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Yes I posted that particular site in this thread re: TKD websites..... http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=4935 I am familar with this site as our school is a member. AnonymousCoward .... are you (or school) an ITU member?? also.... I would appreciate a quick private msg. "how to" in conversion procedure... I would like to do the same..... (although I am awaiting forms on disk thru mail )
For flips it is important to jump up as high as you can so you may want to concentrate on plyometric exercises. Jumping up as high as you can and tucking knees (very important for flips!) nice and tight and close to body. Practice forward and backward rolls on mat consistently! Exercises that build your shoulders, triceps, and trapezius muscles are the most effective for increasing your speed and power. Handstand push-ups, and military/shoulder presses are good conditioning exercises. This site has helped me a whole lot and hope it does the same for you! http://www.geocities.com/ox_pasture/Tricks.html
Tae Kwon-Do a martial art or a sport ?
KickChick replied to Adonnis's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
".. beware all 4-legged animals, Ken is running out of horses to beat!" ... Argh!! .... It's both but WTF is much more sport -oriented with their involvement in the Olympics. -
Actually I believe .... kickboxers, when blocking a low roundhouse kick, use this "cut kick" You begin by first lifting your leg to block opponents strike with the your knee or shin. What you are attempting to do is to get your opponent to raise their own leg block, (begins with a couple of roundhouses to the outside of opponents thigh and they then begin to raise their leg to block for next kick) then the kicking leg is brought up underneath the raised leg to strike opponents standing leg. So in effect your kicking leg passes under their block (or strikes near their blocking foot and pushes through) to their support leg. You can then use your leg to throw them off of their feet.
The Karate Kid
KickChick replied to BKJ1216's topic in Martial Arts Gaming, Movies, TV, and Entertainment
Miyagi Chojun was the founder of Goju Ryu and creator of Fukyugata Ni.... purely a fictional movie starring Noriyuki Pat Morita as Mr. Miyagi. -
Anyone know of a serach engine that willl do....
KickChick replied to BKJ1216's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
.... well.... there may not be any listed on the internet for your particular area. Try your yellow pages. The only "karate" school that I personally found in your area is the West Valley Karate -
Anyone know of a serach engine that willl do....
KickChick replied to BKJ1216's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Try http://martialartscity.com/cgi-bin/classifieds/classifieds.cgi/ ... (am I the first one ?? ) and... http://www.aiminghigh.org/Directory.asp?OptSel=C http://www.guild-hall.com/schools/showsearch.php3 http://home.attbi.com/~wsko2/ And in good ole Yakima there is http://westvalleykarate.hypermart.net/ Maybe one of the Senseis can get all the dojo directory Search Links together and post them in a thread at the beginning of this forum. It would be a helpful addition! -
KickChick replied to Sharpshooter's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
First step in being mentally prepared is to feel that you are physically prepared. If you feel you are... then on to mentally preparing yourself further. Sparring competition requires a positive mind set. Visualization is an effective tool in preparation. It is important for you to visualize a successful conclusion to the match, and to see yourself winning over your opponent.... hence a positive attitude. Don't let other fighters "psyche you out" beforehand. They say most dangerous fighters are those that sit by themselves and mentally compose themselves before their match. Easier said than done.. but stay relaxed, ... mentally and physically. -
Richard Smith, a blind man, enters a bar where it happens to be Ladies Night. He finds his way to a bar stool, and orders a drink. After sitting there for a while, the blind guy yells to the bartender "Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke ?" The bar immediately becomes absolutely quiet. The woman next to him says, "Before you tell that joke, you should know something. The bartender is blonde, the bouncer is blonde and I'm a 6' tall, 200 lb blonde with a black belt in karate. What's more, the woman sitting next to me is blonde and she's a weight lifter. The lady to your right is a blonde, and she's a pro wrestler. Think about it seriously, Mister. You still wanna tell that joke?" The blind guy says, "Nah, not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times."
