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Everything posted by KickChick

  1. Sorry Ken, I'm in aggreement with Iron (not that you are not a proficient MT instuctor in your art but, Simplistically speaking... If you're gonna 'walk the walk' you should 'talk the talk'...(I feel this way with everything) In TKD we refer to all our forms in Korean, in fact we count reps in Korean, it respectful of the art for whence it came. Although our instructor does not call out our kicks (chagi's) or punches (chirugis) in Korean we are all well aware of the terms as posted in the dojo. (oh thats the place where we train) For those who don't want to speak Korean or Thai or whatever besides English then take up boxing in the ring if you wanna just wanna jab, punch & hook! ...just my opinion Deby _________________ If there is a righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character,beauty in the character, there will be harmony in thehome. Harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.When there is order in the nation, there will be peace on earth. This Message was edited by: KickChick on Aug 16, 2001 5:39am This Message was edited by: KickChick on Aug 16, 2001 5:40am
  2. Oh, I forgot to mention my fav just happens to be the hook/round combo....has scored me pts in sparring. My personal best is the roundhouse ! Deby
  3. Meeger group of tkd'rs here. Iamrushman forewarned me on this! We'll be on the upswing I'm sure. Our instructor brought a video in that just blew me away. It was a demonstration of a 360 deg. roundhouse/hook combo wherein 3 separate breaks were made while kick was in air! I couldn't believe my eyes We had to actually slow down the tape to see the actual technique...so impressive. Funny, afterwards our instructor says ok line up we will be doing 360 round/hook combinations for the remainder of the class! Deby
  4. Yeah...same here Lori. I see girlie push ups in the Cardio Kickbox class I teach and I let it slide but in the TKD class everyone (I mean even the girlies) do it like the boysies! Knuckle, triangles, wide outs and 2 finger push ups with legs out on toes or with one leg resting on back heel of other outstretched leg. I like to reach arms way out to work the triceps and shoulders more and open legs out a bit and place more weight on the upper foot/toe area.! Lori when I said I have my class do the machine gun repetitive kicks that was just my cardio class. In TKD when we do our floor work to warm up we also do those front-side-round-hooks over and over again regular speed but get this..I have them do it to the 4 corners and 4 walls without putting leg down (8x) and turning only on the ball of the foot. Balance is a must! I build on the kick too. Firt front, add side then round then hook. After that...its tension kicks (same type kicks). Deby
  5. Many thanks Lori! ...I mean't you girls too!! Deby
  6. Do any of you take supplements along with working out and weight training? Do you have a special regimen, for example: Do you take vitamins? Protein Powders? Energy Boosters or Fat Burners? What works for you and why? Any secrets? also can anyone tell me anything about Zymax? (dietary energy supplement you can only get from Canada) Thanks! (my first thread here as "moderator"!!) Deby This Message was edited by: KickChick on Aug 15, 2001 3:55pm
  7. DONE!!! I'm lovin' my new belt! Thanks for having me aboard Moobrack and to you too Patrick! Just watch my back ok guys, lately it's been a little brutal around here! Deby
  8. ..really think this should be put into Health & Fitness...but that's JMO! When I hear my class tell me they hate squat kicks..I double up on them (and then you can't go up or down stairs the following day, yes myself included!) They also hate repetitive kicks on the bag (like magine gun kicking- holding lead leg up and pumping out as many kicks as you can exhausting that leg). Now myself, I hate push ups even though I know they're good for me and my upper body...kinda like eatting spinach! Deby
  9. Hi Jack... (I hear ya about losing your posting that is why I always type my postings on a word doc and then cut & paste to the message body on the posting board) Exercise in the morning and you will reap the benefits of a faster metabolism throughout the day, or exercise in short 10 or 15-minute bursts every couple of hours tokeepmetabolism pumping. Exercise any time you can fit it into your day and you will burn that fat away. By exercising just a little more than usual you can speed up your metabolism and use up stored fat in the process. You don't mention how much ab work you do. I love CRUNCHES and they work! I do about 600 crunches in varying styles each night. Not difficult really! Have some music with a good beat going and do those crunches to the beat! To work obliques (side ab muscles) bring both knees to side, elbows and hands behind head and lift to 1/2 counts. Bring knees into meet shoulder lifting off ground to add to difficulty. I have a wavemaster at home (https://www.century.com) it cost about USD 100.00 but well worth it. I double hook