Hello, we are fast approaching the end of this year, I was looking for some kind of new year goal post, but didn't find one (Apologies if I simply missed it!) I used to be quite enthusiastic about setting goals for the new year, but to be honest, since becoming a family man and then when the covid pandemic hit, my simple goal has just been to survive... Which I am please to report I have been achieving! But now since I have returned to an old dojo about 4/5 months ago this have revived my views towards my training and goals... So my main goal within the new/old club is to keep up the attendance that I have maintained for the past 4/5 months but I would also like to learn the rest of their kata (I currently know 9 out of their 11 kata, but I am half way through learning the 10th one already. Within my own karate I would like to simply maintain practise of the syllabus and kata to ensure I don't forget them. and to also keep up visiting the dojo once a month with select members to keep my karate alive (some black belts from the new/old club have expressed interest in training with me and learning from my style, so wish to make sure I can still deliver for those individuals). Also with my revival of training enthusiasm, I have been focusing more on Kobudo training and have learnt some kata there that and I simply wish to maintain and study further. Aside from the martial art side of things, in my everyday life I have the simple goal of just trying to keep up! we have a 3 year old and a 1 year old. My wife makes the majority of the plans, and it can be very difficult to try and keep up with what we are doing! a lot of the times I just feel like I'm along for the ride! So this year I want to try and focus more there so I know whats going on! What about yourselves? any goals or thoughts on the upcoming year?