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Everything posted by Traymond

  1. Hmmm I dont know Ten No kata. But taikyokyu shodan only has low block and punch so I was thinking that this would be good to learn right after taikyokyu shodan?
  2. Quite a few people still go to the tournaments, except my school and its affiliates. We basically boycot it because the people in the tournaments are always so biased anyways.
  3. I'll look into it thanks.
  4. Thats a good way to look at it I guess
  5. Yeuh its finally rising to about the mid thirties hear in michigan
  6. True buts it the main line no matter what the diversity is for the Og's of the north.
  7. I loved it when I was in South Carolina, never spent much time in the norther part of the carolinas...is it warm their these days?
  8. Uh oh...gettin Gangsta?...Haha
  9. So if I skip a day should I do 400 the next day to keep it in the same amount per week?
  10. Newsletter from Century, it seems that they are some what affiliated now?...
  11. Oh where at in Japan...I been to Okinawa for a while but not to much in japan, I think I spend two weeks in japan, Kyoto to be exact.
  12. Do you know if all the Steve and Barry's closed down?
  13. Getting laid off sucks, thats why im working for commission at the moment, just means I gotta lie a bit thats all...haha.
  14. it would be a good one to teach right after Heian Shodan
  15. Hmmm. So how many situps do you think I should do daily?
  16. My fat intake is very low. I eat mostly omega 3 and 6 fats I eat lots of Tuna and Salmon, and the fats that I do eat are mostly unsaturated fats, not saturated. Im not fat...I just cant seem to lose the stomach, its getting smalled but not much.
  17. Ours went out about two months ago...
  18. Ah I See, I will probably incorporate it as a mid ranking kata for yellow to orange...
  19. This is not a real good view of it but it is the only I found when I typed on youtube. here it is it is a very short kata; Domo, It seems to be a pretty basic kata, when is it taught, I would like to incorporate it into My style some time, its basic enough but yet it has a few different movements than what my students would be use to doing.
  20. Wow so many rules, haha. I always wondered about the korean version of form or kata...and I still wonder about the chinese terms now I have heard people refer to them as Taolu, Wushu, and Lulai...
  21. Ok so far I cut my carbo intake by 3/4 I run the elliptical/treadmill for 2-3 hours total a week and I average about 2500 situps a week so far so good, or should I change something?
  22. Hmmm....so im only burning 45 calories a day off of situps...whuh...
  23. Oh ok..see you learn something new everyday...
  24. When sparring with younger ranks I like to use chalk as my fist...so that It provides a playful motive.
  25. There use to be a place near where I live called Steve and Barry's. I loved it everything was $7.95 It was wonderful...do you guys have anything like that near you?
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