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Hi and Welcome jakmak52 (Jack!) ... hope you enjoy KarateForums as much as we all do! Nice to see another TKD'er here! (I was certified for CardioKarate under John Graden up here in NY couple years ago. Very nice guy and extremely knowledgeable. I also began my training in TKD around same time as you started in 1993. Again...welcome! _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) It is when the student approaches black belt that the serious student discovers that he has only just begun his study of Karate [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-10-24 14:24 ]
::giggles:: .... funny ones!!! Here's another!!! WHITEHOUSE MEMO From: The White House To: Albert Gore Dear Al: We found some more votes. You won. When do you want to take over? George W. Bush
OK guys....you are both getting us hungry! Why don't you just keep us posted on your efforts. Really no need to tell us when and what you are eating! ... what may help is keep a notebook to write it down for yourself! As far as snacking...it is not a bad thing in your case as you are trying to increase mass. Think snacking as a helper to remind your body to keep your metabolism going and, in effect, burn more fat! The term "snacking" has become associated with chips, popcorn, or any high-carbohydrate snack. Not an intelligent snack. Think of it like this: Carbs are the body's immediate source of energy. So, when you eat a lot of them, the body uses them right away to fuel all activities. Now, what happens to carbs if the body does't need them right away, like at nighttime when you sleep? It stores them! And what does it store them as? Fat! Get the picture! Snacking Foods..... 1. Cottage Cheese - High in Protein, low in carbs. Eat lowfat or nonfat to cut the calories. 2. Beef Jerky - (Slim Jums) Just check the labels to make sure it isn't fat-filled. A little fat is okay, but some are really bad. Makes a great snack in between meals! 3. Eggs whites - perfect protein. Having a 5 egg white + 1 full egg omelett for a snack once in a while is definately a good thing. 4. Tuna - Again, high in protein and low in carbs - A great formula. Make sure you get it in water, not oil. 5. Turkey - Turkey is an excellent, lean meat. Stick to the white meat in order to stay away from excess amount of fat. That's it. The five wonderful miracle foods that make wonder high protein, low carb. snacks and meals. Happy eating! _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) It is when the student approaches black belt that the serious student discovers that he has only just begun his study of Karate [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-10-24 07:26 ]
OK ... since we are all sharing what we ate today (and I told you all that I would start adding more protein to my diet) I had 1/2 bagel w/peanut butter and coffee (qty. 2 very needed cups!) and a protein bar for lunch with 24 grams of protein!!!!! woo hoo....!!! And it tasted like mummified chocolate poo poo!!! One thing about those protein snack bars.... theyre not really that scrumptious! ) ... Had 32 oz. of water so far today....whoops gotta go...
A skin-fold thickness measurements, or the underwater weighing which is most accurate will measure your body fat. The body-mass index (BMI), a mathematical formula that includes height and weight, to estimate body composition. The BMI is calculated using weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. This number is of limited value in competitive athletes who will have increased muscle mass, but it is useful for the general population and much more widely used than body fat measurements. Do a search online for a Body Mass Indicator/Index. I don't feel this is as accurate but it will shock you!
Three guys, a Canadian, Osama Bin Ladin and President Bush are out walking together one day. They come across a lantern and a Genie pops out of it. "I will give each of you each one wish, that's three wishes total,"says the Genie. The Canadian says, "I am a farmer, my dad was a farmer, and my son will also farm. I want the land to be forever fertile in Canada." With a blink of the Genie's eye, 'POOF' the land in Canada was forever made fertile for farming. Osama Bin Ladin was amazed, so he said, "I want a wall around Afghanistan,so that no infidels, Jews or Americans can come into our precious state." Again, with a blink of the Genie's eye, 'POOF' there was a huge wall around Afghanistan. President Bush says, "I'm very curious, please tell me more about this wall." The Genie explains, "Well, it's about 15,000 feet high, 500 feet thick and completely surrounds the country; nothing can get in or out. It is virtually impenetrable." President Bush says, "Fill it with water."
:kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: :kiss: .... must be the martial arts that does it! Thanks guys!
