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Everything posted by KickChick

  1. I would also like to add to jakmak52's response that the horse stance itself is very beneficial for strong knee development. Many therapists are frequently recommending side to side knee training exercises (horse stance posture) to people with bad knees. Isn't there also a kata in shotokan that is done entirely in horsestance...tekki? I think it was supposedly symbolic of the fighting techniques that would be used by horsemen in combat.
  2. We've touched upon a few common sense pressure points in order to get out of a submission move such as squeezing both sides of the adam's apple ...you may end up killing your opponent (or victim) so if you are using it as a pressure point to get out of a lock, don't squeeze too hard! Just squeese your own to find out how delicate this area is! Some others are: Where the bicep, side delts and triceps meet near the inner elbow Middle of calf muscle where the 2 bulges meet (when viewed from back) outside of foot Inner thigh Middle of hand (dig your thumb into it) Middle of forearm Middle of wrist Middle of traps next to the neck one inch in from the outside of the shoulder (from the front)
  3. Its been a couple weeks..thought I'd ressurect this thread and get you newbies to start posting pics !!!!
  4. Sounds to me like taezee was in a good mood... woo hoo!!! Hey Phantom ... Welcome to KarateForums! My daughter rode horses and competed until she started taking tae kwon do .. so I know what you mean! Sometimes you wish you can do it all!.. Well, anyway enjoy your stay here and your new found love for kickboxing! _________________ Tae Kwon Do Blk Belt 1st deg./Fitness Kickboxing Instructor (KarateForums Sensei) [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-11-17 10:39 ]
  5. Did you ever stop and think why "The greatest" Ali did TKD?? This is "TKD vs. Karate". These two martial arts are excellent for fundamentals. I believe you have to go to class to master the basics/fundamentals of fighting and to learn the different punches /kicks/grappling/throws and how to apply them in various situations etc. There is no substitute for sparring full contact ... anything goes because you can be creative and combine moves from different styles. As far as a trainning regiment...in martial arts, you need to include some endurance and strengh training as well as reflex training when youre not in the dojo/class. All mainstream martial arts have inherent limitations ... in tkd you cant kick below the belt or grab and in other arts, they are only preoccupied with a certain "way" of attack/defense so it is up to you to blend everything together. Don't underestimate any style because your ignorance may someday get you when you least expect it.
  6. I might have mentioned somewhere here in the forum that my 7 yr old son was going for his tkd blue belt today...I have been working with him (besides his regular class time) and he got his form down very well, but he was (well rather I was!...) worried about his required board break which needed to be a blue belt technique, meaning not a hammer fist or step behind sidekick. He wanted to do a running jump sidekick. Well he couldn't even break with a regular sidekick ... but he was insistent that that was the break he wanted to do. Today at test , 'Sir' said that if that was what his mind was set on....then in his mind he knew he could do it....lets let him go for it. So he called out my sons name and lined up 2 of his fellows students crouched down below the board and he ran across room jumped over them and broke the board no problem! He was thrilled and so was I. ...might I note that our school also now (as of todays' test) has the youngest black belt ...age 8! He did very well (his boards were obviously baked until they were brittle cos' they broke so very easily!) His forms were good and all round he did a real awesome job....however our school does not give a jr. black belt degree.
  7. We do slow leg extensions in out training which are awesome muscle workouts ...front kick - lift your right knee up with your body upright at all times and never leaning, and then extend your lower leg slowly till your whole leg is parallel to the ground, pause a second, and then retract to knee up position and then turn your lower leg up sideways and extend to side kick position. Now keep your upperbody upright (hard for beginners but you'll find that keeping your body upright in real life fights is a must if you want to survive ... you can easily bring your leg down as opposed to being off balance and having your legs swept out from under you), you should attempt to hold the leg as high as possible by flexing your hip/butt muscle. Now you can pause as long as you want for this one until you go numb because this position is the best for developing the muscles needed to generate hip power when doing aerial kicks. Then retract and bring your knee back up in front of your chest and then lean forward while simutaneoously delivering a slow back kick, hold the position, arch your back up using the lower back muscles and if you want twist your upperbody slightly anti clockwise so youre looking over your left shoulder while you're right leg is up in the air so you can see your foot (for balance)... then retract and do again with the same leg or left leg. The key is to do these continuously, one right one left or 10 right 10 left. You will help your stretching and balance somewhat. Eventually if it becomes too easy lets say you can do 100 in one go really slow or keep your side kick leg up 10 minutes, use an ankle weight. You'll find that the result is that your kicking will be really fast so this combined with kicking the bag , endurance and power training ... it will give you power and speed and air superiority and your kicks will be so fast that when your opponent is half way executing, you'll have landed your attack.
