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Everything posted by NewEnglands_KyoSa

  1. At 3rd degree, we earn the title of Certified Instructor. At 4th degree, we earn the title of Jr. Master. At 5th degree, we earn the title of Master. Otherwise, thats it. Let us know how the talk at class goes. I hope the scenario works well for you. we have the korean version of the kempo titling system... it's kyo sa nim(certified instructor), sah bum nim(certified master instructor) and kwan jang nim(certified grandmaster instructor) and then if you are not one of the above titles, you are just a black belt. mr/ms/or mrs so and so, if not you are, kyo sa nim so and so or sah bum nim so and so. and one of the big problems is disrespect and disregard of titles. many people become bitter because they are not selected by the master to be promoted to a title. thats where some of our problems come from. and yes, i'll keep you posted on how the chat goes, hopefully we'll see a change right away! after that its just a matter of whether it sticks with these people.
  2. it's not only v-neck, they have this traditional one as well... http://www.sakuramartialarts.com/Martial_Arts_Uniforms_Karate_Custom_Made_Top_p/uni-9997-a1.htm
  3. that's a very good idea, bushido. we met for a little while this past saturday and came to the concusion that we need to say something before it gets out of hand and the master of my school is quite up set. but we came to the conclusion that it shouldnt be a 'drop for pushups' or 'here is how it is, if you don't follow suit, there'll be a problem' kind of thing. we wanted to do it in a less militaristic manner because it is a tough thing. i'll bring that up when i get to class, thats a very good idea. now here's another question, do any of you guys have titles among black belts that give them rank, like in kempo, theres just black belts, then theres a sensei, then an associate professor, a professor, a senior professor and a grandmaster, and anyone who has tested and earned a title is granted like a higher position, does anyone have that?
  4. ahhh!i found one. great prices too! what a find. go here: http://www.sakuramartialarts.com/Martial_Arts_Custom_Uniforms_s/544.htm
  5. Ah, that's kind of cool. Like bunkai almost, right?yes, just like bunkai except its not the whole form, its just a piece. Thanks guys, Question then, do you take the techniques found in the Pyung Ahns and apply them in any other way outside of the "one steps". uhm yes and no. you find that you might use some of the techniques when doing knife self defense, or hand to hand self defense, or sword self defense, only because you make these up on your own. so are they in anything else in the textbook? not that i can think of. but you might use them in self defense applications.
  6. truly, i think it's just a pick your poison situation. both can be good both can be bad, as with everything. it is said that if you set it up right, anything will work(anything martial arts that is). nobody's going to let you punch them right in the face, but if you set it up right, they can't help it.
  7. Good for you! really, teaching is my passion, i love my students and my art, it's truly the most rewarding thing!
  8. as long as it doesnt affect your MA, and it has nothing to do with it(ie you dont show up to class smashed) i think its a fine thing.
  9. two phrases: 'everybody was kung fu fighing....YAH!' and 'can you do this?': procedes to do crane stance, with arms up like moron and performs a terrible jump front kick and says IYAH!
  10. wow im pretty sure you nailed that in your last few sentances. and yes knowing things says nothing about your teaching ability. i am the only instructor of my rank at my school and theres about five others at my rank, one is a huge man, with a my way or the highway attitude and when he doesnt like what youre doing or how your stance looks he steps on you, let me tell you he's going to step on the wrong person someday. and another one is an over zealous female who has so much enthusiasm and is so excited to teach that shes obnoxious. and do both of them know what THEY are doing? absolutely. can the teach worth a hill of beans? nope. great points and nicely said clouddragon!
  11. my instructors uniform for tsd is very thick and very dense so i was it in cool water with tide (no fabric softener it tends to yellow it) and then i dry it because i have no fear of it shrinking and i dont care if it does, i just want the wear and tear of the dryer so if will continue softening up! as for my kempo uniform, i can wear whatever i want as long as its black, so i have a middleweight uni and i just wash it however because i don't have to worry about stiffness. i do hang it though because i DO have fear of that shrinking.
