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Everything posted by KickChick

  1. All I can say is...."Thanks Patrick for the "Print this thread " feature....I may read this during lunch time today! (and may post on bulletin board for my students!) Many of the 'grades' differ but its dependant on the school. I believe that anyone who does train in TKD should be well aware of it's history. I have read many books and articles pertaining to it's history & tradition and always seem to come away with something new! Thanks for sharing all that "Readers Digest" version of TKD History with us GoldDragon! Deby
  2. Angus....I like #2! :pony: ....and #1....true, and unfortunately #3 isn't quite true when it comes to finding "relief" from drinking too much beer...(.....if ya know what I mean ) Deby
  3. In my training in TKD....I have rarely thrown a front kick higher than chest level...I save the hook or roundhouse (coming from the side) for the head. But you can throw a combo kick first aiming low and once opponent lowers head throw a nice front kick to forehead/chin. Just get leg out of there quick!! Deby
  4. Congrats to KarateForums ...(that is Patrick and all of us!) I can't believe the growth of this forum since I've been here (just 7 weeks....!) Time flies when you're having fun & learning so much from your fellow MA's! Deby
  5. Hey GoldDragon...nice pic....! Really its not a beauty contest here....just kinda nice to see a face behind the type! Send your pics in folks! Deby
  6. Welcome Chris from CT ... (I am also from CT!) ... welcome aboard KarateForums!! Yes, we are a great bunch here...Enjoy reading & posting. We look forward to your input here! Deby
  7. Yes, Kathy Long is another fine MA actress... Just a quick trivia note on Jackie Chan & Bruce Lee that I ran across today,,,,Jackie was a young stuntman during Bruce Lee's peak. In Fists of Fury Bruce kicked Jackie threw a wall. Jackie threw himself through the wall with no padding with such force that Bruce stopped to ask him if he was alright! Deby
  8. I don't think you were being insensitive Slim....there are so many people out there that think if they pop a pill (exercise in a bottle they call it! ) or sip this drink or just munch on this bar, and do absolutely no exercise...that they will lose weight! All that they do lose is their money spent on these products and quite possibly harm their health in the process. Deby
  9. I would like to forward something I received from "NAPMA" .... Helping your Students Stay Upbeat As martial arts instructors, we are a combination of role models and partial parents to many students who respect us and look to us for guidance. We are constantly finding ways to show our students how to turn negatives into positives and how to overcome any obstacles that are put in front of us. With the tragic ³Attack on America² situation, it is important to stay positive and help your students do the same. Here are some tips for helping both children and adults alike. 1. Encourage your students to maintain their daily schedules including coming to karate and kickboxing classes. Remind parents that ³sticking to routine² can help children feel secure and getting in a good, sweaty workout can help relieve additional stress. 2. Keep your staff upbeat and positive. Try to make your school an ³inside safe haven² from the outside tragedy. Run great, enthusiastic classes as always. 3. If children in your classes ask questions or bring up the incidents, do address their concerns, briefly and reinforce their safety if necessary. 4. If you have a television in the school, don¹t allow it to be turned on to the news. Children should be sheltered from the coverage and have a much easier time handling news that is in the past rather than the present. If you have parents that bring in portable tvs, ask that they use an ear piece or step out of the school to watch. 5. Do your best to be patient, supportive, and aware of how others may react and feel about this event.
