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....so cool to see so many posts here in "H & F"...been away for a couple days and WOW....just checking in now but will join you all tomorrow when I am at work...(trying to look busy!! )... Keep it up guys!!!... Nice to see some new people here in the Forum...Welcome!!! Deby
...this should probably go under "health & fitness"...but taking 2 tylenol (acetomeniphen)..sp? ... now and again should not harm you. Don't be dependent on any type of medication....unless its life sustaining!!! Don't be a wussy..a little pain/a little gain! Deby...(leaving the Holiday Inn Express in a hurry!)
Hi everyone! Sorry.. I've been "gone" for the weekend and really just checking in! I do LOTS of crunches in my class and will send to you (Jack) examples of lower and upper ab crunches that I do and you will get results!!! Supine position....Keep legs low...heels together ... hands behind head elbows pulled back...lift contracting abs 1 and down ...2 and down...3 and down...4 and down and so on......... this is the BEST for lower. I have more to come and will get them to you this week! Deby
Will weight lifting affect at a young age growth?
KickChick replied to LuBuWarrior's topic in Health and Fitness
Weightlifting can increase strength and muscle size in young adults (14-16) My son is currently beginning a program so I have been reading up. Injuries to growth plates can occur, but can be prevented by avoiding 'maximal lifts' - trying to lift as much as possible one time. The greatest benefits and smallest risks occur when 8 to 15 repetitions can be performed with a given weight before adding weight in small increments. Deby -
Aerobic Kickboxing
KickChick replied to KickChick's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
Thank you Lori....we are so much alike I think! Just look at our names!!! Thanks for the support! I love my program...it is fun and I tell you, I am taking a little hiatus from my own TKD training to teach both Cardio & TKD...but when I go for 2nd watch out!! I am cardio ready, flexible..and strong. Deby -
Here it is! My worse nightmare "JUMPING" and staying there to throw a double /triple kick in air. My excuse..."White Mothers Can't Jump"... ...but seriously....I do great on a trampoline. What do I work on...My spins are fine the height just isn't there!!!! HELP!!! ...maybe putting springs on the bottom of my bare feet would help...think anyone would notice??? Deby
KickChick replied to defenestration_girl's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
Hey defenestration_girl...How was the pub??? Wish I could have downed a cold one with you! Just got back from teaching! Listen...another thing that works for me is this. I also have had nagging back problems. Mine result from jump kicks....seems I am not too light on my feet when I make contact with the floor and pound my heels which causes my back to ache tremendously. (force of habit...I am not a good jumper - which will bring me to make next thread look for it!) But one thing I tell my students (fitness kickboxing) is to keep abdominals tight ALL THE TIME...if not your back comes into play. Try while doing your stretches and while kicking. Deby -
Hey iamrushman ...How did you know I stayed at the Holiday Inn Express last nite...ws that you next door making all that racket...KIAP!!! ...Like I did say consult a doctor...We've all been through this ...we live -we learn...we spread the word!! Deby _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-08-23 19:45 ]
If I understood correctly the exercise I think defenestration_girl was referring to was the hurdler's stretch. Sitting or lying down with one or both feet pulled to the outside of your hip is bad news for your knees. For a safe quad and hip flexor stretch, lie on one side, grab the "top" foot and pull it behind your back.... Deby
Taezee....great advice! Yes, increasing your potassium does help (so does 2 tylenol before bed and someone to massage those sore shoulders and arms!).... It's a "hurts so good" type of sore... but if you’re sore for more than a few days, you’ve probably done minor damage. Make an effort to rest those muscles for few days, and then begin light workouts again. If you’re still incredibly sore after that, consult your doctor. Deby
Having an off day...
