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Everything posted by KickChick

  1. ...because it is one of the many things those "terrorists" want to happen to America and its allies. Let's not give in to it...here in this forum and worldwide. This was an act of war that could have been launched against any of your countries....it just happened to be against the United States of America. We are a brave and resilient country... And we will act accordingly ....make no mistake (as President Bush assured our country) .
  2. Hey...there's more than one blonde here! A similar question was posted in TaeKwonDo under kicking technique...but "move" can also be a hand technique too so..... for me that would be the palm heel to the chin...or hook punch to the head...(i guess these are the ones I feel that I am proficient at and have broken boards with).... The roundhouse is my 'kick of kicks'....love it!!! Deby
  3. I don't think any one particular form of karate is "better" than another....but kickboxing is not Karate or even a martial art...it is a combative sport. It's like boxing and kicks....hmmm maybe that's why its called kickboxing I am in full support of any physical activity people take part in to better themselves. The martial arts are full of teachings about honor, respect, tradition, and many other facets. Kickboxing is about being an athlete a fighter. Period. Fighters do not have to wear gis, they don't need to learn about history, forms/patterns, tradition, or any of those things. Just like a soccer player, their goal is to win. Deby
  4. Quote: "im glad this board is not only male orientated! us women kick ass " :pony: Thank you for posting...there is a thread on this subjuect. You may want to refer to posts under Health & Fitness ...in the thread "Weight Training" .. there you will find additional upper body techniques. Lots of good fitness reading being posted in H & F for Forum members! Check it out!!! Deby _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) "A woman does not practice martial arts so that she can fight like a man. She does so in order to be free to be a woman." [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-09-13 12:22 ]
  5. Could always use another "kick"... Welcome kickbuttnat to KarateForums!!!... from a fellow "lady" Deby
  6. Angus...you're too much! Well, IMO that is every womans point of focus in an attack situation. I do believe that maybe the attacker may expect this line of defense from a woman. I do like (Thaiboxer's) defensive kick...low and to the knees ...awesome...making superb use of one of our many advantages (lower body strength). I have never found myself (& hopefully will never have to) in a situation where I would need to defend myself....but, I do feel empowered by my training which I do believe enables me to carry myself in a self confident manner in times of questionable safety...and would honestly have to rely on my first instincts when the situation does arise. Deby
  7. Can anyone help out Strife with his fitness training to get prepared for Muay Thai? Please read previous posts. Deby _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) "A woman does not practice martial arts so that she can fight like a man. She does so in order to be free to be a woman." [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-09-12 10:12 ]
  8. Let's take into consideration here the man vs. woman. We as women have had to deal with the physical disadvantage that we have from our male counterparts in the Martial Arts. My greatest obstacle has been the bad habits I've developed along the way, not my female body. Few of the martial arts do not rely on brute force, but on scientific principles of motion. Balance, agility, speed, etc. CAN increase power and competence (for men as well as women). This is not an example of going beyond compensating for physical disadvantage by skill. This IS compensating for physical disadvantage by skill. Skill is what enables us to turn any trait into an advantage. Skill is an action or activity that has been developed through study, training and conditioning. But you need to be careful in looking at any trait as an "advantage," it is easy and dangerous to develop a false sense of security. Like male muscular strength, it is only an advantage when the opponent lacks the trait or has not yet turned it into a skill. Rather than feel empowered by the so called advantages of the "small female body" traits (balance,agility, etc.), train those traits,study them,understand them and perfect them. And then feel empowered by your training and where it has taken you! :pony: Deby
  9. To do Triangle Push Ups or Tricep Push ups as they are sometimes called...Start by lying on floor face down. Make a diamond or triangle shape with hands and place them under your face so that your face will be in center of shape. Elbows are out to side. Using 2 slow counts, raise upper body (like a push up). Push through the heel of your hands. I compare it to pushing through heels when doing squats. Slowly lower to start position. Can vary count or stop halfway down and pulse. Deby _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) "A woman does not practice martial arts so that she can fight like a man. She does so in order to be free to be a woman." [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-09-12 08:07 ]
  10. Here is a special poem in memory of those who we have lost: Does anyone think it's easy To be a creature of this world? To ask for reasons When all reasons serve only To make the darkness darker, And to break the heart? --Not only of man, But of all breathing things? Perhaps, friends, it is time To take a stand Against all this senseless hurt. --Kenneth Patchen Help Those In Need Please Call 1-800-GIVE-LIFE 1-800-HELP NOW (Credit Card Donations) Please help everyone in America by sending this to all your friends and family to inform them on how they too can help out. We all can do our part and lend a hand. Right now, as we sit comfortably at our computers, countless paramedics, police officers, and firemen are fighting an uphill battle to save as many human lives as possible.