  10. Jeremy Glick was one of the heros on the Philidelphia flight who together with 3 other men fought the hijackers. It was through his brave actions that hundreds and perhaps thousands of lives were saved. In a cell phone conversation with his wife from the air, he told her that he and a few other passengers were going to try to overtake the hijackers.He was not only a big, muscular guy, but he was also a black belt in judo and former champion. Deby
  11. I have been semi-laid (10 hr. work week) off because of the impact this has had on the travel industry. Please go to https://www.virtuallythere.com/bulletin/... this will help you travlers out there plan your trips accordingly. I know business will pick up eventually and I can surely understand everyone's apprehension to travel anywhere right now! ...let alone enjoy a vacation because of the recent tragedy. Today I am logging onto a nation wide conference on "crisis management" for travel businesses. We’re on pins and needles awaiting America’s (and its allies’)next diplomatic and military moves. We are on pins and needles still grieving and dealing with this tragedy. And we are on pins and needles anticipating just how bad, bad is going to be for the travel industry and many of our businesses. Deby
  12. I know I suggested this topic for this poll but should have also added "actress" or "actor"...sorry. So with that my fav actress has to be Michelle Yeoh (Crouching Tiger). I remember seeing her in "Yes, Maam" ...what an incredible female martial arts movie!! (also stars Cynthia Rothrock) ...and my vote for actor has to be Chuck Norris...I remember going to see Norris flicks on Sunday afternoons at the movie theaters. Does anyone remember "Billy Jack"?? Tom Laughlin was a hapkido kicking half-American Indian,half-white Vietnam veteran. You older folks from the States will remember the 1971 hit I'm sure Deby
  13. hmmm....the only way to lose weight is to cut calories! Increasing your metabolism can help you burn calories and convert fat into muscle. SHE HAS TO EAT!... just eat fewer high-fat foods and less total calories. A resting body does not burn fat!!! This lowers the metabolism and if the cells do not receive sufficient nutrients they will begin to function less efficiently on smaller amounts, and they will actually store more fat to use during these times of nutritional deprivation.Eat six small meals a day to keep your body's fuel supply consistent and keep your metabolism revved up. Avoid eating late at night because your metabolism naturally slows down in the afternoon and evening, so eat a hearty breakfast. Consistency is important because your body metabolism adapts to your current weight. If you have been dieting or skipping meals your body's metabolism slows down to compensate for the lack of nutrients. When lean people overeat their metabolism speeds up and when obese people diet their metabolism slows down. The key is a balance of diet and exercise. SHE NEEDS TO EXERCISE TOO! By exercising just a little more than usual you can speed up your metabolism and use up stored fat in the process. I do take a metabo supplement and suggest she may want to look into that for added assistance...otherwise she may need to strap on a portable potty with all the coffee she will be drinking! Deby
  14. Most likely what has happened to you is that since you curtailed activity while you were sick your muscles had a chance to "rest up" a bit...you need to gradually stretch those resting muscles and ligaments. You just over exerted I think. Stretch the hamstrings and quadriceps in early morning and at night before you retire.... Here is a site that contains some real good strengthening & stretching exercises for your knees: http://www.teamresultz.com/knee3.html Deby
  15. One of the tips I tell my students is to turn their chests somewhat to face the floor almost say 80%. When lifting leg to execute kick, tuck knee close to body aiming at back lefthand corner of room..(this closes up your hips and aligns your leg perfectly to target with toes pointing downward and foot bladed). Do not lean too far back or you will topple over...keep upper body held up as high as you can and lead arm extended parallel to leg for balance and other arm across chest for block or attack. Practice tension side kicks and then work to snap out the kicks....the farther up you bring the knee the more snap and height on the extension on driving that heel/outside ridge of foot to target. ...keep practicing babysteffee! Deby
  16. Nice Job Patrick! I like it,....I like it!!! Deby
  17. I was just wondering if you were the only one in your family that trains or do your spouses, parents or your children also do martial arts. The reason I ask is that my older son got me into all this and then quit and I kept going. I regret that I did not start a little younger. My daughter is a black belt also and my littlest son is now a purple belt in TKD. My husband takes the fitness kickboxing to just work out...the family that kicks together ...sticks together! Deby
