what I want, .... seems the colored belt series is only available in cdrom
  2. Oh I'm learning the forms in class but I practice at home constantly and it is difficult to remember every movement. I would like to refer to a video (watching it over and over). We only go through our forms once (I now do about 12-13 forms) and the new ones we begin to learn we do maybe once or twice step by step then "free practice".....
  3. Argh!!! I am having such a time with my 2nd dan bb forms. (Chang Hon) I was seriously thinking of getting these videos. http://www.comdo.com/ I wonder if any of you have seen these and whether or not the videos will help or not. I don't know about you all, but following these advanced forms (with over 65 and more movements) is rather confusing when following from a book.
  4. Yeah.... "Don't let it happen again!" Get your butt home earlier when you know you have to train! And party it up when you don't have to the next day!!
  5. Well you're not the only one that makes stuff up! You're OK in my book Mr. Heel Hook....
  6. ... that's it ... let it out. Don't hold back ah... we really are one big happy family aren't we??
  7. These are all sure fire ways to get a martial artist (something similar was done on another forum but I tailored the questions to better reflect KarateForums discussions). ... please refrain from doing any of these here .... but which one do you feel really infuriates members the most?? And if you have more to add post them.... (and we all will be sure to avoid at all costs!!)
  8. Having your fiance in your grappling class can either help or hinder your training... which will it be? I say, let her handle any situation that arises. I personally dislike it when guys tone their sparring with me. (until they get hurt and then the "mood" changes )That's TKD though. It is her choice to be there... and I'm sure she is aware of just how physical it is..... Grappling has become very popular for women. When a woman finds herself taken to the ground, this is where you're least likely to survive an attack against a man. Let her find out for herself.... (in class!)
  9. The leg is three times stronger than your arms, and much longer so why not land a kick to the head?? In our style (Chung do Kwan) we train for strong hand techniques for close range and high targets harder to reach with kicking technique. .... although high kicking ability is definitely not "stressed" in our school (because the 'average' student cannot kick head high). Our instructor is always telling us not to concentrate so much on the height but power in execution (snap) and direct the kick to your target. (whether it be high or low)..... The goal is to learn technique that is strong enough that it can kill or incapacitate with one blow. If your technique is too weak, your defense is useless. Being able to apply what you learn in TKD class on the street requires that you learn how to hit hard, hit fast, and move out of the way!
  10. Well you can purchase a wall mounted version... http://www.karatedepot.com/tr-ta-19.html All those that are constructed as you described do need to have a hole dug into the ground ... but there are other ways you can make )like the t-shirt with duct tape .... if you can find some!) http://ctr.usf.edu/shotokan/makiwara.html
  11. Don't you feel that you are a better person to answer that question than us?? I mean how do you feel with what you have learned up to this point. Do you honestly feel you are physically & mentally equippedand prepared to handle a defensive situation should the need arise?? ah I see.... I thought so! Listen its not the point whether or not you are sufficiently trained to fight to win but more so are you effieciently trained to resist and walk away. True victory is only achieved if no one loses. There is an old saying in the martial arts, ...., "One must first learn civility before he learns the art, and one must first know his ethics before he knows his skills.
  12. I'm with Ken on this one. Have your instructor "look" at your form. He can conclude as to what you need to work on in order to "perfect" that high roundhouse. Many variables are taken into account ... leg strength, hip flexor strength, flexibility and proper pivot (heel turned to direction of kick with toes pointing away)....
  13. Well lack of sleep and the flu are two entirely different things!!! I've taught class under less then perfect conditions (lack of sleep).... dragging myself in because I have 20 or so people there wanting to work out. Once I get going... the adrenaline kicks in (as I start to kick ) and I feel much better. You do need to eat something (carb) though for added energy (45-60 min prior). Now if its a hangover.... shame on you! ..... (still not the same as the flu.... you have to experience one in order to know firsthand!!) Hey I mean what happens if you get attacked on the street and you haven't slept and have imbibed a bit too much??? Tell your attacker to come back when you're feeling 100%?? As with any of your training ... take everything that comes your way as a learning experience ....
  14. Old news.... but worth repeating AGAIN...... Taken from news report.... like here https://www.usjudo.org/carjack.htm Black Belt TV??? Never heard??? Look here my man.... http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=4699
  15. We already have a thread started on this subject in General Martial Arts..... http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=3330 ... before you start a new thread you should check (by using Search feature) whether or not we've covered that particular subject matter.
  16. Yeah that's a good one also Blue. I do believe you need an adjustable dumbbell to do this "wheel slide" as they call it. But you can also use a rolled up towel and a nicely smooth wooden floor. Begin on hands and knees with wheel in front, arms straight, abs pulled in. Roll forward grasping towel (or dumbbell), keeping abs tight without arching the back....go as far as you can , then contract the abs to roll body back to where you started. Each time go a little farther. The site I was referring to in my post doesn't have those exercises I just gave you that site because I have the book and yes, those exercises are ones that are included and ones that I ocassionally include in my own workout. ad.... when we say "bench" you can use a chair or a firm sofa (how about a picnic bench??)
  17. ...you'll notice we all do! , doesn't matter what belt or style! Welcome Kyotogirl
  18. ... you're very welcome Looneyas (but please don't over do it ok?? ) As BlackBeauty posted http://www.fightingarts.com/reading/get_articles.php?cat=Stretching Kurz is #1 .... I would never have been able to achieve the splits (at my age!!! ) without reading his book. Go through this forum (do a seach under splits for just Health & Fitness only) and it will pull up a bunch of threads for you! I'm only here to help!
  19. http://www.comdo.com/Images/opening.wmv
  20. I have but one word to say ......... http://www.irving.org/mikespage/html/fofo.html
  21. Nah, I understand what you mean. I personally like a nice soft belt...I received my new black belt several months ago ... but because I began training more days a week it took no time for it to start laying nice and flat against the front of my uniform. I just hated the first couple of times I wore it and one side just stood straight up in the air. Has anyone ever whipped themselves in the face with the tail end of their new belt after doing a spin kick?? Yeouch!!
  22. Here are two tips to de-stiffenize new belts. (I like that word ) Throw it in dryer (dry) for 15 minutes with a "bunch" of fabric softener sheets. Or throw it over top of an open door and take each end and pull it back and forth then turn it over and keep doing until it gets de-stiffened
  23. .... and I was looking forward to seeing Sai's weight lifting program post. Just minding the forum I see..... Unfortunately we must respect even those whose first language is English and can't get it write.... I mean "right" You'll notice more growth if you give your muscles a complete rest on your day off weight training. A popular schedule is to train your entire body over the course of 3 days, training different body parts each day, and then taking one day off. This "3-On, 1-Off" routine gives each muscle group 96 hours for rest and growth. It brings out the shape and hardness of your muscles. If you find this routine is too much work to allow maximum growth, try dividing your entire full-body routine into 2 shorter workouts, performed twice a week. So, train one-half of your body on one day, the other half the next day, then take a day off. Repeat two more days of training and follow this with 2 days-off to complete one week.
  24. thanks! See math classes are good for something!! My daughter was going nuts and wanted me to find out how it does that! ...(ok so was I! )
  25. Yeah the first link didn't work. Couldn't beat the "mind reader" ... ok out with it! What is the secret??? How do you beat it??
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