You guys are on to a great start! You've even got me to start eating some more protein in my diet....for me I am 130 lbs. so for a woman I need I need about 100 grams of protein a day. So if I eat a 1/2 cup of tuna thats about 1/4 of my serving a protein for the day 26 grams! If you skip a meal or just can't get a hold of a protein....keep those protein powders handy and mix yourself up a shake...they approx. have about 20 grams a serving. Let's compare mass in a couple of weeks!!!
Jack & Moobrack....so glad that I helped you out a bit. Just remember to be consistent ... look online for a good nutritional site to calculate your calorie intake...here's one (http://www.fitrex.com/calorieintake.shtml) and a searchable food database ... (calories, protein, fats) http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/cgi-bin/nut_search.pl Good luck & keep us posted on the progress...
Pressurepoints combined with arm/wrist locks is the ultimate in controlling your opponents. Note apart from pressurepoints you can also target the tendons ... the archilles tendon when grappling just pinch with thumb and finger as hard and they will release whatever lock they are applying to you. Most people do not realise that you can get out of a lot of submission moves even when its been fully applied by utilising common sense pressurepoints. We've learned the basic commonly used pressurepoints in my TKD school.... Middle of hand (dig your thumb into it) Middle of forearm Middle of wrist Middle of traps next to the neck one inch in from the outside of the shoulder (from the front) Where the bicep, side delts and triceps meet near the inner elbow Middle of calf muscle where the 2 bulges meet (when viewed from back) outside of foot Inner thigh
great site!....'specially enjoyed the article on "Speed Training after 40"
Carradine Workshop
KickChick replied to KickChick's topic in Martial Arts Gaming, Movies, TV, and Entertainment
He does have a younger brother Keith who is also an actor...I don't think he is in martial arts tho'. -
For maximum results, you either have to train and diet to gain muscle or lose fat. One or the other. The most effective way to build a large amount of muscle mass quickly is to focus on gaining the weight first, then later on, go on a short-term fat loss diet to lower your body fat levels. Check out my post under "gaining weight"...if you are doing cardio you need to take in lots more calories! The only way to get bigger is to shock your body into growth by: 1.Eating a lot of calories 2.Training with heavy weights The first shock is by eating more calories than your body is used to. This is the most important factor in gaining mass. When you overload your system with plenty of protein and fats, your body has no other choice but to gain weight. The goal is to eat just enough calories to allow your body to build more muscle, but not so many calories that you gain a large amount of body fat. The second way to shock your body is with weight training. Weight training is the fastest way to get your body to build more muscle. Dieting and weight training both work together. If you don't eat correctly while weight training, you WILL lose muscle tissue.
Dieting and weight training both work together. The weight training overloads the muscles and stimulates growth, while the food you eat provides the necessary building blocks to repair and build new muscle tissue. If you don't eat correctly while weight training, you WILL lose muscle tissue. To gain weight you have to eat, period! It basically must become a job. To build muscle you must eat the right foods in the right quantities. If you are not getting at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight as muaythaidm posted, then you will not gain muscle. Learn to measure and calculate your daily food intake. If you don't do this, you will never know what you are actually eating. Problem is not eating enough calories for your fast metabolism.In addition to eating more calories, you need to eat more often. Eat three meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) and three snacks every day (midmorning, midafternoon and evening). In order to gain weight, you need to fuel your body at regular times. The easiest way is to set up a schedule. Stop drinking non-caloric beverages. That includes diet soda, and plain coffee or tea. You're looking for calories, right? Choose skim or 1 percent milk (we want healthy calories, not too much fat, so avoid milk with higher fat contents), 100 percent fruit juice or sports drinks. Choose calorie-dense foods. That means eating potatoes, corn or peas instead of celery and carrot sticks. Or choosing a banana or cranberry juice instead of an apple or orange juice. Granola cereal is more calorie-dense than puffed rice. Read food labels for the serving size and the calories and choose foods that are higher in calories. Each meal should include some type of starchy food (potato, rice, pasta,bread, cereal), fruits and vegetables, and a protein source (chicken, red