  12. it looks good to me! i don't have any experience with that form or style but one comment i can make is that i think(not too sure due to bluriness) that you don't appear to be looking in the direction your going or seeming to be focused on what you're doing and kinda lookin at the judges every now and then. so just eye contact, other than that, looked very strong!
  13. heres a quick demo from my school during an intermission of a tournament. nothing big, just something thrown together. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=364xIe6Z-GM
  14. wow that is very interesting zanshin, i have never heard of that before! it makes sense too!
  15. we have separate ones for kids and adults adults go: white yellow orange purple blue green brown(up to three black stripes) then black kids have two stripes in beteween each of those
  16. This i understand, but as one of the senior instructors of my school, i must take notice of these things. It does not worry me at all, i stand at the very front of the line but would not care if, i personally had to stand elsewhere. It has just become a topic among the senior of the schools when we meet because lately we have found people literally fighting for position, and we are thinking of a having a 'humility' talk. I hate rank and don't really care for it that much, it's my school that unfortunately needs to stop worrying.
  17. Among black belts in your school, how does seniority go? How do you know who stands at the very end of the line? Do you feel comfortable about it? Is there anyone here who's ever felt the person who stands above you, shouldnt? Have you ever had an issues with seniority? Just curious because we've had some issues about this and i don't know whether to be completely alarmed or if its normal for schools to go through...
  18. here's one that i've lived: when you're getting an hour long MRI on your completely mutilated ankle and you go through ALL the open handed and weapon forms of TWO different martial arts styles in your head, step-by-step!
  19. here's another one: after a while of having a uniform and in dire need of a new one, don't ask your instructor if you could buy a new costume. had a parent ask me that once, i almost choked her...
  20. don't ask your instructor if you can have nicknames. had a kid ask that once, and as i try to not laugh at my students, i cracked up...then said no. lol
  21. yea i agree with Zanshin, we do the same thing, with the same program, at night for an hour and a half and we charge 5 per person, so not everyone feels obligated to go everyday of the month and people can just pop in on their own time.
  22. ugh man. music absolutely keeps me going, without it, i'd be absolutely nothing in the gym. my playlist usually goes like this: stronger-kanye west harder better faster stronger(techno/original version)- daft punk let the bodies hit the floor-drowning pool here comes the boom-nelly(longest yard version) get em-jr.writer dream on-aerosmith lose yourself-eminem
  23. i'll be working out, and want to quit, want to go for 20 minutes instead of 30 and at the 20 minute mark i'll just grunt and groan and smile, and remind myself that what im doing, nobody else is. think of yourself tougher and stronger than all. you gotta get the attitude that YOU ARE IT. and that this is for YOU. and as for physical toughness, ride through the pain, smile at pain, pain is a good thing, it tells you you're alive and it's the best teacher.
  24. this works killah. you won't believe it, but it does, jump on a treadmill and set the grade(height) to about 12 and set the speed to 3.5(keep moving up as you start to warm up and get into it) and now walk up hill at a fast fast walking pace. usually in about 20 minutes i burn between 250-300 calories and i have a messed up ankle and messed up knees and a messed up back so i can't really run without doing too much damage, the walking is low impact so it won't hurt nearly as much. but it's great for you and will build your endurance you'll feel an endurance change in about a weeks to two weeks worth of doing it. good luck!
  25. my motivation, uhm many things... during workouts i find my motivation in music, and the pain that i feel, those muscles that are tearing themselves down just to rebuild bigger and better. but to get myself to workout, i think of all the people who think i'll never make it, never amount to anything. i think of how much better im going to look when i drop 20 and im in the shape i use to be. motivation is just really a mind set, usually for whatever reason, anger and determination keep me going. and make sure you set goals where you can see results, don't set them so high you can't see results because you will get discouraged and will fall off the wagon. i've been there and done that. just work your tail off, good luck!
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