Hey taskpaul (nice to meet you! ).... You've done everything "to the book" up to this point! One thing that I have noticed with students coming back from knee injuries is that they find because of discontinuing training their legs as usual ... they lose leg strength. One thing you will have to work on, when you return to full training, is to strengthen the quadriceps muscles in the front of the thigh (leg extensions) and the hamstring muscles in the back of the thigh (leg curls). These muscles, particularly the quadriceps, begin to lose strength within 12 hours of a knee injury. These muscles control the knee and should restrengthened. You can also begin some rehab now by riding a stationary bike for 20 min. Adjust the seat to a high setting so that your range of motion is minimal. Don't put any drag on the bike you simply want to move the knee effortlessly. You may find (and you may not depending on the severity)that you may not be able to pedal all the way around. Just pedal back and forth until you can come over the top. Once you're able to, lower the seat gradually so that you increase the bend in your knee each day until you get back your full range of motion. As Sai posted.... listen to your body. If you feel pain or major discomfort stop whatever you are doing! Good Luck to you .... and hope you're back to training 100% very soon!
well I mean't not fun for fellow students either who may come in contact... with the fun stuff..... Bodily fluid secretions is a serious health issue!
Fun???? ok.... I know now I defintely have at least one of many screws loose cos' I wouldn't accept that! ..Do you at least wear a bandage when this happens???
anyone know any ways to stop feeling intimidated?
KickChick replied to KerouacKev's topic in General Chat
Case in point..... I posted a while back in Strategies Forum somewhere the recent incident of being robbed in a store. So naturally everytime I enter a store I am in anticipation of the same scenario occuring (with a very different ending mind you!!) Well a couple of weeks ago I am walking towards the store and an SUV is parked out front. A guy gets out as I approach the entrance of the store and stands so as I could walk right past him .... and he then follows me in. AHA I say.... he is after something! He says to me.... "Aw c'mon honey life can't be that bad!" .... (he is reading my facial expression) so I say... "Oh it shows" and continue on to the produce aisle to stock up on some veggies..... After about 10 minutes or so I "feel" uncomfortable... as if someone is behind me too close.... I turn and grab this guy (the same guy from the front of the store) and put him into a wrist lock. He screams.... "Hey gorgeous I just wanted to put a smile on your face".... Yeah well you almost did I say!! So he was trying to "pick me up" ... and not rob me More on Intimidation here.......... http://www.karateforums.com/viewtopic.php?t=1267 Like I said earlier there are more posts in the Strategies Forum that more properly relate to the subject. -
"Moderation"!!!! Carbs don't make you fat! All things equal, (insert the word....moderation) overconsuming fat and total calories will make you fat. Radically overconsuming carbs, however, such as getting more than 70% of your calories from carbs, has been shown to increase your risk of developing diabetes . Yet not getting enough carbs can place your muscle gains, metabolism and energy at risk.
well, fortunately I don't have to "pay" that much. but yes, it is pricey............ Like I said I do "work" at it! I am talking about those last 8 to 10 stubborn pounds that seem to stick like glue or those last few inches that cling to your belly. Unfortunately jmy77, there are factors that are beyond our control ... such as age and genetics.
Very good advice.... I do both actually.... can't equate the two really. Good explanation there jmy77. Nothing like jogging in a light rainfall on a warm summer's day.... or a breezy spring time early morning. But its downright dreadful this time of year... snow and ice, freezing temps. I put on the headphones and turn up some high bpm tunes and "go to town" ... (and I can wear as little as I want to!!! ) You can watch TV too if you want if its way too boring.... smelly you say??? How about some aromatherapy while running the treadmill? Another suggestion: Does your school have an outdoor running track??? that might be an option for you after school or on the weekends. Kids that hang around there are also "training" and shouldn't make inappropriate remarks. The treadmill??? USE IT!!!!