  8. ... we do value your humble opinion ...
  9. Hey congrats Lori....red brings out the color of your cheeks ... and speaking of cheeks ... check your email girl!!!
  10. That's the spirit Gloi (hey at least you're taking steps while others are sitting on their arse!) ... now stay physically fit & healthy for a bit and work on that tolerance!
  11. Well, take it from me ...( I know I have mentioned this time and time again in my postings) I can't freakin jump! But that hasn't stopped me in my TKD training. I try and at times I can make it look like I can jump....a talent I have acquired! I have tried pilates and do trampoline jumping to get the hang of 'hang time' with my kicks but....yes you can say I have adjusted my style. The regular jumps within the forms I can do like say for instance jump turn 360's....jumping into crouched double low x block (keeping that back straight!)...jump side kicks, etc. Its the double or triple kicks which need hang time in order to follow up with the additional kick or kicks that have me! But yes jumping is important in TKD to perform most of the kicks either for height or to cover distance within the kick executed. _________________ Tae Kwon Do Blk Belt 1st deg./Fitness Kickboxing Instructor (KarateForums Sensei) <font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-11-16 08:30 ]</font>
  12. Eeeeewwwwww!! well, this was an appropriate thread to put this one Sai! Very funny....and I thought I was a practical joker...this lady has me beat! I heard of horse's heads, fishes, but 'turkey inners'? I bet silence is golden now! Happy Thanksgiving to All!
  13. Hey GoldDragon...I think that is exactly wht I posted in Flexibility Determination....re: the spaghetti theory. I see you have heard about it too....or did you reread my post? Anyway, all good advice...although does jumping rope get the body warm? Sure but will it prevent a you from tearing your trapezius when you throw a hook or uppercut or pulling a hamstring when doing a roundhouse to the head? Nope. As with any exercise, the appropriate warm of for whatever activity you are going to be doing, is that same activity in a slower and more controlled manner. Its all in the pelvis/hips to be able to get that stretch...and all in the head! _________________ Tae Kwon Do Blk Belt 1st deg./Fitness Kickboxing Instructor (KarateForums Sensei) [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-11-16 08:01 ]
  14. Hi Henning .... from you post it seems you're doing both the strength and cardio vascualr training which I believe is crucial to martial arts training. Now what you need to decide is whether you are doing them often enough. I belive you can increase both. If you can do your cardio in the morning and weights in the evening...or if you do it back to back do cardio after weights. Increase the weight lifting to more than once a week and the weight /reps you do....and the distance you jog (I suggest you increase this for your cardio to more than twice a week!) You need to draw up a schedule that works for you and keep to it. Let us know what you decide on and how you do!
  15. very nice! Couldn't have said it better myself! There are too many demands put upon us nowadays...job (getting ahead), kids (and their social activities), school (studies), family (and whatewver that entails), spouse/sig. other....and just the idea of immediate gratification that people have in their heads these days. If it takes time to see results or to develop a technique then forget it. I want it now! I see alot of what you have written in your post ChangWuJi ....students joining for a number of different reasons and then again quitting because it hasn't fulfilled whatever goal they were shooting for ...or maybe it is too demanding for them. You have to be 'bitten' by the bug! You gotta want it bad!! You gotta work hard to achieve.... you gotta balance it all to make it work for you... are there many of us still out there?