  11. Lori...I am here at work 1 hr. away from the World Trade Center...came to this site to get mind off of what is presently happening to our country. I am enroute to pick up my children as they are closing schools now. My family and friends are ok and accounted for but my prayers and thoughts go out to all those other people. This is a worldwide tradgedy ... not just for the United States.
  12. Definitely be honest with your instructor about your leaving. The school couldn't have been all that bad since you have been training there for over a year. It is far better to explain why you are leaving than for someone from within the school maybe seeing you enter or leave from another dojo and telling the instructor of the old school. You never know....you may want to eventually come back to your Aikido dojo in the future. This has happened with students at the school that I attend. If you are changing styles I'm sure that the instructor will more than understand. If you go to another school teaching the same style you may have a little more explaining to do. Deby _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) "A woman does not practice martial arts so that she can fight like a man. She does so in order to be free to be a woman." [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-09-10 13:42 ]
  13. I have personally ordered equipment from Century products (https://www.centuryma.com) and another company that I have purchased from Karate Depot (https://www.karatedepot.com) is exceptional! ...shipping is incredibly low! Also check out http://www.allblackbelt.com ...All have affiliate programs so you can generate some $$$ If you want more I can direct you to a great link that includes loads....but these are the 3 that I have purchased from and was more than satisfied! Deby
  14. The man who in spite of his own wisdom is humble to others has never failed to win men's hearts ... (or a woman's ) Congrats on your 1000th Rushman !!! Deby
  15. Geez...I failed to mention one thing on the punches to heavy bag or wavemaster....,,,,WEAR WRAPS and GLOVES. Wraps to protect the wrists and gloves for added weight and resistance. Keep fists nice and tight on the punch and wrists straight! If you don't have a heavy bag ....a friend of mine covered up a pole in the basement with pillows and foam and it worked pretty well. I believe everyone in training has or should invest in a heavy bag for training and practicing at home. Deby
  16. Hey babysteffee...whattcha want is to be more sculpted & toned. Some of us ladies want toned biceps and shoulders and legs without getting bulked up. Since I started cardio kickboxing...my arms are much more defined as are my legs. Hook/cross punches to bag in horsetance (squat low!) Left and right to body and then lift up high to top of bag (chin area) Keep muscles of arms tight...abs tight and explode those punches left and right to bag doiing 2 minutes to body and then ligting punches high to chin....then punch double time....speed it up. Do forward back fists (speed bag punching). Afterwards go down and do as many pushups as you can...triangle, wide outs and shoulder widths. Leg lifts and squats are awesome toning exercises for the legs. Kicks to the bag tone the legs also!...tension roundhouses/front and side kicks and speed kicks. I also use a resistance band/tube daily. I keep it handy to do bicep curls and tricep extensions...and shoulder stretches. You can also wrap around foot and do leg lifts with opposite leg. Any fitness euipment place online has them...different sizes and all. One thing that is great about them is they are easy to pack up and fit in purse! Don't worry you won't bulk up (women) with this type of resistance workout. You'll get that awesome line definition in your arms with a little bicep bulge...and as far as the legs...stronger quadriceps and abductors. Any questions, just email me personally... Deby
  17. Whew!!! Whatta relief!!! Good Work Patrick! ...very depressing to see "username unknown" Deby
  18. Many thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. You can see the dillema we are faced with then. Either you are too hard on the (child) student or you are not hard enough...and you can't have it both ways. There are some people that were trained as you were (back in the day)that would love to bring that discipline back to martial arts. It won't work today! The lawyers would have a field day!... ...yes, I remember when I wore a uniform and had my knuckles slapped with a ruler and made to clean toilets in the lav when I was in elementary school...those days are long gone...but it too taught me a lesson too! (Don't hike up your uniform skirt too high! ) ...glad to see you back safe & sound Taezee Deby
  19. As far as the fitness/cardio kickboxing class that I teach goes....I do teach the basic kick/punch combos...etc. But do not show specific self defense combos to my nobelt students as does Billy in his tapes. He shows how to hook/punch ...duck then weave and side kick turn back kick and then do a sweep. Like someone doing tae bo in their living room is going to be proficient to do that self defense combo. What I do teach my students is how to develop the power in their kicks to land a powerful front, back, round or side kick (in the event they need to use it). Yes, my class is purely for fitness...but I do introduce my TKD skills to show proficiency and the reason why we kick the way we do... ....it has made many of the students in my fitness/cardio kickboxing class try a TKD or Aikido class....so all in all this form of exercise has opened up martial arts training to those who would have never opted to go for it! Deby
