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Everything posted by NewEnglands_KyoSa

  1. wow some of you guys have great set ups going. where i teach, i teach in two different rooms on any given night. one room is closed off but with plexiglass windows at the entrance on the entire wall so parents can sit right outside the windows(literally) and watch and listen because plexi glass isnt sound proof and well, maybe im a sorta loud teacher! the other room is closed off for the most part so parents are allowed in and sit up the back of the room. it's annoying and it causes problems. i personally wish parents, spouses, grandparents, friends, whatever would just stay away. they cause more harm than good.
  2. well, i know its alittle late but. just in case you didnt get what you wanted yet. in my opinion after almost a decade in the arts, all sparring gear is the same. its all foam dipped and a pain in the butt. so i'd look for the best price. martialartsmart.net and karatedepot.com have some of the best prices while century on the other hand often has the worst prices. good luck in your search.
  3. ugh well, my 'essential kit' is rediculous. back when i was just a student, i'd have the biggest bag alive. it was one of those century vinyl large bags...it was disgusting. i had fighting gear in it, tonfas, sias, foam chuks. then i had paperwork in the sides like fliars. change of clothes. anything you can imagine. now that im an instructor, and just don't care that much about having everything in the world in my bag, i just carry my briefcase with all my paperwork and about a dozen rubber throwing stars in it, and a change of clothes and thats it.
  4. i suggest eosinpanther but only if you don't mind spending a few bucks. but i got my black belt from karatedepot.com years ago, and i still have it, its white in places but its in one piece. and i love it. it's perfect.
  5. i just tell my students that it will hurt MORE if they do not hit it as hard as they can as opposed to babying it. so, to avoid the pain, these kids hit like its their job!
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