from a horse stance to the body and then raise the hooks to the head (doubletime) back down and up..great for the arms and shoulders. With the wavemaster you can also do power kicks, switch kicks to bring the heart rate up for a more cardiovascular workout. Music is important!! Have it playing and loud! (doesn't give you time to think of just how tired you are!) I used to lift but was just getting too bulked up (for a woman IMO) , I but know that you keep elbows at side tucked close when doing curls standing up. I still say that push ups are the very best upper body workout...do triangles, knuckle, wide outs, shoulder widths and how about 2 finger ones. Yikes...you'll feel those! Deby _________________ If there is a righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character,beauty in the character, there will be harmony in thehome. Harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.When there is order in the nation, there will be peace on earth. This Message was edited by: KickChick on Aug 15, 2001 10:43am
  10. I like how you call it your 'club'. I am from a TaeKwonDo 'school'... Club sounds 'funner' than school! Presently I am not 'training' at the school I belong to...I have about 40 lessons to 2nd deg. but that isn't priority to me...obtaining my Black Belt was...and at age 40 that was a feat! I am not training (4 months now) because I have issues too numerous to go into here, but mainly it is that obtaining your black belt has become increasingly easier since I received mine there. There are so many children getting their black belts at age 10,11 12 - some are exceptional (as was my daughter who was age 12) and others that I personally feel were not ready. I do still teach at the school (tkd and cardio) so I cannot sever my ties, and I am good friends with the sensei's of the school. I will get back into pursuing my 2nd deg. one day I hope! Deby
  11. Long ago, hyungs were developed to assist a warriorin the practice of defensive and offensive skills without causing injury or death to actual opponents. TaeKwon-Do hyungs were developed by the founder of TaeKwon-Do as the martial art was officially given its name. Once developed, they were not to change with time. These hyungs are indeed part of the thick deep roots of TaeKwon-Do. They are practiced overand over until it becomes a permanent part of the practitioner. The hyungs that I practice at our school are the traditional Chang-Hun TaeKwon-Do hyungs. They are just the first 10 of the 24 traditional Chang-Hun TaeKwon-Do hyungs; the 24 representing 24 hours, one day, or as the founder of TaeKwon-Do would explain, "all my life". When practicing or teaching these hyungs, remember that if they don't change, the tradition is practiced. Without teaching the "art" as you call it...I call it "tradition", a change in practice causes a loss in the tradition. My school is much more American-ized rather than Korean. Our Master trained with Koreans and thus we were all thought as he was taught, with respect for the art and for where it came from. I think it is each students responsibility to find out about the martial art they are studying on their own (that is they are truly interested in its roots) I found it very intersting to find out what Chon-Ji meant (Heaven & Earth) and Yul Guk (the real name of Confuscious the Korean scholar. Deby
  12. Many women carry pepper sprays, mace, guns and other weapons used for self defense. I feel they are all unwieldy to carry and require some sense of exactitude that I may not have in a stressful situation. I choose to carry a knife and have trained in the use of knives for self defense. Not everyone will respond to kicks, punches, holds or pressure points but everyone bleeds. Many of the skills learned i traditional martial arts do transfer to knifefighting techniques and help the martial artist develop skills for different situations. Deby
  13. Thanks Moobrack...I am seriously considering it now. Deby
  14. True.... Muscle tissue uses more calories than fat tissue because it has a higher metabolic rate. By increasing lean muscle mass, your 'resting' metabolic rate will increase and you'll lose weight. This is only one factor in the total BMR.The basal metabolic rate(BMR) is the rate your body uses energy for vital body processes. The rate you burn energy during physical activity and the rate you use energy during digestion of food are the two other factors involved in your total metabolic rate. A combination of both weight lifting and cardio/aerobic exercise is optimal for fat burning and for boosting metabolism. I am a firm believer in working on boosting your metabolism. Many people have very sluggish metabolism that goes unchecked... not being able to lose weight, lack of energy/concentration I found that it was my problem. I now have much more energy & stamina throughout my workouts. Consistency is important because your body metabolism adapts to your current weight. If you diet or skip meals your body's metabolism slows down to compensate for the lack of nutrients. Deby<--going to grab a bite to eat now!