  20. Welcome Strife to KarateForums and thank you for posting in Health & Fitness... I am currently training in TKD and fitness kickboxing...and you'll see a vaiety of different workouts within the threads here. We have offered BlueDragon some "inside" training tips under School as well as a variety of other different approaches to fitness within this particular forum. Please read and if any of our Muay Thai people can offer Strife some direction as far as his training for this particular art...please post!! Deby
  21. Taezee (Javier)..Welcome back! Missed reading your postings because honestly I usually agree to whatever you post here... I found something out the other day which I wasn't aware of...that TKD schools that teach "sport" TKD for competion/Olympic training are spelled taekwondo and "traditional" TKD is spelled Tae Kwon Do . I honestly didn't know that until I went online to find out mainly because another TKD school opened up in a shopping center right down the street from our school (less than a mile). It is a 'franchise" wherein ours is privately owned and more family oriented. This school's instructors are all Korean...(hardly speak a word of English)...and main advertisement of school is DISCIPLINE. We've have lost some students to this new school because of this premise of theirs...parents want their children to be taught discipline... I even heard that one parent actually asked one of the masters to "beat up" his son in a sparring match to show him (2nd deg. black belt) that he hasn't learned all that he can from our school and that these masters can offer his son combative training. Well, ok...maybe there are some people out there that may want to train with Korean masters that have spent the majority of their lives studying TKD many many hours a day...but lets be realistic...many students cannot devote the time, l(school work, sports, work, other extracurricular activities) let alone have the "instilled" discipline to train in such a fashion. (Plus paying close to 200.00 a month tuition...yes, this is their tuition after they get you in for their introductory price). Yes, we will lose students to this school...but I have a feeling we will see them again soon! We have many other schools in our area...and we have quite the enrollment....over past 12 years more than 100 students have attained their black belts not to mention have swept trophies from many area tournaments in northeast. Our school must be doing something right! Deby
  22. ....no prob BlueDragon....COME DANCING with me and babysteffee and you sure won't be grouchy anymore!!!!! Good Luck!! Deby _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) "A woman does not practice martial arts so that she can fight like a man. She does so in order to be free to be a woman." [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-09-07 04:50 ]
  23. Awww...geez...it's not that bad! In reality it's everything in moderation...diet & exercise...you can go to extremes in doing both...you just have to find out the right combo that works for you. And for us who find it difficult to distinguish what he/she should do to obtain their desired results...well, maybe a personal trainer & nutritionist should be consulted. Remember...nothing in life comes easy or without cost! NOTHING! Invest in yourself and in time you will reap the benefits of all your hard work! Deby
  24. Many thanks babysteffee.... I too am also learning a great deal...it's a give & take! Deby
  25. I am not a nutritionist, but here goes... if you aren't supporting your muscles with a healthy diet they will deplete because your body will burn muscle off as energy. Guess what - your muscle will burn off first before your body kicks into your stored body fat. Also your body will start burning off sugar before it starts using your stored fat as fuel for energy. So if your diet isn't supporting your exercise program and your program isn't supporting you health and fitness goals then your body is going to find it ver difficult to burn body fat. If your work out includes lots of cardio, then on top of that you are performing more cardiovascular exercise such as running then your muscle may again burn off first before your body fat. In other words "over fat burning" can cause depletion of muscle. Which means less muscle tone. Remember you need muscle to help burn fat! Your muscles use all three types of fuel that the body uses... carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Which fuel the muscles use will depend on whether you are at rest or moving...and how you're moving as well. When at rest, your muscles prefer to burn fat as fuel. When you are exercising intensively, you mainly burn the carbohydrate glucose, either straight from the bloodstream or as the breakdown product of glycogen, a storage form of carbohydrate. During endurance sports - such as distance running...the muscles use fats as their primary energy source, but "burn" carbohydrates to get the best output of energy from their consumption of fats. So, besides eatting carbs before running or working out, you can also supplement with nutrients. Amino Acids to look for are Leucine, Isoleucine, and Valine,Smilax Officinalis and Inosine are very effective for burning fat and keeping muscle. Deby
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