Nice to meet you KickinKitten.... KickChick here Welcome!! Might I suggest you look in the yellow pages under "Karate" or Tae Kwon Do" ... some students at schools do offer private instruction. I'd help you out too but I'm on the east coast !!!
Okay ... so I did stop taking ephedra-based supplements. (Mr. Heel Hook will be ) In furthering my research I found that ephedra doesn't really help you burn all that much bodyfat anyway. In one study, it was reported that 20 mg of ephedrine burned approximately 12 extra calories over a 3-hour period. (Heck, you could burn that amount of calories taking a shower!) On top of that, at least 75% of the weight loss attributed to ephedrine is a direct result of appetite suppression. That's the absolute worst way to lose weight, as it brings your metabolism to a screeching halt. Typically then, any weight loss is usually water weight. Water loss is not the same thing as bodyfat reduction. Only the loss of bodyfat will dramatically change your physical appearance. Plus, once you stop using ephedra, ...(as I did) you run the risk of quickly returning to your original bodyweight. I didn't gain that much ... hard to say because I have been lifting as well and gaining inches in that way also) I am not looking into this http://www.nutros.com/Nutros/home/campaign/LS73Free.jsp# I will let you know how this works! You may say... well why don't I just watch what I eat? I do.... very much so and train very consistently while employing a weight lifting program.... There is a little known scientific fact. The older you get, past the age of 25, the harder it is to lose fat (and the easier it is to pack on unwanted pounds) around the midsection or hips because the metabolism starts to rapidly decline, which makes your energy levels drop and severely impairs your body's ability to burn fat.
Links to sites with terminologys
KickChick replied to SaiFightsMS's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I have some others that I have bookmarked to add to this "terminologies" thread.....(these are style specific that have helped me "learn" more about fellow member's styles) Judo Terms http://www.soton.ac.uk/~judo/JudoTerms.html Jujitsu Terms http://www.chs.srvusd.k12.ca.us/chshomepage/clubs/JJjujitsu/dzrvocab.html Aikido Terms http://www.west.net/~aikido/aikido/terms.html Kuk Sool Won http://kswflo.tripod.com/terminology.htm Shotokan Karate http://www.shotokankarate.ca/shotokan%20terminology.htm -
"Tenants of Taekwon-Do"
KickChick replied to Jerry Trimble's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
Bill said it all with this one post!!! :up: This was started "back in the day" ....and I already posted on first page. We and some of the past members did have some fun with this thread also. (It would be nice to bring back the "fun times we had" .....) Maybe bearing in mind these tenets is a first step! -
Boards vs. Brick
KickChick replied to SandanPJ's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
We are not required to break "bricks" (actually we use concrete patio blocks) for testing requirements.... but we have "breaking" classes where we are encouraged to show a little imagination as far as breaking techniques go. We've had fire breaks, ice sculpture breaks, baseball bats ... I can go on and on......................................... At Black Belt level, requirements for under 16 is 2 wood boards and over is 3 boards. *(I have a very impressive concrete break posted on my web site (Martial Art Pics) from a fellow Sah Bum Nihm, done with a downward twin elbow strike) -
Good Websites for Taekwondo Forms
KickChick replied to Rhuarc's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
That is dependant on the federation style ITF or WTF (different set of hyungs/forms)... and also the school's affiliation with an association or union determines ranking requirements. -
Lately the black belts at our school have been sparring without gear..... yeah we're crazy!! Psychologically it has a pretty good effect on the lower belts.... It is understood that since we don't have any gear on .... should they lack control in their technique('specially with us having no protection) ... they will suffer our wrath. Believe me ... it works!
Hey Mike... Yes, I know where the Norwalk MA school is located Try here http://www.usadojo.com/schoolsnevada.htm ... and this studio I believe lies just outside of Las Vegas... http://www.cmnorules.com/ Or maybe you may just want to see if any of your current instructors are aware of any schools in that area!