KickChick replied to Kickbutt's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
Lori...If you say you know the technique and just couldn't nail it because you were feeling ill...then you should be excused! It's when I hear students say well, I'm real tired tonight or my leg is too sore or..... ....making excuses because you can't perform shows that you haven't practiced and are just going through the motions. Yes, we all have our bad days...(some more than others)...but when the bad exceeds the good then its time to seriously consider whether or not you should continue. Miss the class if you can't give 100%.! In your case Lori...you found out later that you were ill...hence it must have thrown your equilibrium off. I don't care how well you know the technique...if you're equilibrium is off then your technique suffers. You can't do a spin kick s l o w l y just not the same. The momentum of a quick spin drives you around quicker and snaps the kick out with more power. If the power isn't there the kick suffers. Deby -
My best advice for proper nutrition is simple. First... never DIET. The nature of the word DIET refers to a temporary fix to short term results. That’s a silly idea. Proper nutrition is a way of life. Period. You should form good habits. Removing most oil, butter, and creamy sauces from your personal menu choices will go along way, considering the only thing they really contribute is fat. As far as treats go, I do not believe that any food is ‘bad’. Hopefully, once you’ve filled up on the healthy foods ... you’ll be too full to devour an entire cheesecake. Everything in moderation. A small desert is fine. You’ll know when you’ve had too much. I too cannot live day to day without coffee! Just remember to drinks lots of water to combat the dehydrating effects of coffee. It does speed up your metabolism too ! (caffeine) I take a vitamin supplement basically because I really don't eat a ton of fruits and vegetables and enough calcium to keep my bones nice and strong. Deby _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-08-23 04:58 ]
and if all else fails bear in mind of couple of things on the day of your test... Get plenty of rest the night before. Warm up completely in the morning followed by stretching. During test ...gage yourself. Don't expend all of your energy at once. Breathe in through nose and out through mouth. Look straight ahead.... You can only perform to the level you have been conditioned to...hopefully you'll do well! Deby
True Ken...that is basically a no-brainer. Remember to warmup completely (until you have broken quite a sweat) followed by strtching, before you begin your main training. Know the difference between "I'm pooped" pain and injury pain. It is not ok to push past this--->overexertion.Do not go to the point where you are hyperventilating and seeing yellow. Just work at a pace where you know you are working hard. And yes!!! Drink plenty of fluids! Dehydration will lead to muscle tears and pulls. Deby
Training for Fight
KickChick replied to Gerry MuGenDo's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
Hi Gerry...and Welcome to KarateForums! First you need to realize your goal. Are you trying to maintain a level of fitness that you are totally satisfied with? Are you trying to improve? If you are trying to MAINTAIN your present fitness level and you have absolutely ‘NO TIME’, four 30 minute sessions per week of exercising within your target heart rate will do. If you are trying to IMPROVE, you need to do more. The more you do, the more you improve. Five to six sessions per week is preferable for progression. Do not go overboard, but, do keep in mind that in order to improve, you must do more. There is a difference between maintenance and progression. Spend some time on strength training. Might as well be as strong as possible in your weight division. Also many fighters punch & kick hard but very few are strategic. Here is where you can also spend some time working on the cerebral part of kickboxing. And if all else fails....practice fancy footwork - the harder you are to catch the harder you are to knock out! Deby -
You can start by doing toe raises....lift up high on balls of feet, up on toes...hands on hips....pick spot on wall and focus and maintain this for as long as you can. Then feet flat and lift one leg up behind you with same side hand. (nice and slow still keeping focused on target) then switch to other leg. Also tension kicks are great to work on balance. Remember to bring out same arm and hand fisted out in front of you to counteract your kick and it helps to maintain balance as you execute your kick. Remember to FOCUS...keeping eye on target in front of you gives you a base for good balance. Deby :pony:
Check out a fitness kickboxing class...my class is usually attended by people who are planning to test and want to work on their cardio endurance. It does help and you will benefit from it in more ways than that too! ..If there isn't anything like that in your area, I suggest running. Increase distance with run. Deby
"Tenants of Taekwon-Do"
KickChick replied to Jerry Trimble's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
This is part of our student creed at our school: "To never fight to achieve selfish ends to develop might for right............... to build ourselves, physically and mentally, based on the Tae Kwon Do spirit..." Deby -
We were talking in class one night about how some people sweat more than others and how much more quickly someone sweats than another person...and I found this out. A common myth is that people who sweat quickly are out of shape. On the contrary, a body accustomed to working hard will cool more efficiently. The more fit you are, the quicker you’ll sweat. Deby
kickboxing for everyone?
KickChick replied to twizt's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
Kickboxing is about being an athlete IMO. To be a kickboxer you have to be strong, fast, and flexible, have unbelievable endurance, and be strategic. Kickboxing is a combative sport that involves kicking & punching, with the sole purpose being to knock your opponent out. Certain styles of kickboxing require kicks above the belt so if your legs only spread apart 90 degrees in any direction.... you will not be able to kick anything above the equivalent to your own waist height. Flexibility is a skill that will take work and in time you will develop. Good Luck! Deby -
Top Ten Best Reasons to Smoke (Not!) 10. You hate to smell nice..... or maybe you like to smell awful. 9. Yellow-Brownish teeth are now in style! 8. You want to increase your chances of burning your house down. 7.You find being disruptive and repulsive to others in public places enjoyable. 6. Who needs fresh air? You relish in the opportunity to upset people enjoying being outdoors. 5. You get to hang out in those cool 'smokers only' cages in the airports. 4. You'll probably have about $2,500 per year less to worry about spending. 3. It's nice to occasionally put that sexy 'burnt hole' flair into your wardrobe. 2. You won't have to worry about kissing anyone with that sexy fresh breath a la tar! 1.You are dying to live life as a sick person with innumerous ailments, and die a slow painful death. Deby _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-08-21 17:38 ]
Welcome to KarateForums Muaythaidm! Deby
POLL: What do you think would be the best weapon to use in a
KickChick replied to Patrick's topic in Martial Arts Weapons
Bear in mind that you can also be held accountable for the actions of your "pet". I don't need to tell many of you here from the states about the countless stories of people being mamed or killed by pitbulls! Deby