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Everything posted by NewEnglands_KyoSa

  1. you see thats where i think our problem lies. our titles are more unnofficial you get promoted to a title by the chief master instructor when you are needed. if you are not already a master, you can be a certified instructor, other than that you are just a BB. so when the time comes he will go, you are qualified you have observed teaching time and assistant teaching time in, would you become one of our official instructors, and you can either say yes or no. so we dont test into it and we don't have special patches or any recognition, we just recieve the title Kyo Sa Nim, and you are suppose to be set apart from other black belts by it. i don't think its taken as serioulsy as you guys' titles are. maybe that could be it...idk. we'll see this week what happens.
  2. i drive a driftwood colored 98 jeep grand cherokkee i love it. great trunk space, good for all the weapons, wood and concrete!
  3. Why did this happen? If you don't mind me asking. nahh i don't mind at all. what happened was he was an Instructor at one school but because of a shift, i took over his school and he took over another. well, the school i took over started flourishing and doing exceptionally well meanwhile the school we had him take over went from 35 students to 17 almost overnight! most of the students he had lost were special need or special attention cases. we had a woman(a very respected red belt) come up to me and our chief and talk about how he has scared people away, made people upset, and almost caused a few fights. well after we heard this we were very upset, a few days later the payments for the school came into my chief and it was 200$ which is ridiculously low, and just enough to cover the instructors pay check for the month. so he was losing money, losing students, he had lost hte heart to teach, and at that month's tests his students looked poor. so we told him that his instructor duties were over and he could still keep his 3rd degree and train. and he's currently trying to train for his masters but if i get my way, that won't be this year, im still quite upset.
  4. sautee in pan, back in oven or grille depending on the kind and size there will be instructions on the package but its pretty obvious when its done. but spice it first, i love garlic so if i bake or grille i rub in diff kinds of ground peppers and garlic salt and garlic powder but if im sautee-ing it i will put fresh garlic in the pan, its great! you can do the same with onions, peppers, whatever!
  5. Yes. In my organization there is: Assistant Instructor. Usually only 1st Dan Instructor. At 2nd Dan (although some 1st are eligible for it) Head Instructor (need to be teaching a black belt) Chief Instructor (3rd Dan, teaching an instructor &/or teaching at 2 or more schools) Assistant Master (4th Dan. Usually for those who just want to train, rather than teach.) Master. 4th Dan (training head or chief instructors) Master Instructor. 5th Dan (similar requirements) Chief Master. 6th Dan (similar requirements) Professor. 7th Dan (similar requirements) Grandmaster. 8th Senior Grandmaster. 9th Someone above said something about different ranks of black belt having different issues. My GM is fond of saying that 3rd Dans ask the most questions. Well, at least that's what he says to me. wow thats alot of titles, good God, if you don't mind how do you earn them, do you have to test or are they given to you when you meet the requirements and when you are ready?
  6. i think it has some applications, but i wouldnt buy one only because you have a makeshift pocket stick already on you...your cell phone. i was at a multi-style seminar that did a million at once, i did one on kicking but next to me, was self defense with a cell phone and it taught you how you can hold it, how you can hit with it, etc. it was great because 90 percent of society has one, now you just have to remember that you can use it as such!
  7. Ah, that's kind of cool. Like bunkai almost, right?yes, just like bunkai except its not the whole form, its just a piece. Thanks guys, Question then, do you take the techniques found in the Pyung Ahns and apply them in any other way outside of the "one steps". uhm yes and no. you find that you might use some of the techniques when doing knife self defense, or hand to hand self defense, or sword self defense, only because you make these up on your own. so are they in anything else in the textbook? not that i can think of. but you might use them in self defense applications. I see thanks for explaining. It sounds very similar to something we have in Wado called "Ohyo" Kumite. They are a set of paired techniques that are designed for the student to learn the principles behind the techniques found in Kata. yea those sound like a mirror image of ours.
  8. essentially it is a ridiculous argument, anything can work as long as its set up properly, youre not going to take someone down without a quickstrike first, youre not going to have a enough time to throw a kick to the head without a quickstrike and a set up to a good angle first. and of course strikes should be strategic, if they weren't...well you can imagine. but a good amount of strikes cause pain, discomfort, or disruption of one center(simply put balance)
  9. well if you are all paid up in dues, this is odd. but keep in mind, rank isnt everything and time doesnt =rank. now besides that, i would calmly and cooly ask your instructor, "sir during those 1-2 months i would like to know what i should be working on, what im not ready with yet' and feel him out and see what he says. it does sound odd if others are truly slacking and you are working hard but, if your dues arent paid that might be why, also you might want to be considering where you are training if you do not get a reasonable response. good luck let us know how it goes.
  10. try not to go north to south, it limits your opportunities to ever follow up and retreating can only hurt you. instead try to move in circles, it makes it much easier to block and counter. also, unless you are fighting a blind folded partner you won't score on the first strike so whatever you do, double up! and find combos you are comfortable with, theres a million of them, adapt three and make them your own and you'll be fine!
  11. Tang Soo Do and Chinese Kempo for me
  12. this has and hasnt happened to us. we dismissed one of our instructors. he still around and he is still a BB but he is just a student, we dismissed him of his instructly duties.