  15. MORE RULES???!!! Okay , you're scaring me now ! I'll have my people talk to your people and we'll work sumthin' out...ok?? JK...I'll get in touch soon Patrick! ...very much interested! Deby
  16. Hi Sanda... ...can't tell by name if you'e female or not. We females have a much stronger quadriceps (upper leg muscles) and weaker hamstrings than men do. So, if you need to work those quadriceps...try squats (plie/or sissy squats), even hydrants are a good work out 'specially for the hips to develop that power that Ken spoke of. Go down on all 4's bring leg up at 90 deg. and slowly bring as far up as you can and bring down to ground but don't touch! Imagine a concrete block lying on top of that leg and really work the muscle. Also try bringing that knee of your leg right up to the shoulder (right knee to right shoulder) and flex foot back as if doing a side kick...then bring leg out to side pull toes back and do a roundhouse (tension) works the hip and thigh also! I do these among other things in my Cardio Karate workout class. Deby
  17. Hey thanks for the encouragement you guys...and Lori thanks, you're right! I'll hafta follow those rules on the moderators wanted page and get in tounch with you Patrick. Any suggestions as to what I should moderate?... Deby
  18. yeah, well Angus claims he has a six pack... ...maybe he's shooting for a 12 pack ...among other things it does pay to work on your stamina too!!
  19. yeah, well beer really is not good for that 6 pack..heehee...too bad ..'specially for you "guys" it seems that is where it settles after the age of 30. Everything in moderation....well, at least some things! Deby
  20. Great topic for the forum! Glad to see it! I was gonna suggest it actually! I can help out here big time! Deby
  21. ..and possibly watching what you eat....and drink! Diet is important to speed up metabolism. When lean people overeat their metabolism speeds up and when overweight people diet their metabolism slows down. The key is a balance of exercise and diet. The best foods to increase your metabolism naturally (you can take a supplement also there are so many out there!)and help you lose weight are fish, dark green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, blueberries and other fruits, whole grains, and at least 8 glasses of water a day. Weight lifting, resistance or strength training, does not speed up your metabolism, but it does burn fat and increase your lean muscle mass. Aerobic exercise,like walking, swimming or cycling, has the added bonus of speeding up your metabolism for 4 to 8 hours after you stop exercising. A combination of aerobic/cardio exercise and resistance training is best for optimal fat burning and metabolism boosting. Deby
  22. I love to travel (and its my employment too!) Earlier this year cruised aboard a clipper ship to Caribbean (Virgin Gorda, St. Barts, Norman Island. St. Martin) awesome experience! Going to Turks/Caicos in a couple weeks! Love the Islands!!! Deby
  23. http://www.martial-arts.shoto http://www.wmto.com http://martialarts.about.com/cs/muaythaimartia Deby
  24. Hey...You don't see we "LADIES" bickering here on the board as to whose style is best or more popular! C'mon... boys will be boys! ...unless Angus knows something we don't know! Peace, Deby _________________ If there is a righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in character,beauty in the character, there will be harmony in thehome. Harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation.When there is order in the nation, there will be peace on earth. This Message was edited by: KickChick on Aug 14, 2001 4:33am
  25. I may never get my pic posted here...but thought maybe this would be fun (and later we can compare to real pics!) What celebrity do you think you look like? They call me Buffy at my school (Sarah Michelle Geller) Same body-type actually...and I have been told I look like Celine Dion too. (a little more muscle on me though!) Deby
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