  18. oops ...yeah I did forget the triangle (tricep) push ups..ok add those to the list too! Honestly I have to tell you i downright HATE push ups but like brocolli I know they're good for me so I just try different ways to do them...(kinda like trying to "hide" brocolli under all that cheese sauce ) Deby
  19. I thought I would forward this off to all of you...(Patrick...I know you won't mind.... ) In order to help with the efforts we have all witnessed on television as best we can from a distance: All Profits from the sale of ALL books at http://www.martialartsbooks.com will be donated to The American Red Cross and other charities associated with the victims of the New York bombings for the rest of September. Deby _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) "A woman does not practice martial arts so that she can fight like a man. She does so in order to be free to be a woman." [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-09-14 18:05 ]
  20. ...oh, and Patrick....you can let go of me now! Deby
  21. I'm a lover not a fighter....really! Just "self defending" here! : Deby _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) "A woman does not practice martial arts so that she can fight like a man. She does so in order to be free to be a woman." [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-09-14 11:43 ]
  22. Blue looks nice on you taezee... ...anyways, yes push ups are always thrown in for punishment...maybe that is why most of us "bad" guys hate them so. I found that if you vary the type of push ups you do...the better it is to get through them. 1. Standard 2. finger tip 3. two fingers 4. knuckle (use first two knuckles) 5. on back of wrists/hands with fingers pointing away from you, to the front 6. on back of wrists/hands with fingers pointing inward towards each other 7. on back of wrists/hands with fingers pointing towards you, to the back 8. on back of wrists/hands with fingers pointing outward 9. Feet on wall pushups. Feet are pressed against wall about two feet from floor height 10. Arched up pushups. Like chinese pushups, but hands form a triangle which you try to touch your nose in. 11. Handstand pushups. Use wall to keep balance. 12. Plyometric pushups 13. Clapping pushups 14. One hand pushups 15. Korean pushups. With feet spread wide apart and hand placed out in front so that your back is parallel with the ground, shift your body forward and down and then upward. Reverse the motion to go back. 16. Zen pushups. Lay flat on your stomach, hands flat on floor above your head with arms slightly bent. Then push up. These are very difficult and take much practice. 17. Wheel barrow, run & hop. Do wheel barrow with person holding your legs, resisting you as you pull yourself forward hand over hand or two handed hops. 18. Dip chair pushups. With your body between two chairs and your hands on the chair closest to them lower yourself down and then push up. Keep leg out in front of you. 19. Rolling knuckle pushups. Start with forearms on ground with fists pointing inward towards each other. Roll fists inward so that you end up on the first two knuckles. 20. Boxing pushups. Alternating one arm pushups. 21. Chinese pushups. First stand with feet shoulder with apart or less. Lean forward until your hand touch the ground while keeping legs straight. Now lower yourself and then pushup. Seems to use the shoulders quite a bit. ... No I don't do all of them....but this is quite an assortment to choose from!! Deby
  23. We kinda like you here too iamrushman! No need to separate the sexes here!! (Kissie smilie) Deby _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) "A woman does not practice martial arts so that she can fight like a man. She does so in order to be free to be a woman." [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-09-14 10:06 ]
  24. um....let it just be said that it also hurts for a woman too!.... I know from experience in a sparring situation. Unfortunately many of us females aren't required to wear a "cup"...but there is a groin protector out there for us too!!!! whew!!!!!! Deby
  25. HOLD ME BACK....!!! Argh!!! I think we are getting off subject at hand. Kickboxing vs. Karate (Martial Arts).... We are not referring to "cardio" kickboxing here which is totally different from sport Kickboxing. I don't conclude that cardio kickboxing IS self defense but rather I teach my classes in a way where I (a Black Belt trained in self defense) incorporate basic self defense kicks & punches in my fitness kickbox class. I never implied that my students are going to go out and hit someone, and yes punching a bag is different than punching a person...I never said it was the same. Listen ....what makes my classes different than the average "cardio fitness" class is that I don't choreograph with shuffles, grapevines...dancy moves....I strictly use boxing techniques & stances and incorporate true kickboxing kicks and punches...now if you don't come away from my class learning some sort of defense procedures than youre brain dead. Let's get back on the right subject area now....K??? Deby
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