  16. Hi Gloi (Alison) and Welcome to KarateForums! Despite the fact that asthma may be brought on by cardio vascular activity tolerance is built up over time. In addition to reducing the risk of developing many other diseases, appropriate exercise can help asthmatics reduce stress, sleep better and feel more energized. We have a few students at our school (children especially) that are given the 'A OK' by their doctors to take martial arts as an exercise program. Take extra time to warm up before exercising. A prolonged period of low-level aerobic activity will help prepare your body for higher-intensity exercise. Rest when necessary and listen to what your body is telling you. Don't rush through your cool down; extending it can help prevent the asthma attacks that occur immediately following an exercise session. A warm bath or shower may also help. Listen....we ALL face some sort of challenge in our training be it physical or mental -- Kudos to all who never use that 4 letter word...CAN'T! _________________ Tae Kwon Do Blk Belt 1st deg./Fitness Kickboxing Instructor (KarateForums Sensei) [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-11-16 07:06 ]
  17. I just heard the same thing this morning on tv (local NY show Regis & Kelly)....They were resurrecting dead actors for commercials (John Wayne/Gene Kelly etc.) so why not for movies? This will be a rude awakening for 'live' actors won't it? I wonder if the movie has something to do with the book written by Lous Chunovic "The Tao of the Dragon Warrior.
  18. OK...You all know that I'm flying in 2 weeks....(well, I am) and so everyone has been emailing me all sorts of precautionary stuff. But today I received the best!!! Angus , you'd appreciate this one! It's an Australian commercial (Underdaks) ...do you know it? Well I have the mpeg....and I was going to forward it to you all (Lori do u have an email girl???)...(this one for the ladies actually....Nice luggage Anyway, PM mewith your email address if you'd like me to forward this mpeg entitled "airport security"... _________________ Tae Kwon Do Blk Belt 1st deg./Fitness Kickboxing Instructor (KarateForums Sensei) [ This Message was edited by: KickChick on 2001-11-14 12:42 ]
  19. Might I suggest since this chat thingee is new that when you sign on to the Forum....and you see members signed on .go to the chat room! I have done as you said Patrick and minimized the chat room and go on posting in the forum and then check back to see if anyone comes on. Would be nice to have the feature to see online users!
  20. Yes Patrick...very nice features you have And KSN Doug....I too won't be able to make Fri. nights...thats my 'kickback' night (I won't go into what I do but I won't make it!) But I suggest when you're in the forum to sign into chat and see who is there. I just did and had a real nice chat with SaiFights. Patrick is there a way to minimize the chat and still post in the forum..I tried and unfortunately the chat doesn't come up as a separate window. And Moobrack....we still value your humble opinions and your input is still needed. We will still turn to you for help! I too miss being moderator with you....Fitness is my forte so I will still continue to post and answer those questions in addition to tae kwon do/martial arts related posts!
  21. I have this strange feeling that this 'Survivor' thing is going to be pretty short-lived. There are too many questions regarding the rules and how to play. OK...lets have a go at it...see what happens, but I guess players have to be consistent as to visting this forum on a daily basis...morning - noon - and night. For some of us, that is impossible.
  22. Might I add ... what a nice Staff Page too! http://www.ifroggy.com/karateforums/staff.php
  23. OK so Saturday the 24th it is! Now...if the challenge has to do with posting--is it the 'speed' of getting the post in or correct answer posted??? Reason I'm asking is, I too will be in and out most of weekend. On 24th I will be grading at a belt test at the school (my son is going for his blue belt!)
  24. I know Kickbutt..what a blow to New York... but they will overcome this too. Unfortuntately we are all walking on egg shells now...until this war is over we haven't seen the end.... and on a lighter note::: ....the Yanks had to lose to top it all off ! Rush...my next choice is driving down in a bus full of cheerleaders.... I may just go with the football team instead!!
  25. Hey taezee...I remember the story being about a youth group that rebelled and unified the separate kingdoms of Korea. OK...now I feel I'm back in the 60's! --->rebel youth! Now pass me over a fry and let's go kick some booty! ...(well, we aren't in the 60's any more...that fry will have to do!)
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