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Brandon Fisher

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Everything posted by Brandon Fisher

  1. Depends on what you are looking for exactly.
  2. Goju Ryu would serve you well I think as would a good Shorin Ryu school. But the chinese origin stays strong in Goju Ryu because of its founder Chojin Miyagi having gone to China to train and further his knowledge.
  3. I agree with PAL on this. The way Pal described the cat stance is exactly how I practice as well and I have devoloped mine where it is very strong. However it didn't come easily and took some time. Also as already said you are using different muscles in your legs then you are probably used to and that makes a difference. Strengthen your legs more but take it slow. I have gotten to the point where last time I tried I was able to leg press 600lbs when I weighed less then 130lbs. karate stances are great to build leg strength.
  4. I agree being a honorable / good person is essential. I personally am saddened by the people that think martial arts are only about fighting. There is so much more to it. Remember the Okinawans are very peaceful people they fought to save their lives, that is how karate came to be.
  5. Practice hard and get them so they are second nature. This way your confidence in the techniques will help get you through.
  6. I have seen some Shotokan dojos teach Yoko Tobi Geri and Mae Tobi geri but they are not used alot.
  7. I would say with them being associated with Oyata Sensei you will be in good hands.
  8. Good points. But I would change one thing: Not just about their martial art but about anything.
  9. Yes karate uses knees commonly known has Hiza Geri.
  10. I prefer a solid white gi with the styles patch and sometimes the 2 patches of the the associations I support.
  11. I start my students about shichi or roku kyu.
  12. My suggestion is choose your best kata.
  13. Why not? Each movement is supposed to be used for literal fighting unless you consider kata just dancing? You are only looking at the literal movement not the oyo, or kakushi in it. You are making the same mistake that many many karate-ka make and its from a lack of in depth education on kata.
  14. I think that you need to study it deeper. You can't look at just the literal movement shown in the kata.
  15. I can't visualize it and I don't remember that name from my Shorin Ryu Shorinkan training. I assume you are assciated with Kyoshi Perry being in Charlotte I would ask him. I have heard many good things about him and I would imagine he would answer your question. If I saw itbeing done and knew thats what you are doing I may be able to explain it.
  16. Do you have a link to the schools website?
  17. Courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-Control, indomitable spirit, respect, self-defense, confidence, calmer temper, problem solving, and a whole lot more that I could jsut keep going. I devoloped great amount of focus, proved that to some of my students tonight. Took on three at once but only one stood at the end, even though they got some good body shots in nothing to bad though. I have fought to save my life on 2 occasions and I tell you its nothing to brag about in fact its very humbling.
  18. Glad everyone ejoyed them
  19. I am not sure why it was done they way it was originally Itosu must of had his reasons. I think it first switched around with Funakoshi though.
  20. Typically Pinan Shodan is the Heian Nidan of shotokan for the most part anyway. Yeah the bunkai is very cool
  21. I know of a karate style that uses brute force. Anyway Goju Ryu is a good option even Shorin Ryu uses some circular motion.
  22. Thats was very petty of that Sensei, personally I would not want my child in a dojo like that. Been there done that.
  23. I am not sure where you got that from but you have unfortunetly been misinformed. Give him a break; he's a lawyer from Illinois, and from the mid-to-late 1800s, afterall. LOL
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