meat, fish, tofu, peanut butter, legumes, eggs, cheese). Use two or three teaspoons of margarine or salad dressing with each meal to add moderate amounts of fat without going overboard. Exercise. Regular exercise and activity will help your body gain muscle and not unwanted fat. Thirty minutes of daily activity is plenty to get your system moving yet not so much that you're burning up tons of calories. If you are more active (which you most probably are!), you need to increase your calorie intake. Also learn the correct way to weight train for muscle mass as well. A good strong diet with plenty of protein is essential. Only protein can build muscle tissue. If you can't get that, then then you need to supplement with whey protein, or a good MRP. If you want to get bigger and gain more muscle, you will have to deal with the fact that you will also gain some additional body fat. This is due to the high calorie diet you must eat to build more mass. Focus on gaining the weight first, then later on, go on a short-term fat loss diet to lower your body fat levels. Good Luck guys! _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) It is when the student approaches black belt that the serious student discovers that he has only just begun his study of Karate [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-10-22 09:54 ] [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-10-22 09:57 ]
I was reading the newspaper over weekend and saw a day workshop on Tai Chi that David Carradine was conducting (lunch included! ) Unfortunately it started like that day about 2 hrs. after I read about it! I thought it would have been pretty cool to have gone to it. I wish more workshops like these were offered! ...actually Kung Fu was one of my fav TV shows as a kid (the 70's!)...I think that instilled the desire to practice a martial art. _________________ KarateForums Sensei 1st dan Tae Kwon Do (ITF) Cardio/Fitness Kickboxing Instr. [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2002-05-14 17:26 ]
:lol: ...when I clicked on the pic link above my browser gave me the message that I just performed an illegal operation!! geez....how bad is it??? ...j/k!!!
Goodnight taezee...! (hmmm, ...Derek or Javier????....whose pic is going under my pillow tonite???
Nice ....head ............shots!!!! WooHoo!!! BABALOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Thx for posting taezee!
Hmmm... well, if I had a week off I think that I would spend it "indulging"...just for the mere fact that I had the week off from working out. Yeah, no will power if I'm thrown off schedule. I don't think its a good idea putting your body thru that "yo-yo" effect. I believe more harm than good. Age has alot to do with being able to bounce back into training as if you never left. I notice that I need to stretch every single day or I do lose my flexability and range of motion. So I think it has alot to do with the individual...I just don't have the willpower to be good on that "off" week so as when I come back I just might feel absolutely horrid! _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) It is when the student approaches black belt that the serious student discovers that he has only just begun his study of Karate [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-10-19 07:04 ]
how to strap wrists?
KickChick replied to skippy's topic in MMA, Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, and Competitive Fighting
There are a variety of ways to wrap up the hands....but they all follow the basic principal. Spread your fingers and keep them spread while wrapping your hands. Put your thumb through the loop of the wrap. Wrap your wrist two to three times. From the wrist, move it across the palm of your hand and then wrap it around your knuckles three to four times. Bring it to the base of your thumb, and wrap it around the base of your thumb twice. Crisscross the back of your hand, doing figure-eights around your wrist and knuckles until you have just the right amount for one wrap around your wrist. Your wrist, knuckles, and thumb should feel protected. You should be able to freely move your fingers and also make a good fist. I have been wearing those new fingerless gloves with the extra support around the knuckles and at the wrists so wraps really aren't necessary. Oh and Welcome to KarateForums Skippy! _________________ 1st Deg. TaeKwonDo Black Belt/Fitness Kickboxing (Moderator of Health & Fitness Forum) It is when the student approaches black belt that the serious student discovers that he has only just begun his study of Karate [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-10-18 11:16 ] -
well, it seems they are on to a theory the 2 letters were sent by same person (Brokaw and Daescher's) from NJ on the 11th of Sept. Iraq has the only capability to manufacture this. Hmm, do ya think? And what is next suicide anthrax givers? Hey they'll blow themselves up for Allah... We all wear rubber gloves at work to open up our mail...geez, this is starting to sound like a movie!