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Everything posted by NewEnglands_KyoSa

  1. i like that...what program did you use(dreamweaver, frontpage..?)
  2. good luck and congrats on your kid!
  3. well, im in charge of building my school's website. i actually ended up taking this project from another black belt because nothing was being done/updated on the site. so now im responsible for it, and lets just say its not going well. i need to start off with a template or an idea for a template. i wont give you guys the link to the site, because thats how awful it looks right now, i couldnt even think about showing it to you guys. anyway does anyone here design there school's site or have any template ideas or thing their school's site has a good design i could look at? anything and i mean anything will help. thanks in advanced!
  4. thanks! i was totally caught off guard too... i was like hey...where's my avatar...eh never mind...i like this one better...
  5. wow that's a great story BB...keep it up! and good luck with your style!
  6. as long as its in both of your best interests and it won't mess with your MAs go for it. and good luck!
  7. kempo, yes jujitsu, no.
  8. Honestly, there in no rule that says you have to buy anything, but the schools uniform from your sensei. I would not feel bad buying the shoes at all and then if asked, explain why, maybe he will start looking for bargains and start selling for less. many studios sell their own stuff, but i havent heard of one that tends to force you to buy their stuff, it just sounds kinda desperate, but go, and bargain hunt...i would not lose 35dollars to please someone. good luck!
  9. Good luck! let us know how it goes!
  10. Welcome! Looking forward to your contributions to our community!
  11. Hey there! Welcome!
  12. yes, it is a rule that when any one person forgets any one piece of their uniform they have to stand at the dead end of the line.
  13. thanks! and kudos to you for setting those goals! good luck and i hope 2008 finds you in good luck, health, and all you wish in MAs!
  14. wow, that is one of the best ideas i have heard in a long long time. i was just complaining the other day about what a dent boards make in my wallet...all just to break them! i might just have to steal taht idea from you Yamesu, that is a great idea!
  15. really? thats really disgusting. i knew people try to fade them by 'shaving' them or hanging them off the back of a car and dragging them, or washing them but i have never heard of them getting ordered not only do i question the character of those purchasing but i question the character of those selling the belts and creating such a website. that's terrible.
  16. I joined martial arts because when i was about 6 i did karate with my dad who did karate at a local studio with a really close family friend and of course i was real young so it didnt mean too much to me. my mom joined after a while as well, and when i got to purple belt my whole family quit because my mom had twins on the way. as a little kid i knew nothing of humility, so i'd tell all my friends and acquantences all the time that i did karate, so one day my parents got sick of my childish ways and said..."katie, hunnie you never really earned those belts, they were given to you." so, i was disappointed and never spoke of karate again, but it always stuck in the back of my mind. so one day, in middle school i saw an ad come home for after school programs and on the list was karate, so i picked it up with the intent of proving everyone wrong. it's safe to say i have done so many many years later with dan degrees in two arts and an instructor of the art. that's my story, now why did you join martial arts?
  17. Thats cool, do you feel you get a lot out of it? absolutely. even though we are responsible for creating them on our own, masters from the past do help us and show us what they did. but every group prides themselves on having new different ideas. i think it is very helpful because we have already learned open handed, knife, gun, and sword(club for real life situations) defense so with all those tools, to transfer it to sitting is very very cool. you learn that you don't have as much power, so you learn to manipulate your attackers body through locks and the theory of two cirlces. i definately feel that it is worth it, and sensible because im actually injured in my left ankle and need a surgery, so im sitting alot and one demo we had, i did a sitting break and a sitting self defense scenario and just having that injury made me realize the worth of sitting self defense, because you don't always have your feet or your body weight.
  18. We practice it at our tang soo do school. it is a requirement for our masters test...seated self defense. in a chair, kneeling, sitting cross legged...etc...
  19. this is how its spelled out in our manual along with the blurb at the bottom. our master instructor is adamant about this, considering he, himself is the towns detective...hope this helps, and hope it pastes out right... Threat Level Response Threat Level One Defense Technique One --- Demonstrate Confidence Threat Level Two --- Frighten you Defense Technique Two --- Demonstrate Superiority Threat Level Three --- Cause you pain Defense Technique Three --- Subdue aggressor Threat Level Four --- Cause you serious injury Defense Technique Four --- Cause aggressor severe pain Threat Level Five --- Kill you Defense Technique Five --- Cause unconsciousness (cause death only in the most severe situations) The basic purpose of any form of Self Defense is to perform a Direct Defense Technique that meets but does not exceed your opponent's Threat Level. Evaluating the threat level that is being presented by an aggressor is critical to your ability to create the proper response. If the aggressor’s Threat Level is to embarrass you, use a Defense Technique that demonstrates confidence. It is important not to apply a more forceful response than is necessary for the situation. If your opponent should increase the Threat Level to the highest degree by trying to kill you, you may have to use a Defense Technique that is equal to or stronger than the aggressors to protect your life. Defense Techniques that cause severe pain or unconsciousness will subdue the aggressor and allow you the chance to escape. Consider the seriousness of the damage you can render as a student of the martial arts. Never deliver more force than necessary. Excessive force or brutality on your part can result in serious emotional/legal/financial problems in your life. Consider this as you learn how to defend yourself.
  20. i also have a diagram, i put in the back of my schools training manual...let me know if youre interested, i'll send it to you somehow.
  21. well this has happened to me and i've seen it happen to others multiple times...some tournaments have a traditional division and then an open one...so look for those, but besides that, the ones that dont have separate divisions, you have to be careful of.
  22. i think both are best. i dont think you can really set one out of the other because both are best for certain situations. think of the opposite circles theory when it comes to taking people down, linear lines would never work in that situation on the other hand theres some linear moves that wouldnt have the same effect if you put a roundhouse or circular movement into it. i think its all about preference and especially situation.
  23. simply stated... this guys makes ALOT of empty promises, on a very public site...that screams bad to me...
  24. this may not make too much sense, as its hard to describe... i'd place the thumb of my right hand on the back of the attacker's hand, place my other four digits under the wrist, and you peel away clockwise, and roll with the attacker and hold for a wrist lock...and now you have the choice, fight, flight, or call and let someone else handle it
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