  13. does anybody have titles among black belts, or something other than physical rank among black belts?
  14. the groin is a quick response especially in self defense situations and when talking to women, but its actually been proven that groins are just a little below OK but not a great idea. for many reasons including it doesnt take much to cut off the target, just simply turning to the side, then you are off balance and they are not(big trouble!) also it isnt a big target(in most cases ) so missing and slipping are very easy. also its not an extremely painful target, is it painful, heck yeah, but nothing in comparison to a punch or kick anywhere else, and its certainly not deadly, so a few seconds later the man's reaction to your groin kick is going to be a hugely angry reaction where now you have bigger problems than you probably began with. kneecaps are also a little bit of a risk, its best to attack those from the side...not the kneecap itself per-se. but then again, anything can work if its set up properly, how you'll set somebody up to spread-em beats me You must be girl because any man knows that the groin is the mother of all pain haha. No but seriously, it is the most painful place to get struck, I would rather take 10 punches to the head than that. You do make good point it not being the easiest place to strike however, especially the kneecap is a small target to be aiming at. ok, sure it's painful(keep in mind everyones pain tolerance is different so, maybe some guys are more apt to feel pain there or deal with it, that goes for everyone). but the great pain doesn't take away from the response level. the response level to that kind of strike(to that area), is a very quick one, pain or no pain. it also causes a a more angry reaction because of the place of impact too, for example would you be more ticked off getting punched in the face during a fight, or slapped in the face, for whatever reason, the anger and emotion response responds more to the slap even though it most likely hurt less. you will get the same response out of the groin. its a quick reaction and an angry one at that, pain or no pain.
  15. yes, i dont know what it is, something in the water or whatever, but theres about a half a dozen black belts who are regularly there who regularly make higher ranks very angry. i just hope its a phase, im quite sick of it. although i thought there'd be problems in other schools, now it makes me feel like im surrounded by ego-maniacs
  16. WOW. now that i think about the people we're having difficulty with, you are right on the mark. they all feel inferior in some other part of their life, that a black belt makes them feel on top of the world, wow, you are absolutely right
  17. oh yeah. i've seen the type. and no offense fellas but its usually the guys. we have the older guy, who thinks because he's old as dirt, he owns the dirt we all walk on. we have the big muscle man, who has no finese at all and because he's big, all the space in the room is his. and then there's the kids who just push and shove and its ridiculous, for them the answer is easy, throw a few pushups at em once or twice and then don't do it again, the problem is with the black belts they've all got this self entitlement attitude that makes them all our chiefs right hand man. and with adults, its a humility issue, so giving push ups wouldnt even help...ridiculous. i still have no idea what im going to propose to do with these people. but let me tell yah it happens while im teaching tonight im likely to crazy. so if any of you guys are watching the news and see "karate instructor goes wrong" thats me, and the problem has still not been solved
  18. That’s a shame NewEnglands_KyoSa, it's not about that, as you obviously know. What stance is your instructor taking over all of this? Is he/she happy to let this go on? I doubt it. Sort of detracts from the whole reason to train really. well as i said earlier, none of us like it, all the seniors of the school shake our head when we see this occur, we have brought it up to our master and he told us how disappointed he was too, but wasn't sure if he was seeing all of it. so now that we have all seen the this occur we're trying to figure out ways to go out 'fixing' this black mark in their training. that's why im trying to get feed back as to how certain styles define rank and what not, and how they hold their ranks.
  19. as much as you don't seem to care for the system, i think thats a good idea actually, because seniority doesn't necessarily mean rank, its also time too. thats one of the problems we have, we have a black belt transfer at our school who we let keep rank, and has no humility towards those who have been here before.
  20. well you have a very humble school sir. can you maybe share the humility with mine? they don't seem to get it
  21. the groin is a quick response especially in self defense situations and when talking to women, but its actually been proven that groins are just a little below OK but not a great idea. for many reasons including it doesnt take much to cut off the target, just simply turning to the side, then you are off balance and they are not(big trouble!) also it isnt a big target(in most cases ) so missing and slipping are very easy. also its not an extremely painful target, is it painful, heck yeah, but nothing in comparison to a punch or kick anywhere else, and its certainly not deadly, so a few seconds later the man's reaction to your groin kick is going to be a hugely angry reaction where now you have bigger problems than you probably began with. kneecaps are also a little bit of a risk, its best to attack those from the side...not the kneecap itself per-se. but then again, anything can work if its set up properly, how you'll set somebody up to spread-em beats me
  22. i wish all martial artists had your attitude, especially ones of my school. if they did i wouldnt have had to make this post!(i do enjoy posting and getting everyones opinions though!)
  23. well, so far its been two weeks since i've gotten serious about my resolutions! down ten pounds already, it's amazing what you can do when you actually commit to it!
  24. i don't think thats necessarily pulling rank, and abuse of seniority maybe. but if they are instructors they are definately not doing their job, and thats the sign of a poor instructor. go to the master or senior instructor to ask you questions, if not, ask them here! we won't ignore you BB of C!
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